Archive for the ‘News’ Category

MONASH Wellbeing

Monday, April 27th, 2020

Maintain Your Wellbeing at Home

We hope you’re safe and well during this time and are taking the opportunity to get more connected with yourself, your family and the environment.

Please find below a list of programs and opportunities that will help you maintain your health and wellbeing while at home.

World Hand Hygiene Day-5th of May 2020

The World Health Organisation’s annual call to action for healthcare professionals means that safer care and improved outcomes are provided to patients.  Hand hygiene is one of the most effective actions to reduce the spread of pathogens and prevent infections.  We are aware of this now more than ever with the COVID-19 pandemic.  And this message is the only thing we want spread in the community!

Soap + water + time = Good Hand Hygiene

Alcohol hand rub is still in short supply and while it is a convenient way to keep up your hand hygiene, soap and water is shown to be more effective.  The two most important steps to remember with use of soap and water are:

  1. time – 20 seconds is the minimum time to take when washing your hands, to ensure full coverage, and
  2. to make sure to scrub your whole hands – the backs of your hands, between your fingers, your fingertips and under your nails.

No gym, No worries

Monash Sport have got your back and have created daily 30 min workouts that you can bring into your backyard or into your lounge room. Catering to all levels of ability, this is an opportunity for you to move your body during the day and get the family or kids involved too. Check Active Bodies Online for details on what activity is happening each day.

The Mothers Day Classic has now gone VIRTUAL!

Join TeamMonash on Sunday the 10th of May in either a 4km or 8km virtual walk or run in your local area to support breast cancer research.

Given the challenging times we are experiencing, we want to take this opportunity to provide a distraction, a motivation and a reason for you to be a part of something special, to practice some self care and to get your families involved too.  Register here to join

Let’s all meditate online

We are excited to announce that the free lunchtime meditation classes have now moved online via zoom. Join us at 1:15pm every Monday, Tuesday and Thursday and bring yourself back to the present moment. Zoom links can be found here

GradWISE Update

Monday, April 27th, 2020

GradWISE Appointments still Available

For all Students and Graduates who are part and wishing to be part of the GradWISE program, all appointments will continue as planned, these appointments will be now be held with your consultant via either Zoom, phone call or FaceTime meetings – your consultant will be in-touch to confirm which medium is best for you.

The decision to pause all on-campus meetings is due to the implemented social  distancing and to enable the safety of not only the GradWISE Students and Graduates but their families and loved ones as well.

We are looking forward to helping you navigate through your student journey towards employment and beyond.

If you are wishing to book-in a time to see what the GradWISE team can do for you please don’t hesitate to contact us via email the team on:

Message from MSA Disability and Carers

Monday, April 27th, 2020

A message from the MSA Disability and Carers (D&C) Department

We know it’s been really tough lately and wanted to invite you to join our supportive community, which is a safe space to hang out, and have fun.

We’re a collective of students from many different backgrounds that have a medical condition, mental health condition or disability, or who have caring responsibilities, and more. You don’t have to identify as ‘disabled’ or consider yourself an ‘official’ carer to join.

Get Involved

?Join us on Facebook page:

?Join our  “virtual lounge” here:

This group is a place for all your queries, questions and overwhelming support 🙂

Contact Us

The current Office Bearers are:

✨ Nathaniel Diong (

✨ Basia Mitula (


We’re here to support and help you. We can help to guide you towards services that might help and advocate on your behalf to the uni. ?


Our official email is:

Our physical lounge is located on Level 1 of Campus Centre opposite the Student Advocacy or Clubs & Societies Office, but is currently closed. It’s a safe space where students can chill, rest, and socialise.

We have stim toys, ice/heat packs, a button activated entrance, colouring supplies, and more – see you there!

Stepping Into Winter 2020

Thursday, March 19th, 2020

Stepping Into Internships for Winter 2020 Now Open

The Australian Network on Disability Stepping Into Internship applications for Winter 2020 are now open!

There are internship opportunities available in Melbourne and regional Victoria across all disciplines for students with disabilities.

Are You Eligible?

  • Stage of study: final or second last year of university
  • Discipline of Study: All are encouraged to apply
  • Citizenship status: Australian citizen, Permanent Resident or international student with full working rights in Australia

AND accepts applications from students with all types of disability including, but not limited to: physical disability, mental health conditions, sensory impairments and immunological conditions.

How Do You Apply?

Read the details on AND’s information page for students and complete our online application form by 12th April 2020.

Already Applied Previously?

The Programs Team are happy to reconsider previous applicants of the Stepping Into program. Contact us on 1300 36 36 45 or email to request your previous application be copied for Summer 2019/20. Please review the positions available and submit at least three position preferences to

For a full list of all available opportunities, and for more information about the program, please visit AND’s website.

A Different Brilliant

Thursday, March 5th, 2020

New Podcast: A Different Brilliant

A Different Brilliant PodcastMonash law student Orion Kelly has been commissioned to host and produce a new series of podcasts for the peak national body Autism Spectrum Australia (Aspect).

Orion, who is Autistic, said “I’m so grateful and humbled by what is an incredible opportunity to inform and entertain such a big audience. I still can’t believe Aspect chose me to produce such an important podcast”.

‘A Different Brilliant’ is an Aspect podcast made for autistic people and parents and carers of kids on the autism spectrum. The podcast focuses on the strengths, interests and aspirations of the autistic community.

2021 Graduate Program

Tuesday, March 3rd, 2020

2021 Graduate Program – pathway for people with a disability

The Department of Justice and Community Safety is currently recruiting for their 2021 Graduate Program for people with disability.

To be eligible for the program you must:

  • identify as a person with a disability
  • have completed your undergraduate or postgraduate degree or the same as level 7 and above of the Australian Qualifications Framework between 1 January 2018 and 1 January 2021
  • be an Australian or New Zealand citizen, an Australian permanent resident or have unrestricted working rights for ongoing work
  • not be on a temporary graduate visa
  • not have taken a voluntary redundancy from the Victorian public sector in the three years up to the program start date of 25 January 2021.

The graduate recruitment process:

Stage 1: Complete the application form and upload resume.

Stage 2: Behaviour interview and work sample.

Stage 3: Pre-employment checks – the successful candidate will be required to undergo pre-employment checks which may include national police checks and misconduct screening.

Stage 4: Job offer.

Applications close at midnight, Sunday 5 April 2020

*For more information see the 2021 Graduate Program website.

Mentee Becomes Mentor

Friday, February 28th, 2020

The Path from Mentee to Mentor

Christian Almeida has been supported by some incredible mentors throughout his career, something he says has been of enormous benefit to him in his journey to become Senior Financial Analyst at global technology leader, Cummins South Pacific. So, when the opportunity arose to become a mentor himself, through Australian Network on Disability’s PACE program, Christian jumped at the chance.

PACE Mentoring

Australian Network on Disability’s Positive Action towards Career Engagement, or PACE Mentoring, connects jobseekers with disability to mentors from leading Australian businesses. The purpose of PACE is two-fold: to improve employability for job seekers and students with disability, as well as to increase disability confidence in employees and mentors.

Christian was matched with student Benjamin Lung who was looking to learn more about how the finance function operates in large companies, as well as how to tackle interview situations, in preparation for when he completes his studies and begins his job search.

The pair immediately hit if off. At first, they used a questions and agenda sheet provided by the PACE team, but soon they were running their own race.

“After a couple of meetings, Benjamin had plenty of questions as well as some real-life scenarios to discuss,” said Christian.

“My mentor guided me in how to lead a team, giving me advice on how to negotiate and get the best outcomes,” said Benjamin. “I used my learnings in a group assignment at university where I was nominated leader, and we got full marks! It was great to be able to put his advice in to action and enjoy the rewards.”

Seeking Participants with Epilepsy

Friday, February 21st, 2020

Are You Over 18 with Epilepsy?

The School of Psychological Sciences at Monash University are interested in the views of individuals over 18 years of age who have epilepsy.

This study aims to understand your interests, expectations, and decision-making around a brain-machine interface that may be a potential treatment for epilepsy.

  • You will receive a $30 gift card to compensate for your time.

Your participation will involve:

  • A 90 minute focus group (much like a conversation) and a short demographic questionnaire.
  • Participation will involve travelling to 770 Blackburn Road, Clayton, and travel expenses will be covered.

For more information please contact:

  • Adrian Carter, School of Psychological Sciences, Monash University
  •; 9902 9431
  • Human Ethics Approval: 19968

Seeking Participants with Vision Impairment

Friday, February 21st, 2020

Are You Over 18 with a Vision Impairment?

The School of Psychological Sciences at Monash University are interested in the views of individuals over 18 years of age who have a vision impairment.

They are seeking participants for a study which aims to understand your interests, expectations, and decision-making around a brain-machine interface that may potentially assist in visual navigation.

  • You will receive a $30 gift card to compensate for your time.

Your participation will involve:

  • A 90 minute focus group (much like a conversation) and a short demographic questionnaire.
  • Participation will involve travelling to 770 Blackburn Road, Clayton, and travel expenses will be covered.

For more information please contact:

  • Adrian Carter, School of Psychological Sciences, Monash University
  •; 9902 9431
  • Human Ethics Approval: 19968

Are You a Carer at University?

Friday, February 7th, 2020

The Centre for Higher Education Equity and Diversity Research is seeking people who have studied at an Australian university while providing unpaid care and support to family members (of origin or choice) and/or friends who have a disability, mental illness, chronic condition, terminal illness, an alcohol or other drug issue, or an older person with care needs.

The survey takes about 15-20 minutes.

This research is being conducted by La Trobe University’s Centre for Higher Education Equity and Diversity Research in collaboration with Carers Victoria.

The purpose of the study is to improve our understanding of the experiences of carers in higher education and to inform university policies and practices to better support carers to succeed at university.

Please click on this link to complete the survey:

For more information please contact the researchers

  • Lisa Andrewartha, Manager, Centre for Higher Education Equity and Diversity Research,, (03) 9479 3447
  • Giovanna Szalkowicz, Senior Research Officer, Centre for Higher Education Equity and Diversity Research,, (03) 9479 1869.