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Policy Futures – Applications Closing Soon!

April 16th, 2024 by tperry

Policy Futures Graduate Program – Applications are Closing Soon!

Applications for the 2025 Policy Futures Graduate Program are still open and close at 9am on Monday 22 April 2024.

Policy Futures offers a specific career pathway for candidates with a disability.

Information about the Policy Futures Graduate Program and how to apply can be found on the QLD Government website.

  • If you have any questions about the program, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the team via email at

Review of WWW Advisory Note

April 4th, 2024 by tperry

Call for Submissions: Review of WWW Advisory Note

The Australian Human Rights Commission is updating its Disability Discrimination Act Web Advisory Note.

The existing version, released in 2014 and is being updated to reflect changes in technology, its role within society, as well as national and international standards and policies that define how technology provides equitable or equal access for people with disability.

The purpose of the document is to guide people and organisations to make their websites and other web resources accessible to as many people as possible, including people with disability.

The review will bring the document in line with contemporary digital environment and practices. As such, it will extend the advice to encompass digital accessibility across a wide range of platforms beyond websites and web-based content.

An updated draft of the WWW Advisory Note is currently available for comment and input from individuals and organisations with relevant background and expertise in digital accessibility and lived experience of disability.

  • Submissions close on 27 April 2024.

Navigate Network and Succeed

April 4th, 2024 by tperry

International Student Careers Summit – Navigate, Network, and Succeed

Are you ready to unlock your potential and excel in the Australian job market?

We’re thrilled to invite you to participate in the International Student Careers Summit, scheduled from April 15 to April 18, 2024.

Tailored specifically for international students, this comprehensive four-day initiative is designed to equip participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate and succeed in the Australian job market.

Through interactive workshops, insightful panel discussions, and networking opportunities with industry experts, you will gain valuable insights and resources to kickstart your career journey.

The flagship event of the summit is a hackathon, the Global Impact Challenge – a dynamic half-day filled with ideation, pitching and networking. A great way to develop essential employability skills, entrepreneurial capabilities and meaningful connections.

Event Details

Policy Futures Graduate Program

April 4th, 2024 by tperry

Policy Futures Graduate Program – Applications Now Open!

Applications are now open – 2025 Policy Futures Graduate Program

  • Applications for the 2025 Policy Futures Graduate program are now open and close at 9am Monday 22 April 2024.

Our program is open to graduates from all degrees and disciplines who have graduated or will graduate between 31 October 2022 and 31 January 2025.

We will be hosting information sessions for candidates where we will share more information about our program, run through the application process and provide information on each phase of the recruitment process. Further information and session dates are available on Humanitix.

  • We’re recruiting early again this year, so want to make sure no one misses out on applying!
  • Detailed information about our program can be found on our website.

If you are interested in working with us, please contact the team via email at

Kind regards,
The Policy Futures Graduate Team

Change in Transport Standards

April 4th, 2024 by tperry

The Transport Standards are Changing!

Recently, the Hon Catherine King MP, Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government announced the Australian Government is reforming the Disability Standards for Accessible Public Transport 2002 (Transport Standards).

The reforms aim to improve accessibility across the whole public transport journey, including the training of public transport staff to better meet the needs of people with disability and making it easier to find and understand information to plan your trip.

The reforms will also aim to improve accessibility at stops and stations, making it easier to get on and off while ensuring safety and amenity on board public transport services.

Transport Standards Reform Process

More than 500 participants took part in a range of consultation events and activities including surveys, webinars, focus groups and written submissions during the reform process and the Australian Government thanks everyone who engaged.

A summary document outlining the reform process and 76 reform areas is available, including in Easy English, Auslan and languages other than English. The full Decision Regulation Impact Statements for both stages of reform are also available.

The Transport Standards will be amended to reflect the new legal requirements that public transport operators and providers will need to meet.

More information will be available to users and operators and providers of public transport in the lead up to the updated Transport Standards coming into effect.

  • You can keep up to date by visiting our website, emailing us at or calling 1800 621 372.

Kind regards
Disability and Transport Standards team

ADHD Study – Participants Wanted

March 26th, 2024 by tperry

Study on ADHD and Mind States – Participants Wanted!

A team of researchers at Monash University are investigating the similarities and differences in the types of attentional lapses occurring in individuals with ADHD and without.

They’re currently recruiting individuals with ADHD between the ages of 18 and 35 and who have no history of head injury, psychosis, or epilepsy.

Participation in this study will take approximately 5 hours and participants will be reimbursed with a $100 Coles/Woolworths voucher at the completion of all parts of the study.

  • It should be noted that participants must complete all parts of the project in order to be reimbursed.

This Study Will Comprise of The Following

  1. An interview with a clinician to reconfirm the participant’s ADHD diagnosis (approx. 1.5-2 hours)
  2. An online questionnaire (approx. 30-45 min to complete – NOTE: this will be split into two parts; one will be completed online at the participant’s convenience and the other will be completed during the in-person EEG session)
  3. A computer task to be completed at Monash University, Clayton Campus whilst brain activity is being recorded via EEG (approx. 1.5-2 hours)

Here is a link to the first questionnaire.

Interested participants can contact Elaine at or James at for further information.

Timetable Focus Group

March 21st, 2024 by tperry

Timetable Focus Group Participants Wanted – $100 Gift Cards Up for Grabs!

In mid to late April, Monash University Student Services are running 90-minute focus groups to seek the views and feedback of students currently registered with Disability Support Services about their class timetable experience.

The aim is to get a better understanding of your ideal timetable experience in relation to flexibility of classes, the preference and timetable process itself and the ability for you to plan your studies and balance other commitments.

If you’re interested in participating, please register your interest by 11.59pm Sunday 7 April, 2024.

All focus group participants will receive a $100 gift card for their time and light refreshments will also be provided.

Share Your Feedback!

Share your feedback to help us improve your personal class timetable.

Complete a quick 15-minute survey and share what would help you create an ideal timetable that supports your learning and personal commitments.

Your input is vital, and we want to hear everything – what’s working well and what isn’t.

Your responses are anonymous, and we really appreciate your honest feedback.

As a thank you, after completing the survey you can enter to win a $50 gift card – there are 250 up for grabs!

The survey is voluntary and open until 11:59pm on Sunday 7 April.

Raise the Platform Update

March 18th, 2024 by tperry

Want to be a Part of an Awesome Radio Program and Share Your Lived Experience of Disability?

Raise the Platform is SYN’s flagship radio program for young people aged 12-25 to advocate for and share their experiences of disability.

Raise the Platform allows for both disabled people and carers of disabled people to meet and network with people who experience similar challenges and offers an excellent opportunity to gain confidence with speaking in public, working as part of a team, develop employability skills as well as have fun.

Some previous topics that have been explored on the show include:

  • Employment
  • Education (both high school and tertiary)
  • Music
  • Disability
  • Driving

About SYN

SYN is an awesome, inclusive Melbourne community radio station based out of RMIT that highly values the voices of all young people from a diverse range of backgrounds.

SYN has programming on a myriad of topics and offers real industry experience to emerging professionals.

Each year SYN supports 300+ volunteers 25 and under to produce radio, TV and online media content that matters to young people.

The next SYN training days will be on the 22nd of June 2024.

For interested students there are full fee-paying scholarships available. To apply go to:

For more information contact:

  • Imi they/it – Executive Producer for Raise the platform –


  • Shaz they/them – Disability Access Coordinator and Raise the platform facilitator (Monday’s 9-5pm)

Winter Internships 2024

March 18th, 2024 by tperry

Stepping Into Winter Internships – Apply Now!

Are you a student or recent graduate with disability looking for a paid internship?

Stepping Into is a nation-wide paid internship program that provides university students and recent graduates with disability hands-on work experience in their chosen field of study.

With over 150 paid internships available across a range of disciplines – from Accounting to Law, Engineering to Research, Public Policy to Sciences – there’s a role to suit you.

You can apply if you are a person with any type of disability, mental health condition or chronic illness, are in your final or second-last year of your degree, or a recent graduate and are an Australian citizen, permanent resident, or international student who holds full working rights in Australia.

  • Applications close 31st March 2024
  • Contact us at 02 8270 9200 or

ADHD Social Group for Graduates

March 5th, 2024 by tperry

ADHD Social Catch-Up Group for Graduate Students – Register Your Interest!

Disability Support Services (DSS) is running a Social ‘Catch-up’ Group for graduate students with ADHD.

The first session for the Graduate Social Catch Up is fast approaching on 19th of March 2024.

This group will be an informal social catch up (not therapeutic, counselling or coaching) for graduate students who have a formal diagnosis of ADHD and want to connect with like-minded students.

  • The Graduate Social Catch Up will be run once a month on Tuesday afternoons, 2pm to 3.30pm, at Clayton Campus (CCD Seminar Room, Campus Centre). 

Register Your Interest Today!

  • If this is relevant to you, please register your interest today on the Google Form

*Please feel free to share this amongst any students this would apply to, and you may think would be interested.