Applications Open Now for Spring 2020
PACE Mentoring applications are open now for Spring 2020. The AND Programs team would like to invite you to an information session that will go through the program in more detail.
To participate in the webinar you will need to dial in to the teleconference for audio and the webinar for visuals. Login details are below for you:
Step 1: Click here to login to the webinar website and enter this code into the ‘I am a participant’ field: 6367393293
Step 2: Call the Teleconference number: 1800 896 323 and enter the participant code: 6367 393 293#
Please advise AND if you have any accessibility requirements for the session. They can arrange for live captioning if advised in advance.
Positive Action towards Career Engagement (PACE) connects students and jobseekers with disability with mentors from leading Australian businesses.
What is PACE Mentoring?
The program is a four-month commitment between August and November.
Mentors and mentees meet approximately eight times during the four months. During the program, the mentee and mentor will set goals and desired outcomes, discuss experiences, skills, and career pathways.
Activities may include:
- Reviewing resumes and cover letters
- Mock interviews
- Worksite visits
- Networking with other professionals
- Discussing workplace adjustments
- Building confidence
- Mapping career objectives
- Understanding key strengths and abilities
To be eligible for the program, applicants must be over the age of 18 and identify as having disability.
- Wed 20 May 2020 12pm – 1pm (AEST)
- Webinar:; Teleconference: ph. 1800 896 323, Participant Code: 6367 393 293
AND are also running additional sessions, if this time doesn’t suit. Click here to view all session times.
We hope to see you at the session!
Kind regards,
The Programs Team (Philip, Tess, Rosie & Isabel)
Stepping Into & PACE Mentoring
Level 3, 80 Clarence St, Sydney, 2000
Level 1, 2 Queen St, Melbourne, 3000
T 1300 36 36 45 | W | E