Archive for the ‘Events’ Category

Disability Disclosure Workshop

Tuesday, March 7th, 2023

Disability Disclosure & Reasonable Adjustment Workshop

On Thursday 23 March 2023 GradWISE will be partnering with Career Connect to invite students living with a disability to a Disability Disclosure & Reasonable Adjustment workshop.

GradWISE is a graduate program, developed by WISE Employment in conjunction with Australian Universities.

The program is designed to empower graduates and tertiary students living with a disability, mental, physical health condition or injury to aspire, develop and thrive in graduate jobs and entry level employment.

GradWISE would like to invite you to a Disability Disclosure & Reasonable Adjustment workshop, designed to provide you with valuable information and resources related to living with a disability in the world of work.

The workshop aims to create a safe space for students living with a disability to discuss their experiences, concerns and questions with GradWISE Career Coaches who can provide support and guidance.

The workshop will focus on the following topics:

  • Understanding disability disclosure: the benefits, risks, and legal rights involved
  • Reasonable adjustments: what they are and how to request them
  • Accessible resources and accommodations available in organisations
  • Best practices for self-advocacy and support networks

In this workshop, we encourage you to come with an open mind and be willing to participate in discussions.

We look forward to seeing you at the workshop!

GradWISE Disability Disclosure & Reasonable Adjustment

  • Thursday, 23 March
  • 10.00am – 11.00am
  • Registration link: Register here

Presentation on Career Support

Wednesday, February 15th, 2023

You Are Invited to a Careers Presentation by GradWISE and Australian Network on Disability

Join this session on 28 March 2023 (3 – 4:30pm) to learn about the successful GradWISE program for students/graduates living with a disability and gain insights from Monash University Alumni’s experience with their transition from Academia to a successful career.

You will also hear from The Australian Network on Disability (AND), which will provide information on the PACE mentoring program and the Stepping into internship program.

Careers Presentation Details

You will learn about the successful GradWISE program that is designed to empower students living with a disability, mental or physical health condition, or injury to aspire, develop and thrive in graduate and entry-level employment.

  • GradWISE is with you every step of the way, helping you build resilience throughout the application process and helping you to navigate your first year of work.

You will also hear from a recent Monash University Alumni linked to GradWISE speaking of their journey to successfully being offered employment in 2022!

This session is open and recommended to all Monash students with a disability, mental health or chronic health conditions.

Topics include:

  • Graduate application process and available reasonable adjustments
  • Application and interview tips from Alumni
  • How to ensure you are competitive for graduate and entry-level opportunities

*Please note: this is an in-person event only

  • Go to the Registration Page to register for this important careers event
  • Venue: 21 Chancellors Walk, Campus Centre, Room G150 (Career Connect Training Room), Australia – Clayton campus

GradWISE AccessABILITY Week 2023

Monday, December 5th, 2022

GradWISE Industry AccessABILITY Week – February 2023

Summer is here and the festive period is upon us.

It’s time to start preparing for GradWISE’s 2023 graduate application season!

The Industry AccessABILITY Week from Monday 13 February to Friday 17 February 2023 is an opportunity for students/graduates to hear from disability-confident employers on their various roles and early career pathways.

They will help prepare recent and soon to be graduates with tips to succeed in navigating the graduate recruitment process and choosing organisations that align with their values and career aspirations.

These employers are interested in you because of your diversity of thought and solutions, and are committed to creating an inclusive workplace where people living with a disability can thrive and engage in meaningful employment aligned with their degree of study.

Are You Twice-Exceptional?

Friday, November 11th, 2022

Education Faculty Study on Neuro-diverse People

Monash University’s Faculty of Education is interested in the social-emotional characteristics of people who are twice exceptional, to influence positive outcomes for them through psychological and educational research.

If you have been identified with an IQ (or GAI) of 120 or above with Autism, ADHD, or a Specific Learning Disability (such as dyslexia, dysgraphia, or dyscalculia) we invite you to participate.

Online Interview

The adult study will require approximately an hour of your time for an online interview.

You will be asked for documentation confirming your exceptionalities for the purposes of research integrity.

  • For further information and a copy of the project’s Explanatory Statement (Monash University Project ID 28288), please contact Candice James (PhD Candidate from the School of Educational Psychology & Counselling, Faculty of Education) at

This project is funded by the Federal Government Research Training Program and the Mensa Australia Richard Johns research fund (year 2021).

Call For Survey Participants

Wednesday, October 5th, 2022

Call For Survey Participants – Accessible Floor Plans Study

Further to the promotion of Monash University’s Accessible Floor Plans Study, researchers are keen to know more about access to complex public spaces from a user experience perspective.

They have developed a survey with relevant questions, including:

  • Do you enjoy going to shopping centres and theatres?
  • Do you visit train stations, airports and libraries a lot?
  • Are you colour blind/have low vision/dyslexia or are you a wheelchair user?

They would like to hear about your experience in visiting these complex public spaces and your support material such as floor plans to pre-plan your trip, and are asking for 15-20 mins of your valuable time, to be spent on answering this anonymous online survey

For more information, or to request participation in this study, please contact:

  • Dr. Anuradha Madugalla (
  • Research Fellow, HumaniSE Lab, Faculty of IT, Monash University

Accessible ICT Procurement

Wednesday, October 5th, 2022

Launch: Accessible ICT procurement in Higher Education

ADCET and the NDCO Program in partnership with an expert advisory panel and Intopia have developed an implementation guide which will provide universities with practical guidance about procuring ICT products and services with accessibility as an essential criterion.

The guide will be incorporated by the Council of Australasian University Directors of Information Technology (CAUDIT) as a part of the suite of strategic procurement guidance they provide to universities.

How To Adopt Relevant Standards

The resource focuses on demonstrating how to adopt relevant standards – AS EN 301 549 and WCAG 2.1 in procurement policies, procedures, and practice, with a view to building a more accessible future by design in Higher Education.

This shift toward buying ICT products and services that all staff and students can use is an extremely positive step universities can take to reduce the number of barriers encountered by people with disability and create welcoming and accessible education and work experiences, by design.

Understanding ADHD

Friday, August 26th, 2022

Understanding ADHD – You’re Invited!

Deaf Awareness Month

Thursday, August 25th, 2022

Next Month is Deaf Awareness Month!

*From #AiMedia

September is an important month in the d/Deaf community.

Not only is Deaf Awareness Month celebrated, but also International Week of Deaf People from 19-25 September and World Deaf Day on 27 September.

These are occasions to celebrate the d/Deaf community, educate about deafness, and advocate for accessibility in everyday life.

Tips for Being Deaf-Aware: Part 1

Understand the spectrum of deafness, learn more about Deaf culture, and get Ai Media’s top deaf communication tips.

Read more

Tips for Being Deaf-Aware: Part 2

In Ai Media’s second article on being deaf aware, they explore how to communicate when an interpreter is present, learning signs, words to use (and not use), and more.

Read more

Net Zero Project

Tuesday, August 23rd, 2022

Net Zero Precincts Project – You Are Invited to Participate

Net Zero Precincts: an Interdisciplinary Approach to Decarbonising Cities

  • Do you live, work or study in the Monash area?
  • Are you passionate about sustainability?
  • Are you wondering how the community can have a greater say in creating a net zero future?

If so, then you might consider participating in this innovative research project that aims to help Monash residents, business and government reach net zero emissions.

Deaf participants are Welcome to Participate in the Net Zero Precincts Project

The study aims to ground the grand plans to decarbonise the Monash Clayton campus by 2050 with the everyday experiences of those who live, work and study there.

Often in these types of transition periods and new technologies, the experiences of those who are deaf and blind are left out.

Dr Emma Quilty, research fellow in the Faculty of IT, is based in the Emerging Technologies Research Lab, and would very much like to include perspectives of students who are deaf, blind, or with other disabilities, particularly around how they experience life on campus and how they imagine Net Zero futures.

Participating in an interview with Emma would involve about an hour of your time, with no preparation required on your part.

Join us for a walking interview of the Monash Net Zero Precinct.

  • Please contact: Dr Emma Quilty, to register your interest.

Soundfair Update

Thursday, August 18th, 2022

Current News and Events from Soundfair’s Latest Online News

The Soundfair Social

Applications of CBT for audiology

There are many conversations that can be difficult to navigate within audiology.

  • How do I respond when a person is upset, angry or anxious?
  • What do I say when a person thinks a hearing aid will make them look old?
  • How can I support a person struggling to adjust to their hearing loss or hearing device?

The cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) course has been endorsed for 20 CPD points and provides the knowledge, skills, and confidence to use counselling skills and CBT to talk about social and emotional concerns with clients at any stage of their hearing healthcare. Find out more and enroll now:

Communication and Inclusion Program

This course takes the learner through the fundamentals of hearing and hearing conditions, their impacts and what we can do to live well with hearing conditions.

Find out more and enroll now:

The SOUNDFAIR Clinic and Hearing Centre

Our connection coach model

Hearing conditions are as diverse as the individuals who experience them.

A Soundfair Connection Coach can help you navigate the hearing system, explore the impacts of your hearing condition on you as a whole person and across all areas of your life, and help you create an action plan for hearing and wellbeing success.

Book an appointment today:

Soundfair’s Hearing Bank

A pair of hearing aids purchased through the private market ranges from $5,000 to $10,000 and Federal Government funding for hearing aids is limited, leaving many people to struggle with hearing conditions on their own. 

The Soundfair Hearing Bank offers holistic support and training for people with hearing conditions before sending them home with their recycled hearing aid. Learn more:

Call for Participants: ‘Walk, Talk and Listen over Zoom’ 

‘Walk, Talk and Listen over Zoom’ combines social connection, exercise and group‐based hearing rehabilitation for older Australians with hearing loss to reduce loneliness and social isolation while also improving hearing and physical health.

We are looking for adults aged 50 years and over to participate in this 10-week, evidence-based program that will be hosted online via Zoom. For more information please contact Mimansa Thakore at or on (02) 9850 8753.