Archive for the ‘News’ Category

Employ My Ability

Thursday, December 16th, 2021

Employ My Ability – the Disability Employment Strategy

*From JobAccess

The Australian Government has developed Employ My Ability – the Disability Employment Strategy, to provide a guiding framework for governments, employers and the broader community to increase employment outcomes for people with disability.

The vision is create inclusive workplaces where people with disability can thrive in their careers.

Through Employ My Ability, the Government is looking to make meaningful changes to the way supports to jobseekers with disability are delivered, and empower employers to confidently recruit people with disability.

Four Priority Areas

Employ My Ability has four priority areas:

  1. Lifting employer engagement, capability and demand
  2. Building employment skills, experience and confidence of young people with disability
  3. Improving systems and services for job seekers and employers
  4. Changing community attitudes
  • Find out how you can contribute to the success of this strategy by visiting:

Employ My Ability is available in the following accessible formats:

Showing Support

Many businesses are already committed to improving diversity within their own organisations, and are demonstrating this by publically endorsing Employ My Ability.

  • If your organisation would like more information on endorsing Employ My Ability, you can reach out to the Department of Social Services at

College Adviser Position Available

Thursday, December 16th, 2021

Interested in Being a College Adviser?

College Advisers are volunteers that play an important role in helping college members form friendships and enjoy life at Monash.

They also play a role in designing and delivering our events and ensuring that our community is a great experience for all members.

We provide all the training and work with you to help develop your skills in leadership, teamwork, planning and logistics and mentorship.

If this sounds like something that you’re interested in, then apply here:


You don’t have to be a college member, to be an adviser.

If you know a fellow student who would make a great adviser, please forward this to them!

Training to Become a College Adviser

Training is essential for all advisers and the dates of training are:

  • 8th – 10th of February 2022 – On campus training for new and returning advisers.
  • 18th – 20th of February 2022 – Residential Training Camp (YMCA Anglesea)
  • 14th – 16th of February 2022 – Mental Health First Aid training (Optional)

If you have any questions, please contact: 

International Day of People with Disability 2021

Friday, December 3rd, 2021

Celebrating International Day of People with Disability 2021

International_Day_of People with Disability Logo

Today is International Day of People with Disability (IDPwD).

This year’s UN theme is “Leadership and participation of persons with disabilities toward an inclusive, accessible and sustainable post-COVID-19 world.”

We are happy to acknowledge and celebrate this important day.

We also are aware that disability inclusion must go beyond this day alone.

Let’s work together to continue to strive for a better future.

Disability inclusion. Today. Everyday. Always.

Video: We need to talk about disability

PACE Mentoring Autumn 2022

Friday, December 3rd, 2021

PACE Mentoring: Applications for Autumn 2022 Now Open!

We are excited to announce that applications for PACE Mentoring Autumn 2022 are now open! 

PACE Mentoring is a free industry mentoring program that matches jobseekers and students with disability with experienced professionals from leading Australian businesses like QBE, ANZ, Alstom Transport and more!

The 4-months program is a great opportunity to:

  • Build confidence
  • Develop employability skills
  • Practice interview skills
  • Network with other professionals
  • Visiting worksites
  • Learn some top tips to get a head start on your career
  • Experience professional and personal development
  • Mentoring opportunities are in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Canberra, Perth & Adelaide. There are also some virtual mentoring opportunities for students and jobseekers based in other locations across Australia.

Apply now to be a PACE Mentee!

  • Applications close on 28 February 2022.

Are You Eligible?

Anyone 18 years or over with any type of disability, mental health condition or chronic illness is eligible for the PACE Mentoring Program.

We welcome previous Stepping Into applicants and PACE mentees to re-apply for the program.

AND accepts applications from jobseekers with all types of disability including, but not limited to: physical disability, mental health conditions, sensory impairments and immunological conditions.

Check out our website for the Frequently Asked Questions about the PACE Mentoring program.

You can find the answers to the questions about eligibility, how the program works, timelines and more.

  • You can also contact AND on 1300 36 36 45 or via email for enquiry.

Don’t miss this amazing opportunity to advance your career opportunity!

Join AND at Their Free Information Sessions

Want to learn more about the program?

Come along to AND’s free PACE Information sessions where we discuss how the program works, what the matching process is like, what to expect from the program and answer any questions you have about PACE Mentoring.

The sessions will be held online through Microsoft TEAMS.

  • Tuesday 14th December 2pm – 3pm
  • Tuesday 11th January 2pm – 3pm
  • Monday 7th February 3pm – 4pm

*all in Sydney/Canberra/Melbourne time (AEDT)

Click here to join the session

Or call in (audio only)

  • +61 2 5104 6303,,788939907#  Australia, Canberra
  • 1800 571 212,,788939907#  Australia (Toll-free)

Phone Conference ID: 788 939 907#

How PACE Mentoring Helped Melissa

“After I finished PACE, I submitted my resume to Indooroopilly State High School, where I was successful in obtaining an interview. Initially I was nervous, but I just relaxed and thought of the tips my mentor gave me. A week later I got a call from the principal saying that I had the job as a mathematics and science teacher.”

– Melissa from the 2018 PACE Mentoring cohort reflecting on how PACE helped her break into the teaching industry. 

If you have any questions, please contact Australian Network on Disabilty’s Programs team at or call 02 8270 9200.

Universal Design for Learning webpage

Friday, December 3rd, 2021

The ADCET Universal Design for Learning webpage is Now Live

The Universal Design for Learning webpage is now live on ADCET.

Using the ‘In this section’ navigation menu on the left, the page provides a range of UDL resources, checklists and templates as well as advice about learning design and accessibility, professional learning, and opportunities to get involved in UDL conversations to support good UDL practice in tertiary education in Australia.

The page includes both Australian and international information.

Visit the UDL webpage

  • Is something missing on the UDL webpage?
  • Let us know your feedback:

Three Magic Words That Taught Me What I Can Do

Friday, December 3rd, 2021

How The Three Magic Words “Registered with DSS” Taught Me That I Should Not Let What I Can’t Do Stop Me from Doing What I Can Do

By (former Monash student, class of 2021) M. M. Ahmed

I have to confess that I had mixed feelings after completing my course at Monash University earlier this year.

I was sure that I will not be getting the same level of support anywhere else, as none of the four previous universities I studied at offered a student success and IT team both during and after business hours, nor a Moodle site that did not require an elective in computer science to navigate!

Both my course coordinators and supervisors alike, always made themselves available, and diligently responded to the 6481641 student queries on the Q&A board rain, shine, or pandemic.

Moreover, the new grading system that took into account the current circumstances suggested that the university would rather that all their students pass than make a profit if they failed or needed to repeat their courses.

Lastly, the invitation to be an alumni made sure it was not a “Goodbye”.

Like many students attempting to complete their studies while living with a chronic condition, I was also torn between deciding whether my chronic health condition was or wasn’t a valid excuse that warranted special consideration and additional support during my studies.

And given my often-unreasonable sense of pride and own stigma, I chose not disclose it when first enrolled in my course at Monash.

Consequently, my first two trimesters were akin to swimming up an academic version of the Styx River without a paddle, while wearing a facemask that kept fogging up my glasses to boot.

Therefore, -and despite the fact that I was enrolled in a degree I was passionate about- the “Are You Ready for the next Trimester?” Group email always elicited feelings of extreme angst and apprehension.

I wondered, was this trimester going to be one the one where my four AM brain that was already laden with a combination of medication the side effects were often as bad the symptoms of my condition(s) will finally resurrect a scientist who comes back from the dead to seek vengeance on me for missing the comma behind in my citation?

Registering with DSS

Registering with DSS changed my feelings of angst.

Tom and his team quickly and compassionately made me realise that getting support with my assignments and quizzes was not an unfair advantage but more so one that “levelled the playing field”.

So, when my grades picked up -even in subjects that made me sleepier than my prescribed medication ever did, my reaction every time my grades were released was always the same “What the Dickens?!”

I didn’t understand how and why my grades improved given that the impartial and unbiased support DSS provided me did change the fact I had to do the exact same amount of work on my own.

Whenever I appeared flabbergasted when I did well after submitting a paper which I felt was pure drivel, my partner would often tell me to “Stop being a sourpuss about getting a good grade, and there is no need to add Imposter Syndrome to the list of your chronic health conditions!

Accordingly, and on behalf of all the students who were afforded the ability to apply and receive additional support by DSS with no repercussions, I thank Tom and the DSS team for their dedication and their prompt responses to the flurry of phone rants and emails, which were sometimes on weekends if they believed the matter called for it.

Please take pride that our successes are also yours, and that we will all forever be in your debt for all your support.

I hope that anyone who reads this post -student or university staff alike- recognizes that it is their duty both as a professional and as a human being to make sure that no one they know is ever put in a position where they have to pick between the two excuses.

CP-Achieve Opportunities

Monday, November 22nd, 2021

Enter the Lived Experience Photo Exhibition and Win a Prize

The AusACPDM and CP-Achieve are excited to announce the launch of their second Lived Experience Photo Exhibition.

Thee’re seeking people of all ages with lived experience of childhood-onset disability to help celebrate our diverse community by submitting quality original photographs within the themes of Family, Fun, Fitness or Friends.

Photos that meet the exhibition guidelines will be showcased on our website where the community will be able to cast a vote for their favourite.

One photo in each category will be selected as a winner, and the entrant will be awarded a prize of $100AUD.

Submit Your Photos Online

Submitted images may be used to complement future online and published work by the AusACPDM and CP-Achieve.

  • To submit your photos, click on the link:

During the online submission process, entrants will be asked to agree to the exhibition terms and conditions.

There is a maximum of three entries per person.

Entries close midnight 11.59pm 21 December 2021.

The exhibition and voting will open on 31 January 2022 with winners to be announced on 4th March 2022.

CP-Achieve Understanding Survey

The CP-Achieve Understanding Survey is now live!

The survey will help CP-Achieve to learn more about the demographic and clinical characteristics of young people (aged 10-30 years) with CP (Cerebral Palsy).

It will also allow young people with CP to express interest in participating in future CP-Achieve studies.

  • Click on the link below or scan the QR code from the flyer.

Access code: RPLP4EW84

For more information contact:

  • Sevastine Katsakis B. Science (Psych), M.C
  • Project Officer, Centre of Research Excellence: CP-Achieve Neurodisability and Rehabilitation
  • E



GradWISE Information Session

Friday, November 19th, 2021

Join the GradWISE Team for an Information Session

Join the GradWISE team for an information session to learn about the award winning program and supports available to students and graduates living with a disability, injury or illness in securing sustainable employment in their field of study.

  • Register here to save the date: Wednesday 24 November 2021 at 11am AEDT

GradWISE Student Testimonials

“Being mentored by Edward, Chardee and Grace over the last 5 months has really helped me keep on track with my studies by having people that I can report to and keep accountability with for maintaining good habits that will allow me to work towards my goals.

“The Neurozone report was a good way to reflect on areas I can improve on, like having better nutrition and being able to discuss and tailor weekly plans was a good way to stay on top of taking care of my mental and physical health. Additionally, since I have recently graduated and am on the hunt for jobs, it has been reassuring to be able to send my resume and cover letters to be checked prior to applying for roles.

“GradWISE takes a holistic approach to supporting their students and would definitely recommend more students partake in their program as they have a lot to offer and genuinely care about our wellbeing.”

And this:

“…GradWISE is fantastic because I found my dream job through this program!

The head of GradWISE, Edward and the program manager, Chardee have encouraged me and guide me to apply the graduate positions through the disability pathway.

“I was so excited after the first meet with them; they are so friendly and professional. They have not only brought me the valuable information but the hope in getting a graduate job that I really want.”

And finally this:

“A program like GradWISE which informs and guides you about your future options and gives you the much needed assurance that you are not on your own, is indeed a very good idea.

“I think it fills a gap that exists during the transitional period between finishing studies and starting work. Feeling supported and guided during this period saves students from unnecessary anxiety born out of uncertainty.

“Because help via GradWISE comes to you at your campus, all students have an equal opportunity of getting guidance and support.

“The neurozone Survey is a good way to assess where each individual student is at so that then they may be helped to shape their thoughts and actions in a beneficial way. The positive mindset can help in all areas of life including finding jobs and maintaining good work ethics.”


Final Year Project Opportunities with RARG

Friday, November 19th, 2021

Student Final Year Project Opportunities with the Rail Accessibility Research Group

The Monash Institute of Railway Technology’s Rail Accessibility Research Group (RARG) is a focused group of multidisciplinary academics, designers and engineers who are leading research in Australia to deliver innovative solutions to improve accessibility to railway networks (including light rail).

Their research also covers stop and station design. There is the need to be adaptive and considerate of a range of user needs to deliver multimodal, seamless accessibility for:

  • People with a disability
  • Older people
  • Parents with prams
  • And bike riders, as examples of the diversity in user groups.

The research group is mindful that accessibility and equity for all should not just be limited to the station area. There should be seamless access to the surrounding precinct, providing connectivity to dwellings, streets, and neighbourhoods as well.

Final Year Project For Civil Engineering Students

RARG offers a range of research and/or design and build projects for undergraduate students, such as students undertaking their final year projects in engineering.

At present, the following final year project is available for Civil Engineering students at Clayton:

Railway Station Accessibility in Victoria: Improving Information Availability for Users

One or two students are sought to compare and contrast suggested practices for providing railway station accessibility information to people with disabilities, and benchmark these suggested practices against current practices being used elsewhere in the country (or the world).

Guided by their findings, the student(s) will design and develop two or three models for providing accessibility information to the public; with the option of potentially presenting these models to members of the disability community for critique.

  • For further information regarding the above project, please contact Dr. Wynita Griggs at

Access to Higher Education Day

Monday, November 15th, 2021

Event Reminder — NCSEHE & EPHEA World Access to Higher Education Day

We hope you can join us for WAHED Australasia on 17 November (national times below) hosted by the NCSEHE and Equity Practitioners in Higher Education Australasia (EPHEA).

The free online event will feature a keynote from Prof. Maria Raciti (USC) as well as a disability practitioner and student panel, discussing important accessibility considerations when returning to an on-campus learning model.

The 2021 Champions for Change will be recognised for their extraordinary efforts in supporting students to succeed in higher education.

WAHED 2021 will also mark the introduction of the NCSEHE and EPHEA Australasian Spotlight on Equity: Grants for recognition of impact. Winners will be announced on the day.

Event Highlights

Keynote: Prof. Maria Raciti — Navigating heightened risk among low SES students in VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous) times: What’s the next best step?

Disability practitioner and student panel — Accessibility considerations when returning to an on-campus learning model

Awards and grants announcements

  • Champions for Change
  • Australasian Spotlight on Equity: Grants for recognition of impact

Event Details and Registration

Wednesday 17 November 2021

Online via Zoom

  • 9:30 am–11:30 am AWST
  • 11:00 am–1:00 pm ACST
  • 11:30 am–1:30 pm AEST
  • 12:30 pm–2:30 pm AEDT
  • 1:30 pm–3:30 pm NZS

This is a free event, registration is essential.

The webinar will be live captioned and recorded. If you cannot attend, please register anyway and you will be sent a link directly to the recording, slides and transcript post-webinar.

  • Register here:

We look forward to seeing you there!