Archive for June, 2024

Participants Needed – Unzip Our Voices

Monday, June 24th, 2024

Unzip Our Voices: Exploring Diversity in Communication at Monash

Do you ever feel that your voice is zipped up and there’s no way to express yourself at the right time or in the right way?

At the Monash Assistive Technology and Society (MATS) Centre, we are doing interdisciplinary research for and with university students in Australia who are at risk of marginalisation and exclusion because they communicate differently. These differences may arise from disabilities, neurodiversity, and native languages/cultures.

In such situations, information can be exchanged without or alongside speech via augmentative and alternative communication (AAC). You might not be familiar with this term, but you may already be using various forms of AAC even if your tutor/supervisor isn’t aware of it!

Conventionally, AAC includes systems, approaches and practices like Auslan, communication boards, whiteboards, text-to-voice engines, email/texting, and subtitling.

More broadly, for multilingual/international students, it may just involve using everyday mobile apps like Google Translate,, or ChatGPT so you can understand better in English.

You Are Invited to Participate in Our Survey

We need your help to understand what kind of AAC you regularly use to address your communication needs at Monash, how you feel about using it, and what you think can be done to make Monash a more inclusive place through AAC.

To work towards this goal, we are inviting you to participate in a 15 to 30-minute online survey.

In return, you will gain a renewed sense of purpose – something greater than your past exams – because you know how your experience, when heard by the right people, could help redefine inclusion in academia.

Join us in unzipping our diverse voices together, along with our pride (or frustration) in being different!


  • Please note this is part of my PhD research project. If you are interested and leave your email address in the survey, I may contact you for further collaboration.
  • If you have any further questions or need assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact me on

Monash Guarantee/SEAS Testimonial

Friday, June 21st, 2024

The Monash Guarantee/SEAS Testimonial Opportunity

The University’s marketing team is hoping to showcase some of our students who may have benefited from the Monash Guarantee or Special Entry Access Scheme (SEAS).

We’re sharing this opportunity to see if you would be interested in sharing your story.

This opportunity is open to domestic, undergraduate students who have a WAM of 60 or higher who feel they have benefited from SEAS or the Monash Guarantee. If you need a reminder of what is covered in SEAS and the Monash Guarantee see our website.

  • Your registration with DSS will remain confidential and you don’t need to disclose your disability or medical condition if you don’t want to or do not feel comfortable.

What’s In It For You

If you’re interested, we’ll send you some questions about how Monash Guarantee or SEAS has helped you to achieve your aspirations. We may also ask about extracurricular activities you’ve enjoyed as a student.

  • We’re able to provide a $50 gift card for your time!

What’s Next

If you’d like to participate, you will need to consent to the use of your image and a quote to be used for marketing purposes by the University to highlight the positive outcomes of these opportunities.

It’s possible that the story may be picked up by a news outlet, and if this happens you may be asked for an interview, but this is not guaranteed, and you would be free to decline the opportunity.

If you’re interested, could you please email Susan Newland (details are below) By Friday June 28th.

  • Susan Newland
  • Senior Coordinator, Projects and Development, Access Inclusion and Success

PhD Scholarship

Tuesday, June 18th, 2024

Monash University PhD Scholarship in Assistive Technology and Disability

The Monash Assistive Technology and Society (MATS) Centre is offering two PhD Scholarships. Candidates who identify as having a disability are strongly encouraged to apply.

Emerging assistive technologies have the potential to break down many of the barriers that people with disabilities face at school, university, work and in the social sphere.

Our work at the MATS Centre is guided by partnerships with the community to ensure we’re addressing real problems faced by real people and creating a lasting impact.

Join us as a PhD Candidate and help to create a world that is more inclusive and equitable.

The successful candidate will explore an area of research focus within MATS and the Faculty of Information Technology. The precise details of the PhD project are open to negotiation, but it should be designed with the aim of making a positive difference to the life experience of people with disabilities.

The successful candidates will be based in the Faculty of Information Technology of Monash University at the Caulfield or Clayton campuses in Melbourne.

Closing Date:

Wednesday, 3 July 2024

Social Anxiety Group Semester 2

Wednesday, June 5th, 2024

Social Anxiety Group Program – Semester 2, 2024

Do you experience significant fear or anxiety about social situations?

  • Do you worry about being judged or showing signs of anxiety in social
  • Do you avoid social situations?

If so, you may benefit from participating in our Social Anxiety Group

The program is an exciting opportunity for Monash students to learn ways to address their social anxiety and fully engage in life.

The program involves:

  • Eight 2-hour weekly group sessions (free of charge) at Clayton campus on Wednesdays during Semester 2 at 11am-1pm or 2-4pm, facilitated by
    Dr Sophia Gozzi, Clinical Psychologist
  • Written education materials and tasks between group sessions
  • For further information or to submit an expression of interest, please complete an Expression of Interest form.