PACE Mentoring: Applications Extended for Spring 2021
Applications for PACE Mentoring Spring 2021 have been extended until 11th of July!
PACE Mentoring is an industry mentoring program that matches jobseekers and students with disability with experienced professionals from leading Australian businesses.
The program is a great opportunity for jobseekers and students to:
- Build confidence
- Develop employability skills
- Learn some top tips to get a head start on your career
- Experience professional and personal development
- There are also virtual mentoring opportunities for students and jobseekers too!
Stories from previous PACE Mentees
“My main goal when I started PACE was to find a job. Simon helped me with my resume and gave me tools and tips to support my job search. We practiced mock interviews and he gave me some good practical feedback’
– Curtis from the 2017 PACE Mentoring cohort who recieved 3 job offers post program
Read more great stories from PACE Mentoring
Organisations participating in Spring 2021
- Melbourne: Manpower, Medibank, Cummins, Victorian Department of Education & Training, Golbert + Tobin, Victoria Department of Jobs, Precints and Regions, Deakin University, ANZ Bank, Victoria Department of Treasury and Finance, Vision Australia.
- Adelaide: Bendigo and Adelaide Bank, ANZ Bank and ACIC (Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission)
- Brisbane: ANZ Bank and Vision Australia
- Sydney: Manpower, Sanofi, Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission, ANZ Bank and Gilbert + Tobin
- Perth: ANZ Bank and Gilbert + Tobin
- Canberra: Manpower, ANZ Bank, ACIC (Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission) and the Digital Transformation Agency
Who is eligible?
- Anyone 18 years or over with any type of disability, mental health condition or chronic illness is eligible for the PACE Mentoring Program.
Mentoring opportunities are in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Canberra, Perth & Adelaide.
*Please note that mentors from Cummins are participating again, based in Scoresby. These are great opportunities for students to be matched with mentors who are based near Clayton
There are also some virtual mentoring opportunities for students and jobseekers.
*Find out more about PACE Mentoring here!