Archive for the ‘News’ Category

All Abilities Football

Tuesday, November 28th, 2023

MUSC All-Abilities Football Program – Expression of Interest

Monash University Soccer Club (MUSC) is asking for your interest in starting an All-Abilities Football Program for Monash students with a disability.

As a club MUSC would like to know if you may be interested in getting involved with a program like this as either a participant or a volunteer. We would love to create a program that is able to cater to the diverse needs of the Monash community, and that means that we need your input into what might interest you!

MUSC are hoping to add a program to the club in 2024, with the intention to grow and develop this space within the club going forward.

If you would like to be a part of this in any way, please complete the Expression of Interest Form.

  • If you have any further queries about this, please don’t hesitate to contact MUSC via email at or through their social media pages.

Women in Sport Leadership Retreat

Monday, November 27th, 2023

Team Monash – Women in Sport Leadership Retreat!

On Thursday 8 – Friday 9 February 2024, Team Monash is proud to be hosting the Women in Sport Leadership Retreat!

Applications are now open for the event, which aims to empower female-identifying student leaders who are engaged in sporting communities, external to or within the University.

A total of 30 female-identifying student leaders will be selected to attend the event that will consist of 2 days of workshops, networking, self-development, guest speakers and more!

This even will be held at the Pullman in East Melbourne. All accommodation, meals and session expenses are covered.

User Study on Maps for Cognitive Impaired

Tuesday, November 21st, 2023

Participants Needed for Study Interviews – Designing Wayfinding Systems

  • Are you a carer/support worker of individuals with cognitive impairment/intellectual disability/neurodiversity?
  • OR are you a Health professional providing healthcare to individuals with cognitive impairment/intellectual disability/neurodiversity?

We are conducting a user study to design better maps for people with cognitive impairments (PwCI) /intellectual disabilities/neurodiversity.

In this study, we are eager to engage with caregivers, support workers, psychologists, and therapists who play pivotal roles in assisting these groups and possess invaluable firsthand knowledge regarding their unique needs and challenges.

  • The study will involve attending interview sessions for insights and experiences related to PwCI’s navigation challenges and needs.
  • The sessions can be conducted online (Zoom).
  • The duration of each interview session will last for 45-60 minutes.
  • The in-person sessions will be held in a Monash University meeting room.

Are You Interested in Participating?

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to Wei Wang (

  • Thank you for considering this opportunity to participate in our research study.

National Road Transport Tech Strategy

Monday, November 6th, 2023

Public Consultation – draft National Road Transport Tech Strategy and 2024-27 Action Plan

The Commonwealth and state and territory transport agencies have worked together to develop a draft National Road Transport Technology Strategy and draft 2024-27 National Connected and Automated Vehicle (CAV) Action Plan, on which they are now seeking your views and inputs.

The consultation is available on the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts website: Draft National Road Transport Technology Strategy and 2024–27 National Connected and Automated Vehicle (CAV) Action Plan | Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts

  • Submissions can be made to and close on Wednesday 6 December 2023.

They are also offering stakeholders the option of a bilateral meeting with the review team, in addition to providing a written submission. If you would like to take up this option, please email at:   

New Technologies Can Make Road Transport Safer

New technologies like connected and automated vehicles (CAVs) can help make road transport safer, less congested, more accessible and convenient, and better for the environment.

The draft Strategy and Action Plan set out how Commonwealth, state and territory governments will work together to support new road transport technologies and roll them out in nationally consistent ways. Australian governments want to be ready for these technologies so that they are deployed in a way that achieves their benefits for everyone.

Your views on the consultation drafts of the Strategy and Action Plan are welcome, and we would appreciate you bringing the consultation to the attention of your friends and others who may have an interest.

Your input will help shape the final Strategy and 2024-27 Action Plan that will be put to Australia’s Infrastructure and Transport Ministers, so that they meet industry and community needs.

The final Strategy and Action Plan (once approved by Infrastructure and Transport Ministers) would replace the National Policy Framework for Land Transport Technology and 2020-2023 National Land Transport Technology Action Plan.

  • The aim is to have the new Strategy and Action Plan in place by mid-2024.

Free Art Workshops

Friday, September 29th, 2023

Free Visual Art Workshops for Young Deaf and Disabled Artists

Arts Access Victoria are holding free workshops for young Deaf and Disabled artists.

They are being led by an established Deaf and Disabled artist and have an online alternative.

These workshops were co-designed by Deaf and Disabled artists and have access at their core.

  • Who: Young Deaf and Disabled people aged 18 – 25. (If you’re a little over 25 that won’t be a problem!)
  • What: a series of free workshops that have an online version.
  • Where: Signal, The channel and online.
  • When: In person Saturday October 7, 14 and 21 from 11:30 am – 1:30 pm & Online Wednesday October 11 (11:30am – 1:30pm), 18 and 25 from 6pm – 8pm.

There is an air-dry clay workshop with Pey Chi; an Illustration/drawing workshop with Chelle Destefano; and an Ableton workshop with Geryon.

  • Price: Free!
  • Access: Auslan interpretation, live captioning, wheelchair access, accessible bathroom, gender neutral bathroom, accessible public transport, support animals welcome and support workers

Click here for more information and go to the Arts Access website.

  • Arts Access Victoria
  • Office: 222 Bank St, South Melbourne Victoria 3205
  • Reception phone: 03 9699 8299

End of Semester Workshops

Friday, September 15th, 2023

End of Semester Workshops from Student Academic Success

Get Ready for Your Final Assessments with These Fantastic Free Workshops!

Make sure you are prepared for your end-of-semester assessments by attending one of the online workshops from Student Academic Success.

Prepare your brain’s pathways for revision success

  • How do you make the most of the “empty” weeks leading up to the exams and study smarter, rather than harder?
  • Train your brain to make the most of the weeks leading up to the exams so that your revision is flexible, purposeful and active.

Register Now

Beat Procrastination! Conquer time!

  • Learn how to crush procrastination and create an efficient and effective study and revision schedule.
  • Unpack some of the reasons for falling into procrastination and learn effective time management tools like the Pomodoro time management technique.

Register Now

Effective strategies for sitting a timed assessment

  • Discover how to anticipate what will be on your exams, how to respond effectively to different question types, and how to manage your time during timed assessments.

Register Now

Meeting your personal study challenges

  • Find out all about common challenges faced during the final assessment period, and how to develop tailored strategies for succeeding in your studies.

Register Now

Need something a little more personalised?

Get personalised support

VR Research Study

Wednesday, September 13th, 2023

Try Out VR for Research Study

  • Do you identify has having a disability?
  • Would you like to try out VR (Virtual Reality)?

You can try VR at home for two weeks with a new study being conducted about the immediate and long-term issues, challenges, and opportunities for disabled users in VR, and how VR developers and platforms can ensure an inclusive and equitable digital future.

Researchers from the University of Sydney are seeking people with a disability who have no (or limited) experience with Virtual Reality or Augmented Reality technologies to use VR and/or AR and report back on their experience.

You will be provided a VR device for two weeks to try at home.

  • Please contact Research Fellow Kate Clark if you would like to participate in this study at:

A detailed participant information statement will be emailed to you upon your inquiry.

  • This study has been approved by the Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC) of The University of Sydney [2023/352]

Improving MazeMaps

Tuesday, September 5th, 2023

MazeMaps Improvement – Have Your Say!

Staff at Monash Esolutions are interested in receiving feedback from students and staff with vision impairment regarding our digital map provider, MazeMaps, with a view to improving the accessibility of Monash’s digital maps.

  • You are invited to participate in a focus group to have your say about MazeMap improvements that would help you and your situation.

The objective of this focus group is to gather insights, suggestions, and ideas from visually impaired students and staff to improve the University’s mapping and navigation system (

We believe that your firsthand experiences and perspectives will help us create a more accessible and efficient navigation solution.

As part of this focus group, we will be providing:

  • An overview of our current blind navigation system, with an open discussion where you will be encouraged to share your experiences and challenges with the existing system, as well as systems that have worked well for you
  • Identify areas for improvement and potential solutions.
  • Provide feedback on proposed improvements.

Next Steps and Follow-up

Participant Criteria: We are looking for students who are actively using or have experience with navigation systems for the visually impaired. Your insights are highly valuable to us, regardless of your level of familiarity with our specific system.

  • RSVP: Please contact by COB Sept 22nd to participate.

Sessions will be organised both in person and via Zoom based on availability.

Neurodiversity Superpowers

Monday, September 4th, 2023

Event for Neurodiverse Staff and Students

Join us for a social event tailored for neurodiverse staff and students!

Engage in a thought-provoking workshop tailored to help develop your neurodiverse superpowers, followed by a chance to connect with like-minded peers and discover your own community on campus. Hyperfocus is optional.

The workshop will focus on the following themes:
  • Resilience
  • Innovative thinking
  • Hyperfocus
  • Unique skills
  • Pillars of support

Event details:

  • Date: Thursday 7 September
  • Time: 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm
  • Venue: Long Room, Monash Club

Register here!

  • If you have any questions, please reach out to the EDI team at

Exams and Travel

Thursday, August 10th, 2023

Start Planning Your Exams and Holidays Early!

Final assessments may feel far away (30 October–17 November for semester two), but we’re sharing the dates with you now in case you’re starting your holiday planning early.

  • If you’re enrolled in an on-campus unit, you need to remain available for on-campus exams for the whole exam period, so make sure you book any travel or other major plans for after 17 November.
  • It’s important because if you have an on-campus final assessment, you must sit it on campus as scheduled, unless you’re experiencing exceptional circumstances.
  • For more information on final assessment dates click here!