Archive for May, 2010


Monday, May 24th, 2010

1. Legal Associate Position Available – Family Court of Western Australia

Position Title: Legal Associate
Job Level: Graduate
Salary: $55,913 – $60,707
Duration: 12 months commencing ASAP (possible further twelve 12 months)

Job Description:
The successful applicant will be required to undertake legal research and produce written work for the Puisne Judges of the Court. 
There is also a requirement to carry out administrative functions in preparation for Court sittings and act as Judicial Support Officer. 
There will also be a requirement to present the legal component of the weekly information sessions for the public.

Application Requirements:
Applications addressing the essential work related requirements (selection criteria), outlined in the job description form.
A cover letter indicating an interest in the position and a current academic record.

Send applications to:
The Chief Judge’s Administrator
Family Court of Western Australia
GPO Box 9991
Perth  WA  6848 (08) 9224 8357

The closing date for applications is Tuesday 8 June, 2010 at 4:30 pm.

For the job description form please see:

For more information please see:
Associate to Judge _Legal_ May 10

2. Piper Alderman: Graduate Recruitment Opportunities

Piper Alderman’s message is simple – we’ll give you interesting legal work that will challenge your way of thinking and your understanding of the law. In return you will give us your dedication and intellect.

Together we will create an excellent lawyer who is commercially savvy, innovative and client focused.

We are currently seeking graduates across a number of practice areas for our 2011 program.

The closing date for applications is Monday, 14 June 2010.

Please submit application via:  

For more information please see:
Piper Alderman Advertisement

3. University of Surrey, School of Law – Postgraduate Research Studentships Available

The School of Law is offering 2 full-time doctoral (or postgraduate research) studentships starting in October, 2010. The 3 year studentships will cover some fees plus a stipend of £12,600 pa.

For further information please visit:

General Notices

Monday, May 24th, 2010

1. Did You Know…

Turning off the tap while brushing your teeth can save 4000 litres of water a year.

Energy saving light bulbs use 80% less energy and last 8 times longer than incandescent bulbs.

One ‘car-free’ day a week will reduce your greenhouse gas emissions from driving to Monash by one fifth!

Using a reusable bag when you shop will help reduce the 4 billion plastic bags used across Australia every year.

Buying Fairtrade will help producers in the developing world become more sustainable.

General Notices

Monday, May 24th, 2010

1. Clinical Legal Education Applications

If you think you need hands-on practical experience of real clients with real cases – including court appearances – before you leave law school, please note that Clinical Legal Education applications are now being accepted for Clinical Period 3:
(July – November) until Friday 5 June, 2010.

For application forms and unit information please see:
or at the Law Student Services counter.

Clinical Legal Education Programs Available:

LAW5216 Professional Practice (12pts)

LAW5217 Law Reform and Community Development (6pts)

LAW5128 Family Law Assistance Program (Professional Practice) (12pts)

LAW5149 Advanced Professional Practice LAW5149 (6pts)

Sexual Assault Clinic – SECASA

Criminal Defence Clinic – in conjunction with Rob Stary and Associates

Human Rights Clinic – in conjunction with the Castan Centre for Human Rights at Holding Redlich

Commercial Law Clinic – in conjunction with Moores Legal, solicitors

2. Jessup International Law Moot

The Jessup International Law Moot is the world’s largest and most prestigious International Law moot court competition, with participants from over 500 law schools in more than 80 countries.

The National Rounds for the 2011 moot will take place in January/February 2011 in Canberra.

Monash University Law students who participate in the 2011 Jessup moot will receive 6 credit points for their preparation and participation in the moot itself.

Dr Adam McBeth is coaching the Monash Law team for the 2010 competition and is calling for students who are interested in being a member of the Monash Law School team to attend a lunchtime discussion/information session on:
Date: Thursday 27 May, 2010
Time: 1 pm
Venue: L1

3. Worldwide Investigation of Student Chronotype

Are you interested in being involved in a worldwide project looking at student sleep habits?

For more information please visit:

The study is not related in any way to your course at Monash University, nor will the choice to participate or not affect your relationship with Monash University.

Law Library Notices

Monday, May 24th, 2010

1. Law Library Closed Sunday 30 May, 2010

The Law Library and Law building will be closed on Sunday 30 May, 2010 due to electrical works being carried out for the Menzies redevelopment project.

The Matheson and Hargrave-Andrew Libraries will be open from 10 am – 5 pm and Caulfield Library from 10 am – 10 pm.

We sincerely apologise for any inconvenience.


Postgraduate Notices

Monday, May 24th, 2010

1. Seminar 3: Legal Citation and Referencing

Some of the questions addressed:
How do I incorporate others’ ideas appropriately through referencing in legal assessment tasks?
What is and how do I avoid plagiarism?

Dates: Friday May 14, Thursday May 20, Thursday May 27, 2010
Times: 2:30 pm – 4 pm, 4 pm-5:30 pm, 11:30 am-1 pm
Venues: Clayton, City Chambers, City Chambers

Use the booking system to book your place:

Online language and learning resources are also available at:

2. Seminar 4: Reading Legal Texts and Writing in Legal Genres

Some of the questions addressed:

What are and how do I apply critical reading techniques when summarising cases and statutes?
What are some effective approaches to planning my writing task?
What are the predictable structures of legal essays?
How do I write clearly and effectively for my audience using plain English?

Dates: Thursday May 27, Friday May 28, 2010
Times: 4 pm – 5:30 pm, 2:30 pm – 4 pm
City Chambers, Clayton

Use the booking system to book your place:

Online language and learning resources are also available at:

3. Units Cancelled in 2010 – Cancellation of PG Units

Due to unforeseen circumstances the following postgraduate units have been cancelled for 2010:

LAW7009 Commercial tenancy law
LAW7342 Legal aspects of the Israel/Palestine
LAW7345 Managing urban growth: legal planning issues

The Faculty apologies for any inconvenience this may cause. Students requiring course advice can contact the Course Convenor by email:
or telephone 9903 8500



Monday, May 17th, 2010

1. Australian Research Council Laureate Fellowship PhD Scholarship

Professor George Williams is seeking to appoint a PhD scholar to work with him on his Australian Research Council Laureate Fellowship project ‘Anti-Terror Laws and the Democratic Challenge’.

The three year PhD scholarship (payable at $26,140 per year) is open to people who have an outstanding academic record and the potential to become a leading legal scholar.

The appointee will work closely with Professor Williams on the areas covered by the project. They will also have the opportunity to participate in the strong and supportive research culture at the Gilbert + Tobin Centre of Public Law at UNSW Law School.

Applicants must be an Australian or New Zealand citizen or Australian Permanent Resident

Job Location: School of Law, University of New South Wales Sydney, Australia

For further information, application details contact Professor George Williams at:  

The closing date for applications is Monday 31 May, 2010.

2. Castan Centre In-House Internships – Applications Now Open

Position Title: Internship
Job Level: Law Student
Required Available: Part Time (one day a week)
Duration: Monday 19 July – Friday 15 October, 2010 (twelve weeks). 

Job Description:

The Castan Centre in-house internship program gives Monash Law students who are interested and passionate about human rights the opportunity to become involved in the work of the Castan Centre for Human Rights Law.

 Interns will have the opportunity to assist in a variety of programs. These could include; research and writing on human rights projects, writing articles for the Castan Centre newsletter, and assisting with public education events such as lectures and the annual human rights conference.

Applications Requirements:
There will not be interviews for the internships and students are expected to write a very brief cover letter only (no longer than 1 page).

The closing date for applications for second semester 2010 (part-time) is 5 pm Friday 21 May, 2010.

Details of selection criteria and the application process are available at:

For queries please contact Erica Contini, Castan Centre Project Officer at:
or 9905 3318


Monday, May 17th, 2010

1. National Youth Summit 2010

Date: Friday 29 October – Tuesday 2 November
Venue: University of Technology, Sydney

The theme of NYS 2010 is ‘Human Rights’, encompassing four thematic issues – Conflict, Gender Inequality, Good Governance and Minorities (Aboriginal Rights). It will consist of various programs of interaction and debate: workshops, discussion groups, guest speakers, and social events that will provide an opportunity for students to interact and build networks outside the conference.

For more information see:
National Youth Summit

2. The Rise and Rise of Targeted Assassinations, and the Implications for International Law

Date: Wednesday 19 May, 2010
6 pm – 7 pm
Monash University Law Chambers, 
              472 Bourke Street, Melbourne
             or 9905 3327

Free Public Lecture – All Welcome

A gentle reminder that the Castan Centre for Human Rights Law and the Human Rights Law Resource Centre present Professor Philip Alston, UN Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions, Special Adviser to the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights on the Millennium Development Goals, and the John Pomeroy Professor of Law at New York University.  He co-chairs the NYU Center for Human Rights and Global Justice. 

For more information see:

General Notices

Monday, May 17th, 2010

1. Clinical Legal Education Applications

If you think you need hands-on practical experience of real clients with real cases – including court appearances – before you leave law school, please note that Clinical Legal Education applications are now being accepted for Clinical Period 3:
(July – November) until Friday 5 June, 2010.

For application forms and unit information please see:
or at the Law Student Services counter.

Clinical Legal Education Programs Available:

LAW5216 Professional Practice (12pts)

LAW5217 Law Reform and Community Development (6pts)

LAW5128 Family Law Assistance Program (Professional Practice) (12pts)

LAW5149 Advanced Professional Practice LAW5149 (6pts)

Sexual Assault Clinic – SECASA

Criminal Defence Clinic – in conjunction with Rob Stary and Associates

Human Rights Clinic – in conjunction with the Castan Centre for Human Rights at Holding Redlich

Commercial Law Clinic – in conjunction with Moores Legal, solicitors

2. Disability Liaison Unit Services

The Faculty of Law is committed to promoting access and equity for students who have a disability or long term medical condition.

The University’s Disability Liaison Unit (DLU) may be able to provide a range of services to assist these students, including alternative arrangements for assessments/examinations (AAA’s).

To register with the DLU you must contact them directly, for more information and contact details please visit the website at:

3. Research Project

We are looking for skilled and enthusiastic senior law students to participate in an online experiment!

Solve a fun and challenging contract law dispute. Knowledge of contract law is not needed, we supply the law, and you supply the skills to apply it!

You get a $50 Sanity Music gift card.

This experiment requires a minimum participation time of 30 minutes. On average, it requires 60 minutes to complete.

For queries contact:

For more information see:
Research Project

4. Semester 1 Unit Evaluations

Semester 1 Unit Evaluations (UE) are now underway and we would really appreciate your participation in these evaluations (it is only 5 questions plus the opportunity to add some comments)  and let us know how you think the quality of our Units can be continually improved. 

We do care about your feedback and opinions and we do take what you say on board when redesigning our Units for next time – if you look in the Unit Guides you will see that there is a special section in there called ‘Continuous Improvement’ which explains how the student feedback from the previous group has led to improvements for the current Unit. 

We also try hard each Semester to improve on our previous performance on Unit Evaluations so in S1 we are trying to improve on our 2009 S1 UE performance of:

Average student response rate – the Law Faculty received 51.42% compared with the University’s response rate at 46.02%.

Average score on Q5 – the overall satisfaction question – the Law Faculty rated 4.09 out of a possible 5 compared with the University’s score of 3.94.

Number of Units scoring in the ‘Outstanding’ category on Q5 – the Law Faculty had 20 Units rate in this category which was an awesome result! To do this now Units have to get a score of 4.7 or more out of a possible 5. 

Thank you very much for the feedback which you provide to us about our units – we really do appreciate it and of course your participation in the unit evaluation process.

5. Warning Re Uploading Of University Materials On External Websites

It has come to the Faculty’s attention that some students have been downloading lecture slides from Blackboard and uploading them onto external commercial  websites.

We would like to remind students that the university owns the copyright for all lecture materials and that their misuse breaches copyright law and is treated as a disciplinary offence by the university.

Assoc Prof Moira Paterson Associate Dean (Undergraduate Studies)

Professor Ann Monotti Associate Dean (Postgraduate Studies)

Postgraduate Notices

Monday, May 17th, 2010

1. Upcoming Postgraduate Learning Skills Seminars and Workshops

Seminar 4: Reading legal texts and writing in legal genres

Some of the questions addressed:
What are and how do I apply critical reading techniques when summarising cases and statutes?
What are some effective approaches to planning my writing task?
What are the predictable structures of legal essays?
How do I write clearly and effectively for my audience using plain English?

Dates: Thursday May 27, Friday May 28, 2010
Times: 4 pm – 5:30 pm, 2:30 pm – 4 pm
City Chambers, Clayton

Use the booking system to book your place:

Online language and learning resources are also available at:



Tuesday, May 11th, 2010

1. Castan Centre In-House Internships – Applications Now Open

Position Title: Internship
Job Level: Law Student
Required Available: Part Time (one day a week)
Duration: Monday 19 July – Friday 15 October, 2010 (twelve weeks). 

Job Description:
The Castan Centre in-house internship program gives Monash Law students who are interested and passionate about human rights the opportunity to become involved in the work of the Castan Centre for Human Rights Law.

Interns will have the opportunity to assist in a variety of programs. These could include; research and writing on human rights projects, writing articles for the Castan Centre newsletter, and assisting with public education events such as lectures and the annual human rights conference.

Application Requirements:
There will not be interviews for the internships and students are expected to write a very brief cover letter only (no longer than 1 page).

The closing date for applications for second semester 2010 (part-time) is 5 pm Friday 21 May, 2010.

Details of selection criteria and the application process are available at:

For queries please contact Erica Contini, Castan Centre Project Officer at:
or 9905 3318

2. Paralegal Position

Position Title: Paralegal Position
Job Level: Final Year Student
Required Availability: Part Time (3 days a week)

Sparke Helmore is one of Australia’s most dynamic law firms. Our Firm services a blue chip client portfolio across eight offices nationally and is supported by leading edge infrastructure and resources.

We currently have an opportunity for a Paralegal to join the national Insurance group in our Melbourne office, working particularly in the areas of State and Commonwealth Compensation and General Liability litigation.

We are looking for a law student in their penultimate year of study who would like the opportunity to build a future career with the Firm. This position is for three days per week on a casual basis, allowing for flexibility to work extra hours during university breaks.

Job Description:
Responsibilities of the position include drafting letters and court documents, reviewing and summarising documents, attending AAT Return of Summons Hearings, court copying, updating monthly client reports and research.

Applicants should have:
Excellent verbal and written communication skills, be proactive and have the ability to organise and prioritise. If you are a self-starter who thrives on being busy and works well in a team environment.

The closing date for applications is Friday 21 May, 2010

Please apply online at:

For queries contact Tanya Hughes:
(03) 9291 2304