Archive for the ‘News’ Category

Alumni to Student Mentoring Program

Friday, June 12th, 2020

Are You a Final-Year Undergraduate Student?

If you’re a final-year student, we’d like to recognise the contribution you have made to your fellow students by inviting you to join the Alumni to Student mentoring program. You’ll benefit from your mentor’s career experiences and insights, as you prepare to complete your final year of study and move on to the workplace.

In this program, you’ll work together with your mentor to focus on your professional development and growth, potential career paths, and successful transition to the workplace.

This program starts in semester two.

Apply now

  • Applications for Alumni to Student mentoring program close Friday 3 July.
  • We look forward to receiving your application!

Best wishes,

Mentoring at Monash


alumni to student mentoring

Respectful Communities Art Prize

Monday, June 8th, 2020

Monash Artists Give Respect

We can’t create a respectful community alone – we need your help. You can do this by getting involved in our Give Respect X Respectful Communities Art Prize. Give Respect is a student and staff collaboration that aims to promote respectful behaviour at Monash.

How to enter

You’ll need to submit an original piece of art (previous works are allowed) that relates to one of the themes listed. It could be visual art, photography or poetry.

Submissions are due on or before 31 August 2020. Please see this Monash Artists Give Respect web page for more information on entry and prizes available.

Curtin University Survey

Monday, June 8th, 2020

Supporting Students with Disability to Succeed in Higher Education

Associate Professor Tim Pitman, Senior Research Fellow, School of Education, Curtin University, and Equity Fellow, National Centre for Student Equity in Higher Education (NCSEHE) would like to know what barriers students with disability face, both at university and when getting the work they want after graduation.

Associate Professor Pitman is promoting a survey that he is conducting as part of a national project, funded by the National Centre for Student Equity in Higher Education. The project is being overseen by an advisory group chaired by Professor Katie Ellis (Curtin University) and includes members from the Australian Disability Clearinghouse on Education and Training (ADCET) and Vision Australia.

About The Project

The project is being conducted by Tim Pitman (Curtin University) and David Eckstein (Swinburne University) and is funded by a grant from the National Centre for Student Equity in Higher Education.

The survey is designed to gather feedback from students with disability as well as staff working in higher education institutions, regardless of whether or not their job role involves supporting students with disability.

Your opinions and experience are sought to help Australia’s universities do more to help students with disability get the work they want when they graduate. Students with disability are under-represented in the labour market. You can make a difference by contributing to national research into:

  • the university environment,
  • how universities support these students’ careers, and
  • new things that can be done to help.

Prize Draw

Students completing the student survey will be eligible for entry into a prize draw. There will be ten winners, each receiving a $100 Amazon gift voucher.

Further information about the surveys:

15 for 15 Challenge

Monday, May 25th, 2020

How You Can Support Monash with Fundraising for Prader-Willi Syndrome (PWS)

In May 2020, the 15 for 15 challenge will raise awareness and funds for Prader-Willi Syndrome.

Money raised will assist the Department of Paediatrics at Monash University to develop a desperately needed state-wide, evidence-based model of care for children with Prader-Willi Syndrome.

The project will be led by Professor Katrina Williams at the department of paediatrics at Monash University in close consultation with Assoc. Professor Tom Connell from the Royal Children’s Hospital. The program will be developed for implementation at both major Victorian paediatric hospitals (Monash Children’s Hospital and the Royal Children’s Hospital) with regional links.

So what is the 15 for 15 Challenge and how can you get involved?

What do you think you could do for a 15-day self-challenge? Perhaps you could give up your daily coffee, or walk a certain amount of kilometres each day, you could style your hair crazily each day or wear Orange clothing (the official colour of PWS Awareness) each day?

The choice is yours but it needs to be something that both you and those close to you, see as a distinct challenge so they will sponsor and perhaps even join you.

We have all been in lock-down over the past couple of months and a lot of us still have a little more time on our hands than usual. Here is a chance to contribute to a worthy cause and do something that will challenge yourself.

Global Accessibility Awareness Day

Wednesday, May 20th, 2020

Resources to use and share this Global Accessibility Awareness Day

#GAAD – From Australian Network on Disability

Thursday 21 May 2020 marks the 9th annual celebration of Global Accessibility Awareness Day (GAAD) and the first year of celebrating it virtually! It is an opportunity to get people thinking, talking and learning about digital accessibility and inclusion.

Digital accessibility is about designing and developing websites, software, applications, and tools that can be used by everyone. At a time where many people are working remotely, it is especially important for organisations to make sure communication and information can be easily read and understood by all potential audiences.

To discover some practical tips to make your content accessible and inclusive, please see this article on Australian Network on Disability’s website.

Free Workshops: Surviving COVID-19

Thursday, May 14th, 2020

Free Online Workshops – Register Now!

In this unprecedented semester of COVID-19, many students are grappling with the challenges of maintaining motivation and a positive mindset.

To support students with their mental wellbeing and study skills, Library learning skills advisers have partnered with university counsellors to co-teach the below online workshops.

These live, interactive workshops will provide students with practical strategies for mental health, study motivation and time management.

Workshop 1

  • Surviving Covid-19 and staying motivated (repeat)
  • 2:00pm, Friday 15 May

Workshop 2

  • Exam busters
  • 1:00pm, Thursday 11 June
A video of the previous Surviving COVID-19 and staying motivated session (held in week 5) can also be viewed here.

PACE Mentoring Spring 2020: Information Session

Thursday, May 14th, 2020

Applications Open Now for Spring 2020

PACE Mentoring applications are open now for Spring 2020.  The AND Programs team would like to invite you to an information session that will go through the program in more detail.

To participate in the webinar you will need to dial in to the teleconference for audio and the webinar for visuals. Login details are below for you:

Step 1:  Click here to login to the webinar website and enter this code into the ‘I am a participant’ field: 6367393293

Step 2:  Call the Teleconference number: 1800 896 323 and enter the participant code: 6367 393 293#

Please advise AND if you have any accessibility requirements for the session. They can arrange for live captioning if advised in advance.

Positive Action towards Career Engagement (PACE) connects students and jobseekers with disability with mentors from leading Australian businesses.

What is PACE Mentoring?

The program is a four-month commitment between August and November.

Mentors and mentees meet approximately eight times during the four months. During the program, the mentee and mentor will set goals and desired outcomes, discuss experiences, skills, and career pathways.

Activities may include:

  • Reviewing resumes and cover letters
  • Mock interviews
  • Worksite visits
  • Networking with other professionals
  • Discussing workplace adjustments
  • Building confidence
  • Mapping career objectives
  • Understanding key strengths and abilities

To be eligible for the program, applicants must be over the age of 18 and identify as having disability.

  • Wed 20 May 2020 12pm – 1pm (AEST)
  • Webinar:; Teleconference: ph. 1800 896 323, Participant Code: 6367 393 293

AND are also running additional sessions, if this time doesn’t suit. Click here to view all session times.

We hope to see you at the session!
Kind regards,

The Programs Team (Philip, Tess, Rosie & Isabel)

Stepping Into & PACE Mentoring

Level 3, 80 Clarence St, Sydney, 2000

Level 1, 2 Queen St, Melbourne, 3000

1300 36 36 45  |  W  |  E


Monday, May 4th, 2020


30 years ago – on 17 May, 1990 – the World Health Organisation (WHO) removed homosexuality from the Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems.

IDAHOBIT recognises this day, and it’s used to celebrate LGBTIQ people globally, and raise awareness for the work still needed.

Our Commitment to Diversity and Inclusion

Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Vice-President (Education) and Monash LGBTIQ Executive Sponsor, Professor Susan Elliot, says IDAHOBIT is a great expression of the inclusive culture we strive for as a University.

“IDAHOBIT is a day where we publicly state that we stand always with our LGBTIQ colleagues, family, and friends. It’s part of our commitment to ending discrimination,” Professor Elliot says.

“Let’s come together virtually to speak up for those who can’t, share stories and learn from others, and celebrate our diversity. Together, we’ll continue achieving inclusion and equality for all in our community, and contribute to breaking the silence.”

*For more information about the week’s events for students and staff, see Monash’s IDAHOBIT week website.

NDIS Plan Information Session

Friday, May 1st, 2020

Getting the Most Out of Your NDIS Plan Information Session for Victorians

  • If you find yourself saying “I have my NDIS plan; what are the next steps?”, then this session could be for you!

The Australian Federation of Disability Organisations (AFDO) Disability Loop team has developed an information session for people with disability and their families or carers, called “Getting the Most Out of Your NDIS Plan”. The information and resources you will receive from the session have been designed to assist you to gain maximum benefit when putting your plan into action.

The next information session is being held online in May:

  • Part 1 – 20th May 2020, 11:00am to 12:30pm.
  • Part 2 – 22nd May 2020, 11:00am to 12:30pm.

Information Sessions Online

Because of the need to avoid face-to-face meetings during the COVID-19 pandemic, information sessions are being held online. However, if you don’t have the ability to use the internet, you can telephone into the meeting with a standard landline or mobile phone at normal call costs. More information on how to join the meeting will be provided to you once you register.

How To Get the Most Out of Your NDIS Plan

During the session, they will cover understanding your plan, how to find and work with service providers, options if you have concerns about your plan or when using it, how to prepare for your next plan and how to use your plan to live a better life in the community.

  • You will be given many useful suggestions and tips, and feel more empowered and confident in how to implement your NDIS plan.
  • Accessible materials and supports are used for attendees. Alternative formats are available if needed. A transcript of the session will be provided afterwards.
  • The session will be held in two parts on two different days and will run for about one and a half hours for each part. You are encouraged, if possible, to attend both parts.

You can learn more about our NDIS sessions and register by visiting ADFO’s Disability Loop Events page.

Getting the Most Out of Your NDIS Plan

Wednesday 20th and Friday 22nd May 2020, 11:00am to 12:30pm.

  • Please register by 13th May 2020.

If you have any questions or would like assistance with registering, please email or call us on (03) 9662 3324.

AND Update

Monday, April 27th, 2020

Keep inclusion on the agenda while working from home

Due to the unprecedented nature of COVID-19, we will be running our PACE mentoring program virtually this Autumn. We are grateful that technology can allow us to provide our PACE mentoring program in a virtual capacity, allowing organisations to keep access and inclusion on their agenda while working remotely.

Looking after your mental health during the coronavirus outbreak

The rapid spread of COVID-19 worldwide is creating heightened levels of uncertainty and change in both business and personal lives. This in turn, is having adverse effects on mental health.

Beyond Blue recognises and understands the feelings of anxiety, distress and concern many people may be experiencing in relation to the coronavirus (COVID-19) and offers some advice on how to look after your wellbeing.

Find out more about how to look after your mental health during the coronavirus outbreak.