Archive for the ‘News’ Category

Call for Student Talent

Monday, November 15th, 2021

Student Talent – Casting Call

Monash is developing content for Orientation Week in 2022.

We are asking your assistance to become one of the student ambassadors who are happy to be talent for our videos.

Ideally, we are seeking a diverse mix to represent the varying student experiences across Monash.

  • If you wish to apply as a Student Ambassador, and are happy to participate, could you please contact Thomas Perry at:

Universal Design for Tertiary Education

Thursday, November 11th, 2021

Universal Design for Learning in Tertiary Education – eLearning Launch Event

Join us on International Day of People with DisabilityFriday 3 December from 1pm-2:15pm AEDT as the Australian Disability Clearinghouse on Education and Training launch Australia’s first free online Universal Design for Learning in tertiary education eLearning training.

To mark this special occasion, Dr Frederic Fovet, Associate Professor, School of Education and Technology, Royal Roads University, Canada will be our guest speaker, followed by an official launch of the Universal Design for Learning in Tertiary Education eLearning Training.

  • 1pm – 2:00pm AEDT: From curiosity to systemic implementation: Making UDL buy-in a strategic institutional reality presented by Dr. Frederic Fovet. Includes question and answer opportunity.
  • 2:00pm – 2:15pm: Universal Design for Learning in Tertiary Education eLearning Training official launch


Dr Frederic Fovet

Dr Frédéric Fovet

Dr Frédéric Fovet is Associate Professor in the School of Education and Technology at Royal Roads University.

He has previously held the position of Assistant Professor within the Faculty of Education of the University of Prince Edward Island.

Over the duration of his PhD., he was Director of the Office of Students with Disabilities at McGill University.  He has also served as a teacher and principal in the K-12 sector.

He is an inclusion specialist with a specific interest in social, emotional and behavioural difficulties (SEBD), critical pedagogy and universal design for learning (UDL).

Frederic also has a strong grounding in Disability Studies. He acts as a consultant, both nationally and internationally, in the area of UDL and inclusion – in the K-12 and the post-secondary sector. He was the instigator and program chair of the first three pan-Canadian conferences on UDL in 2015, 2017 and 2019.

Presentation Overview

From curiosity to systemic implementation: Making UDL buy-in a strategic institutional reality

There has been growing but sporadic interest around Universal Design for Learning across the post-secondary sector in most jurisdictions over the last decade.

This, in itself is encouraging and there is no doubt that the notion that inclusion must be achieved through proactive inclusive design rather than through retrofitting and accommodations is finally gaining in popularity and visibility.

While many of the initiatives seeking to implement UDL are effective and credible, these are usually led by individual instructors or small communities of practice.

As such, they represent powerful illustrations of UDL in action but they fail to tackle the complexity of how systemic implementation can be achieved across institutions.

This presentation will offer an ecological view of the numerous factors that come into play when institutions consider campus-wide UDL implementation, and will prepare participants to proactively prepare for this complexity.

It is undeniable that the COVID pandemic and the pivot to online teaching and learning have further muddied the waters, and the presentation will seek to explore what specific post-pandemic UDL efforts are now necessary.

  • If you would like to showcase some of the work you have been involved with in implementing UDL principles please contact  


Short-Term Admin Job

Wednesday, November 10th, 2021

Short-Term Admin Job Opportunity Available for Monash Students

The Jobs for Students team is seeking a student to support the Department of External Relations Development and Alumni with some administration work.

This work will take place on-site at Clayton campus, up to four days per week (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday) for approximately 2-3 weeks.

The pay rate is HEW 3, $36.98 per hour.

Starting on Monday 22 November, you will be scanning graduation programs, and sorting them into Google folders.

You will need to be comfortable to stand for long periods to use the photocopier.

Support Services Focus Groups

Tuesday, November 2nd, 2021

You Are Invited to Participate in Focus Groups at Monash

Monash students are invited to participate in a series of focus groups discussing student support services at Monash, including the Monash Library, Disability Support Services, English Connect, and Peer Mentoring.

These focus groups will run for 90 minutes and all participants will be given a $25 Coles or UberEats digital gift card.

How My Experience with Disability at University Enhanced my Career

Thursday, October 21st, 2021

By (former Monash student) Kate Ditchburn

My Rocky Journey Commencing Studies at University

When I first started to experience chronic illness in my undergraduate degree I was overwhelmed.

I was no longer able to participate in my studies, work, and social life in the way I was used to. This left me feeling very uncertain about my future and the big career goals I had set myself.

Fortunately, this was only the beginning of my story.

My experience with chronic illness at university felt like a huge burden at the time, but it turned out to be the catalyst for the career and life in which I thrive in now.

It was a rocky journey completing my Bachelor of Journalism at Monash.

I pulled out of units, completed study from home, and extended my degree more times than I can count.

I remember submitting an online exam from hospital thinking it was some kind of miracle I made it through that semester!

Pursuing Studies in Health Promotion

The more I encountered both physical and mental health difficulties, the more I found myself writing about health issues in my journalism studies. I was fascinated with the complex web of healthcare in Australia and globally, and what this means for people who experience disability.

Ultimately, I decided to build on this interest by following my bachelor’s degree with a Master of Health Promotion.

I absolutely loved learning about public health systems, preventative health, and how to use communications to create change in the health industry.

While my passion was very clear, I was unsure if I would be employable given my difficult journey and ongoing health needs.

I would compare myself to others and question whether I was good enough.

As I learnt to manage my chronic health conditions, I became more confident with my skills and knowledge. I started off small by taking freelance writing work and building up my portfolio of communication skills.

Before long I started to ‘back myself’ and was offered my first job in health promotion.

Not only was I able to get work, I have since been able to excel and really just enjoy my career in health promotion. I am good at my job and I am more than capable to have the career I envisioned.

Supporting Women with Disabilities

Earlier this year I was fortunate enough to take on additional casual work with a lived experience program co-designing resources and training for women with disabilities.

It has been an amazing experience collaborating with other women who have similar experiences of illness and disability.

I would not have had this opportunity without the same experiences that I was so worried would hold back my career.

The Benefits of My Lived Experience

Even in my other work across different health issues, I am grateful for my own lived experience of disability. It has not only enhanced my compassion for others, but it has also given me a broader perspective of healthcare.

The perspective of lived experience is actually well sought-after professionally.

Many organisations recognise lived experience as a vital voice in healthcare—and those which don’t are absolutely missing out.

My life and career may not be exactly as I envisioned when I started my Bachelor of Journalism all those years ago, but it’s something pretty special.

I would encourage anyone experiencing disability or other barriers to education to embrace their experiences. You never know where it might get you!

  • For information about career support available at Monash, please see our GradWISE page


Pop-up Vaccination Hub

Wednesday, October 20th, 2021

Expression Australia and Healthcare Australia Pop-up Vaccination Clinic

Two weeks ago the first pop-up vaccination hub was held at Expression Australia’s East Melbourne office in collaboration with Healthcare Australia. This was a great success.

If you missed out or need your second dose, there will be another pop-up vaccination hub next week!

From the 28 – 29 of October 9am – 4:20pm you can either make an appointment, to guarantee a vaccination or walk into our vaccination hub.

  • Expression Australia’s pop-up clinic is inclusive and accessible for Deaf and hard-of-hearing people as we will have Auslan interpreters, qualified nurses, and support staff.

If you are one of the following and in Metropolitan Melbourne, you can get a vaccination:

  • People with a Disability (12+)
  • Paid or unpaid Carers/Support Staff of someone with a Disability
  • Staff/workers in the Disability Sector
  • Healthcare workers
  • Aged Care Workers
  • Indigenous / Torres Strait Islander identifying individuals
  • Family members of any of the above categories (including children 12+)
  • Deaf people or those with a disability. You are welcome to bring friends and family over the age of 12.

*Remember, there will be no 15km radius restrictions!

Expression Australia encourages our community to get vaccinated so we can protect each other and those around us.

Please share this message with your friends and family.

My Disability My Plus

Tuesday, October 19th, 2021

My Disability My ‘Plus’ – Join AND’s upcoming Employability Series Webinar

Free Webinar hosted by Helen Cooke, CEO & Founder of MyPlus (UK)

You are invited to join our upcoming webinar to hear from disability expert, Helen Cooke, on how students and jobseekers can use disability to stand out from the crowd.

What we’ll cover:

  • Disability – help or hindrance?
  • Identifying your ‘Plus’
  • Writing your Strength Statement
  • Top Tips
  • Resources
  • You will also hear from a Stepping Into Alumni on their experience of talking about their disability with employers.

Event Details

  • Where: Online via MS Teams

Thursday 28th October

  • Melbourne/Sydney/Canberra/Hobart – 6:00-7:00pm
  • Brisbane – 5:00-6:00pm
  • Adelaide – 5:30-6:30pm
  • Perth – 3:00-4:00pm
  • Darwin – 4:30-5:30pm

Click here to join the session​, or dial in via phone at 1800 571 212, participant code: 921 529 172# to listen in via audio.

  • Accessibility: Please contact if you have any accessibility requirements. We can arrange live captioning with 72 hours notice if requested.

This webinar is part of Australian Network on Disability’s Employability Series. Click here to read more.

Dear Dyslexia Podcast

Tuesday, October 19th, 2021

Dear Dyslexia Podcast on Dyslexia and Neurodiversity in the Workplace

In this Podcast episode, Shae speaks with Sally Close on Dyslexia and Neurodiversity in the Workplace

Introducing Sally Close – Business Improvement Consultant

Sally Close left her corporate career armed with 20+ years of leadership experience to apply her business improvement prowess to her own consultancy – helping clients with organisational development and cultural change.

Sally is a parent of a dyslexic child and has a deep understanding of the challenges and benefits learning differences can create within the workplace.

Sally imparts knowledge of learning differences and thinking preferences in safe learning environments. Facilitating a growth mindset and diversity of thought to enable creative solutions to complex problems. Learning transfer is supported through the practical application of new skills via the implementation of business improvement projects.

Sally works with companies who believe “our people are our biggest asset” and value investing in their people to bring strategic business plans to life.

Sally was also instrumental in developing our first eLearning course Dyslexia in the workplace> find out more about our course at the DHub.

Or listen to the podcast here


The Neurodiversity Hub

Tuesday, October 19th, 2021

Neurodiversity Hub Resources

Although there is broad diversity across the population, some individuals have neurological variations that make it particularly challenging for their communication, self-expression and interactions with others.

Neurodiversity is a broad umbrella and is not just autism.

Neurological variations can include autism, Asperger’s, ADHD, dyslexia, dyspraxia, dyscalculia, dysgraphia and tics. (However, Judy Singer, who coined the term, proposes that we are ALL neurodiverse because no two humans on the planet are exactly the same.)

The environments within which individuals with these neuro-variations learn, work and live can either facilitate or inhibit their growth and development.

A Community of Practice to Support Neurodivergent Young Adults

The purpose of this initiative is to create environments that will maximally facilitate these individuals to grow and achieve their full potential.

It is about facilitating a community of practice for universities, colleges, employers and service providers to work together to create these environments and opportunities for neurodivergent young adults.

The Resources section includes a vast array of resources that have been created or curated for use by neurodivergent students, their parents and carers, employers and universities.

Click on this link to explore the hub

PhD Scholarship Opportunity

Tuesday, October 19th, 2021

Living with Disability Research Centre – PhD Scholarship Opportunity

The Living with Disability Research Centre is delighted to offer a Research Training Program (RTP) PhD Scholarship opportunity for an outstanding candidate to explore a disability related topic in a discipline such as social work, disability studies or any other of the social sciences.

They are seeking a high achieving candidate, preferably with experience in the disability sector, to develop a project and conduct original research on a suitable theme.

Specific areas of interest include social inclusion, the effectiveness and quality of disability services, and the rights of people with intellectual disabilities.

Apply Now

Join a leading Research Centre and work with a multi-disciplinary team of disability researchers at La Trobe University.

As an applicant you should have an interest in improving the social inclusion of people with intellectual disability through research.

  • Applications are now open and will close on 31 October 2021.
  • Please note, applications must be made through the La Trobe Graduate Research School. See link below.


  • a La Trobe Research Training Program (RTP) Scholarship for three and a half years, with a value of $28,597 per annum
  • a top up scholarship of $8,000 a year for 3 years
  • a fee-relief scholarship for up to four years
  • opportunity to be part of one of the leading disability research centres in Australia


  • This opportunity is only open to domestic students.


  • Please contact Professor Christine Bigby to discuss your ideas for a project.
  • Email:
  • Phone: 0438 602 264
  • You must apply directly through the La Trobe Graduate Research School by 31 October, 2021.

Click here to apply