Archive for April, 2010


Tuesday, April 27th, 2010

1. Koko Black Careers Cocktail Evening

The Monash International Law Association invites you to attend our annual Koko Black Careers Cocktail Evening. This is an opportunity to mingle with representatives from law firms  and other law related placements. Representatives from Allens Arthur Robinson, Corrs Chambers Westgarth, Malleson Stephen Jaques, Baker & McKenzie, New York Bar Review and Norton Rose.
Purchase tickets online at:
 Look for ‘Koko Black Careers Cocktail Evening.’

Alternatively, email us at:
Provide us with your name, email  address and mobile number to reserve a ticket payable on the night.
For more information see:

For queries email:
We will also be selling tickets on the Clayton campus next week, at the Meeting Point, Campus Centre (Building 10) from 12 pm to 2 pm  this week.

2. VCLSS Networking Evening

In 2010 the Victorian Council of Law Students’ Societies is hosting its first ever Networking Evening. This event allows students the opportunity to mingle with firm representatives in an informal setting to help with establishing contacts as well as gaining valuable information on what the various firms are looking for in their clerks. 

The event this year is open to all students however it has been particularly tailored towards JD students (recognising a need for careers events held in the CBD, outside of work hours, with sufficient access to firm representatives). I therefore encourage you to consider this opportunity. 

 Firms who have confirmed attendance are:
Allens Arthur Robinson, Blake Dawson, Corrs Chambers Westgarth, Clayton Utz, Lander & Rogers, Monahan & Rowell, Sparke Helmore and Victorian Government Solicitors Office.

Date: Wednesday 12 May, 2010
Time: 5.30 pm – 7.30 pm
Place: Metropolitan Hotel, 
             263 William Street, Melbourne
Cost: $30
RSVP: please email

There are only a very limited number of tickets and they will be given on a first in, first served basis. 

For queries please email:


Tuesday, April 27th, 2010

1. Legal Aid Matter: Legal Aid Rally

Australian lawyers and social welfare organisations have come together to address the current crisis in legal aid funding. The crisis is affecting the delivery of justice for some of society’s most vulnerable members, many of whom are children caught up in family law disputes.

Our aim is to achieve:
An adequately funded legal aid system
A cooperative, nationally consistent and fair approach to provision of legal aid
Access to justice for all

Come and join the Rally on the Crisis in Legal Aid Funding

Date: Wednesday 28 April, 2010
Time: 9.15am – 10am
Venue: Forecourt, County Court,
             corner William and Lonsdale Streets,

Speakers include:
Former Chief Justice, Family Court, Alastair Nicholson; VCOSS CEO Cath Smith;
LIV President Elect Caroline Counsel and Victorian barrister Robert Richter, QC.

For more information see: 
100428 Legal Aid rally flyer

2. R v Mocilovic: Human Rights Victory or Individual Injustice?

The Castan Centre for Human Rights Law presents Michael Croucher, the barrister, who appeared for Vera Mocilovic in the recent Victorian Court of Appeal case of R v Mocilovic.  The judgment in that case contained the first judicial declaration that a law is incompatible with the Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006 (Vic). 

Mr Croucher will consider how the Momcilovic  decision impacts on the right to the presumption of innocence and whether the case delivered justice for Vera Mocilovic.  He will also explore the court’s understanding of the Charter’s interpretation and declaration powers, and how this decision may affect litigation strategy. 

 This ia a free public lecture and everyone is welcome.

Date: Wednesday 28 April, 2010
Time: 6 pm – 7 pm
Venue: Monash University Law Chambers,
              472 Bourke Street, Melbourne
             or 9905 3327

For more information see:

3. The Great Law Week Debate

Witness internationally-respected Monash Law Alumni battle it out with current Monash Law students, over this highly controversial topic at the annual Great Law Week Debate. Grand Finalist of the Commonwealth AAT Moot.

Amit Golder (Law/Arts) will lead the student team to argue ‘Criminals don’t deserve the same human rights as everyone else’, supported by Natalie Devitsakis (Law/Arts), who has been ranked in the top ten of Australasian British Parliamentary Women’s Debating Championships and Sashi Balaraman (Law), a Grand Finalist at the Australasian Intervarsity Debating Championships.

But proving this point won’t be easy against the Monash Alumni team lead by one of Melbourne’s most respected QCs David Galbally (BJuris 1972, LLB 1974) and team mates Dick Gross AM (BA/LLB 1980) author and former three-time Mayor of the City of Port Phillip and Kate Metcalf (BJuris 1977, LLB 1979) a lawyer with three decades of experience gained inside businesses ranging from global household names to one-woman micro-businesses.

Overseeing the Great Law Week Debate as moderator is Monash Law graduate Will Fowles (BCom/LLB 2004), who in 2005 became the youngest ever member of the Melbourne Cricket Club Committee and in 2008 ran for Lord Mayor of Melbourne.

Date: Wednesday 19 May, 2010
Time: 6 pm – 7:30 pm
Where: State Library of Victoria,
               Theatrette,179 Latrobe St, 
               Melbourne (Entry 3)
Cost: Free
RSVP: By Wednesday 12 May, 2010
             or (03) 9905 2630

For further information see:

General Notices

Tuesday, April 27th, 2010

1. Dontas Travelling Fellowships

The Dontas Travelling Fellowships are offered biannually by the Greek / Australian International Legal and Medical Conference to a graduate in Medicine and a graduate in Law who are currently undertaking postgraduate research in either faculty.

Applicants should be graduates in Law or Medicine, under 40 years of age, an Australian Resident and currently enrolled in post-graduate study within either Faculty.

The successful applicants will be required to present a learned paper of 30 minutes duration at the Conference. Papers that address the Conference theme and/or Greek Australian relationships are encouraged. The Conference has no objection to subsequent publication of any part of the paper in a thesis by the applicant.

Date: Sunday 28 May, 2011 – Saturday 4 June, 2011.
Venue: The island of Kos, Greece
Theme: The Law, Medicine and the Public Good: Are We Putting 
               Our Best Foot Forward?

Applications will close on Friday 16 July, 2010.

For more information and paper requirements see:
dontas family travelling fellowships flyer for 2010-2011

For the registration form see:
Dontas Family Travelling Fellowships application form

For further information see:

2. Monash Sport Membership Promotion

 Monash Sport has a special offer until the end of May on memberships to help you stay fit and raise money for charity.

Join up on a Monash Sport membership and they will waive the fee of your first month for a gold coin donation to the National Breast Cancer Foundation.

You will also go in the draw to win a plasma TV, mountain bike and a signed Melbourne Victory jersey.

 This is for new members only. This cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer and conditions apply.

This offer ends on Monday 31 May, 2010.

For more information see:

Postgraduate Notices

Tuesday, April 27th, 2010

1. Upcoming Postgraduate Learning Skills Seminars and Workshops

Seminar 1: Starting out as a law student

Some of the questions addressed:

How do I manage my successful return to study in this new discipline?

What are some appropriate techniques to use for taking effective notes from my reading and my lectures?

Dates: Friday April 30, Thursday May 6 and Thursday May 6, 2010

Times: 12 pm -1:30 pm, 11:30 pm-1.00 pm, 4:00 pm – 5:30 pm

Venues: City Chambers, City Chambers, City Chambers

Use the booking system to book your place:

Online language and learning resources are also available at:

2. Unit Discontinuation Dates Reminder

Unit discontinuation dates for Master, Graduate Diplomas, Single Unit enrolment and JD elective units is available at:



Monday, April 19th, 2010

1. Monash Golden Key Presents: ‘The Real World Transition’

After spending many years within the comfort zone of the University environment, the transition into the real world can be pretty daunting. You may well have your formal qualifications behind you, but has anyone actually helped you prepare for the interviews that lie ahead? How can you ensure your CV sets you apart? Are you able to articulate what you are really looking for when a potential employer asks you why you have chosen to apply to their firm? This one-hour seminar will certainly benefit anyone about to venture into the workforce and will leave you with practical tips and advice that you can take away with you and immediately apply to your job search.

About our speaker:

Paul Slezak has seen success in the highly competitive recruitment and advertising industries in Australia and Hong Kong by applying his professionalism, drive and creativity to develop and deliver solutions that exceed business expectations, and push the boundaries to create innovative solutions. Having recently returned from Asia, Paul is the founder of 2 dots – a specialist consulting business focusing on career development, professional and business mentoring, as well as facilitating workshops that bring out the best in teams.  Paul is also Director of Recruitment Academy – undoubtedly Australia’s leading provider of tailored induction and training courses to the recruitment industry. He is also co-author of the recently published ‘21 things to do to get a new job NOW!’. Paul completed his Bachelor of Economics at the University of Sydney and his Masters degree at Macquarie University.

Details of the event are as follows:

Date: Monday 19th April 2010
Time: 2:00-3:30pm
Location: R3, Building 8 (Rotunda), 
                    Monash University Clayton Campus
Cost: Free for all students 
          (you do not need to be a Golden Key Member to attend)

For more information please visit:

For queries email our Careers Officers:
Nicola Giarratana and Amit Chowdhury at

General Notices

Monday, April 19th, 2010

1. Compete in the Castan Centre’s Human Rights Mooting Competition

Applications are now being accepted for the 2010 Victorian Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Mooting Competition. Monash University will be entering two teams of three students (Senior Counsel, Junior Counsel, and Solicitor). 

Date: Monday 2 – Monday 9 August, 2010

The event is sponsored by Clayton Utz who will provide the following prizes:

Winning team: $3000
Runner-up: $1000

To be eligible, students must be in the equivalent of at least third year of a combined undergraduate law degree, or any year of a JD degree but must not have completed their degree.  It is preferable that competitors have completed some studies in human rights law.

Applications must have:
A short cover letter, CV and academic transcript (WES version is fine) via your student email.

The closing date for application is 5pm on Friday 30 April, 2010.

Applications should be sent to:

Erica Contini
Project Officer, Castan Centre for Human Rights Law

For more information about the moot see:

For more information about applying to be on Monash’s teams see:

2. Law Short Film Competition

The Connecting with Law Short Film Competition is launching for 2010.

Oxford University Press is inviting students to submit a film between 2–5 minutes long about law or the study of law. The competition is open to all students currently enrolled in an Australian Law School. Non-law students can also be involved, however at least one student per group must be studying a law subject.

The winners will be those judged to be the most creative, instructive and original – anything that helps other students to connect with law. The winners will receive:

  • 1st prize $1500
  • 2nd prize $500
  • 3rd prize $250

For further details, entry forms, guidelines and to see last year’s winners please see our website at:

 The closing date for this competition is Friday 30 July, 2010.

3. Student Gazette Changing to Tuesday Next Week

Next week there is a public holiday for ANZAC day and the student gazette will be moved to Tuesday. The student gazette will be moved back to Monday for the following week.



Monday, April 12th, 2010

1. Free Public Lecture: How Gender Can Affect Progress Towards The UN’s Millennium Development Goals

Nana Oye Lithur is the Chief Executive Director of the Human Rights Advocacy Centre and is a respected human rights activist in Ghana.  Nana has led several fact finding missions to investigate human rights violations in Ghana and has also worked as a lecturer, presenting Human Rights/CHRI human rights lectures for journalism students. Nana has also been recognised for her work in human rights and in 2008 was a recipient and champion torch bearer for women’s rights. This event is co-sponsored BusEco PAL Program.

Date: Wednesday 14 April, 2010
: 1 pm – 2 pm
            (light refreshments from 2 pm – 2.30 pm)
: R4,  Rotunda, Building 8,
             Monash University Clayton Campus
             or telephone 9905 3327

For more information:

2. Monash Golden Key Presents: ‘The Real World Transition’

After spending many years within the comfort zone of the University environment, the transition into the real world can be pretty daunting. You may well have your formal qualifications behind you, but has anyone actually helped you prepare for the interviews that lie ahead? How can you ensure your CV sets you apart? Are you able to articulate what you are really looking for when a potential employer asks you why you have chosen to apply to their firm?

This one-hour seminar will certainly benefit anyone about to venture into the workforce and will leave you with practical tips and advice that you can take away with you and immediately apply to your job search.

About our speaker:

 Paul Slezak has seen success in the highly competitive recruitment and advertising industries in Australia and Hong Kong by applying his professionalism, drive and creativity to develop and deliver solutions that exceed business expectations, and push the boundaries to create innovative solutions.

Having recently returned from Asia, Paul is the founder of 2 dots – a specialist consulting business focusing on career development, professional and business mentoring, as well as facilitating workshops that bring out the best in teams.  Paul is also Director of Recruitment Academy – undoubtedly Australia’s leading provider of tailored induction and training courses to the recruitment industry. He is also co-author of the recently published ‘21 things to do to get a new job NOW!’. Paul completed his Bachelor of Economics at the University of Sydney and his Masters degree at Macquarie University.

Details of the event are as follows:

Date: Monday 19 April, 2010
Time: 2 pm – 3:30pm
Location: R3, Building 8 (Rotunda), 
                  Monash University Clayton Campus
Cost: Free for all students 
          (you do not need to be a Golden Key Member to attend)

For more information please visit:

For queries email our Careers Officers:
Nicola Giarratana and Amit Chowdhury at

General Notices

Monday, April 12th, 2010

1. Compete in the Castan Centre’s Human Rights Mooting Competition

Applications are now being accepted for the 2010 Victorian Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Mooting Competition. Monash University will be entering two teams of three students (Senior Counsel, Junior Counsel, and Solicitor). 

Date: Monday 2 – Monday 9 August, 2010

The event is sponsored by Clayton Utz who will provide the following prizes:
Winning team: $3000
Runner-up: $1000

To be eligible, students must be in the equivalent of at least third year of a combined undergraduate law degree, or any year of a JD degree but must not have completed their degree.  It is preferable that competitors have completed some studies in human rights law.

Applications must have:
A short cover letter, CV and academic transcript (WES version is fine) via your student email.

The closing date for application is 5pm on Friday 30 April, 2010.

Applications should be sent to:
Erica Contini
Project Officer, Castan Centre for Human Rights Law

For more information about the moot see:

For more information about applying to be on Monash’s teams see:

2. Law Short Film Competition

The Connecting with Law Short Film Competition is launching for 2010.

Oxford University Press is inviting students to submit a film between 2–5 minutes long about law or the study of law. The competition is open to all students currently enrolled in an Australian Law School. Non-law students can also be involved, however at least one student per group must be studying a law subject.

The winners will be those judged to be the most creative, instructive and original – anything that helps other students to connect with law. The winners will receive:

  • 1st prize $1500
  • 2nd prize $500
  • 3rd prize $250

For further details, entry forms, guidelines and to see last year’s winners please see our website at:

3. Summer Semester Unit Evaluation Results

The Faculty received good results for the Summer Semester Unit Evaluations 2009/2010. The Law Faculty rated an average score of 4.11 on Question 5 (Overall Satisfaction) compared with 4.15 for the last Summer Semester. 37 Units were evaluated of which 5 Units scored 4.70 or more on Q5, placing them in the ‘Outstanding’ category. The teachers of any Units scoring 4.70 or more will receive a Certificate of Commendation at the Faculty Teaching Workshop in October.