Archive for October, 2011


Monday, October 17th, 2011

1. The London International Human Rights Congress 2011

“Immigration & Integration in an Age of Austerity: Challenges and Opportunities”

(London, November 22 – 25 2011)

On behalf of the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy, I am writing to
bring to your attention the following major program hosted by us in
partnership with other leading organizations. The program will bring
together governmental and diplomatic officials, civil society
practitioners, private sector representatives, journalists, young
professionals, students and scholars and other interested stakeholders
from across the world for a program of lectures, workshops, group
discussions and cultural excursions featuring leading figures from the
fields of politics, civil society, academia, and the media.

We are currently accepting applications for the event and I would be
grateful if you could share this announcement by forwarding the
information below to anyone you think may be interested in attending.

Thank you for your attention and for your cooperation in sharing the
news of our upcoming events.

For further information please see:

General Notices

Monday, October 17th, 2011

1. 4th Gaire Blunt Scholarship – $5000

Business Law Section is offering the 4th Gaire Blunt Scholarship during 2012.

Attached is a Flyer and an Application Form for the scholarship.  The Section has extended the time for receipt of entries next year from 31 January 2012 to 31 May 2012.

2. ALPSA Essay Competition for Law Students

The competition is open to all undergraduate and postgraduate students currently enrolled at an Australian University. It is a prestigious competition and is judged by a panel which includes Justice Susan Kiefel AC (of the High Court of Australia), Professor Geoffrey Goldsworthy (President of the Australian Society of Legal Philosophy), Professor Wojciech Sadurski (University of Sydney) and Dr Jonathan Crowe (University of Queensland).

Our first place winner will receive $250 and will have their essay published in the Justice and the Law Society’s ‘Pandora’s Box’ law journal. Second place will receive $120 and third place, $70. There is also a selection of new legal philosophy books that will be awarded randomly to entrants.

For further information please see ALPSA Essay Competition

Postgraduate Notices

Monday, October 17th, 2011

1. Monash Law Postgraduate Research Scholarships

Closing date 31 October 2011

The Faculty of Law invites expressions of interest from Law graduates qualified to undertake postgraduate research leading to a doctoral degree.  We offer the Doctor of Juridical Science (SJD) and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD).  Some scholarships will be available for suitably qualified candidates.  Successful candidates will receive a  non-taxable stipend for 3 years of full time candidature. In addition, the Law Faculty  gives very favourable consideration to engaging its doctoral students in sessional teaching within its teaching programs.

Applicants should be Australian permanent residents or citizens of Australia or New Zealand with a first class undergraduate honours degree or the equivalent, such as a masters degree with a significant research component, a suitable publication record or a demonstrable research record in your employment.

For more information:

Tel 990 53342, or email:

or apply directly online

Undergraduate Notices

Monday, October 17th, 2011

1. Course Advice Consultation Appointments

If you are currently enrolled in any Law Faculty undergraduate courses, including single subjects, and need advice with your course progression, you are eligible to use our course advice.

Course advice appointments can now be made on-line.  Please see the Course advice webpage for further details.

.: End of Student Gazette 17.10.2011 :.


Monday, October 10th, 2011

1. Engaging the Asian Economies Conference 20 October – Student Discount

The second Engaging the Asian Economies law and Practice conference will be held on Thursday 20 October at the Monash University Law Chambers.

The 2011 conference brings together distinguished leaders, lawyers from the different branches of the legal profession, Judges of the Commercial Court of the Supreme Court of Victoria, to address the importance of Asia to the Victorian economy and how we could engage with Asia more effectively. It will also enable participants to understand the increased need for cross border legal representations as the liberalisation of legal practices has opened up the market for competition.

As a student, we are offering you a discounted rate to attend the conference. Students will pay the discounted rate of $120 instead of the full price of $245.

Method of payment for the discounted student rate is by credit card only – Contact Jessica Chang at Monash University on 9905 1301 with your credit card details

For more information please visit:

2. Lecture: “Digital Natives, Sexting, and How Old Law Meets New Phenomena”

The Progressive Law Network presents Judge Felicity Hampel on:

“Digital natives, sexting, and how old law meets new phenomena”

Venue: The FAD Gallery, Upstairs
14 Corrs Lane, Melbourne
Date: Wednesday 12 October, 2011
Time: Arrive at 6:00pm for a 6.30pm start
RSVP: Please RSVP to

General Notices

Monday, October 10th, 2011

1. 2012 Law Overseas Programs Prato/Malaysia Information Session

Find out how you can study overseas in 2012 at the Prato Centre, Italy or
Sunway Campus, Malaysia without adding any time to your degree.

Listen to students share their experiences from 2011.

Hear about the application process, units offered, funding and more.

Venue: Building 11 (Menzies), Theatre H6,
Monash University, Clayton campus
Date: Tuesday 18 October, 2011
Time: 1.00 pm – 2.00 pm
Venue: Seminar room 5, Law Chambers,
Marsh Building, 555 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne
Date: Wednesday 26 October
Time: 1.00 pm – 2.00 pm

These sessions will not be recorded but all information presented will be
available on the updated website from the 18 October.

2. Survey on Attitudes Towards Wrongful Convictions

This information is to invite you to participate in a research project, which examines people’s attitudes about wrongful convictions. This information will help us to determine whether people in the community and those working within the justice system are comfortable with the estimated rates of wrongful convictions. This research is totally funded by Deakin University. The project is being undertaken as part of a Graduate Diploma in Psychology by Jennifer Blyth, Elin Dettmer, Caitlin Redmond, Hana Robinson, and Brittany Taylor.

You have been invited to participate because you are part of a Faculty of Law at an Australian university.

If you agree to take part in the project, you will be asked to complete an online questionnaire about your attitudes toward wrongful convictions. By completing the questionnaire and submitting your answers online, you indicate that you understand the information and that you give your consent to participate in the research project.

You will be asked to read a brief scenario before answering questions about your attitudes (for example, how comfortable you feel with the estimated rate of wrongful convictions, whether it is better to let guilty people go free than convict innocent people). There are also some general questions about you, to help us interpret the information that you provide. The questionnaire is completely anonymous: you will not be asked to provide your name. The questionnaire should only take about 5 minutes to complete.

There are no anticipated risks if you decide to participate in this research.

All completed questionnaires will be kept for at least 6 years, and then destroyed. Withdrawal from the project will not be possible once you have submitted your questionnaire, as the questionnaire is completely anonymous.

The results of the project will be used to write students’ Graduate Diploma research reports; they may also be presented at scientific conferences and published in international journals. No participant will be identified in any presentation of the results, as all questionnaires are completely anonymous.

Participants are invited to contact the researchers should they wish to obtain a summary of the results.

A human ethics panel at Deakin University has approved the ethical aspects of this research project. If you have any complaints about any aspect of the research, the way it is being conducted or any questions about your rights as a participant then you may contact Secretary HEAG-H, Dean’s Office, Faculty of Health, 221 Burwood Hwy, Burwood, VIC 3125, Telephone: (03) 9251 7174, Email

Please quote project number HEAG-H 47/11

If you require any further information or if you have any concerns regarding this project, you can contact the research supervisor:

Dr. Stefanie Sharman

School of Psychology, Deakin University, Burwood, Victoria 3125.

Telephone: (03) 9244 6485, Email:

The questionnaire can be completed at: :

Thank you for your time.

Postgraduate Notices

Monday, October 10th, 2011

1. Monash Law Postgraduate Research Scholarships

Closing date 31 October 2011

The Faculty of Law invites expressions of interest from Law graduates qualified to undertake postgraduate research leading to a doctoral degree.  We offer the Doctor of Juridical Science (SJD) and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD).  Some scholarships will be available for suitably qualified candidates.  Successful candidates will receive a  non-taxable stipend for 3 years of full time candidature. In addition, the Law Faculty  gives very favourable consideration to engaging its doctoral students in sessional teaching within its teaching programs.

Applicants should be Australian permanent residents or citizens of Australia or New Zealand with a first class undergraduate honours degree or the equivalent, such as a masters degree with a significant research component, a suitable publication record or a demonstrable research record in your employment.

For more information:

Tel 990 53342, or email:

or apply directly online

.: End of Student Gazette 10.10.2011 :.


Monday, October 3rd, 2011

1. Australian College of Community Association Lawyers


Australian College of Community Association Lawyers (ACCAL) invites applications for the Australian College of Community Association Lawyers 2012 Scholarship to contribute to the costs of undertaking postgraduate study in Strata Law or a related field at an approved university of the successful applicant’s choice.

Closing Date – Monday 31 October 2011

Further Information:

For enquiries contact Nina Psaltis, General Manager, ACCAL by email – or by mail PO Box 182, Moorooka Qld 4105. Telephone: 0418 150 557 Facsimile: 07 32558056.

Also please see ACCAL 2012 SCHOLARSHIP and 

2. Clarendon Lawyers Graduate Program – 2012

Are you still hoping to secure a Graduate position for 2012?

Clarendon Lawyers still has one opportunity available in our 2012 Graduate Program.  At Clarendon Lawyer we place importance on making sure we get the right people to join our team and we are still searching for that person.  Our culture and team fit is very important  to us.

Our Graduates will gain exposure to a premier corporate/commercial clientele in a relationship based environment. We do not ascribe to a “one size fits all” philosophy and are therefore committed to the experience of our graduates being unique to the individual.

Our 2012 graduate program will commence in March and run for a twelve month period.  At the completion of this experience, you will have the opportunity to continue to develop across our different practice areas, or depending on your suitability and individual aspirations, move into a particular area of specialisation.

At Clarendon we understand that your graduate experience is a time for learning and Graduates will take part in three rotations.  You will receive all the teaching, learning and coaching you need with a focus on you becoming involved as you want to be in all areas of our practice with guidance from team members across the firm.


To apply for the Clarendon Lawyers graduate program, please send your covering letter, CV and academic transcript to:

Please note all unsuccessful applications will be advised accordingly.


Monday, October 3rd, 2011

1. ‘Momcilovic v R: The High Court’s Views on the Constitutionality and Operation of theVictorian Charter

Presented by The Castan Centre for Human Rights Law

Venue: Monash University Law Chambers,
555 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne
Date: Monday, 10 October 2011
Time: 6:00pm to 7:15pm
RSVP: or tel. 9905 3327
Full Details:

Public Seminar – All Welcome

In the recent decision of Momcilovic v R, the High Court of Australia handed down a landmark decision on the operation of the Victorian Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities within the broader context of the Commonwealth Constitution. This seminar will explore the competing views on the constitutionality of the limitation (s 7), interpretation (s 32), and declaration (s 36) provisions of the Charter, and the broader constitutional issues pertaining to separation of judicial power and inconsistency between State and Commonwealth laws. The seminar will shed light on the implications of the decision for the Charter, highlighting where agreement was reached and identifying areas of uncertainty going into the future.


James Stellios is an Associate professor at the ANU College of Law where he teaches public law. His primary research interest is constitutional law and, in particular, Chapter III of the Constitution. In 2010 he published The Federal Judicature: Chapter III of the Constitution. Prior to joining the ANU College of Law in July 2011, he spent a number of years in legal practice, including as Counsel Assisting the Solicitor-General of the Commonwealth. James is also a Consultant to Sparke Helmore.

Dr Julie Debeljak is a foundational Deputy Director of the Castan Centre for Human Rights Law, and a Senior Lecturer in Law at Monash University. She teaches and researches in domestic, comparative and international human rights Law. Dr Debeljak has published widely in the human rights area, including publications on human rights and democracy, the domestic implementation of human rights obligations (including the Victorian Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities), the rights of indigenous peoples, and access to civil justice and human rights. Dr Debeljak completed numerous consultancies preparing various governmental and non-governmental bodies for the commencement of the Victorian Charter. Dr Debeljak is a chief investigator on two major research grant concerns Australia’s legal Response to Trafficking in Persons in the Asia-Pacific region; and (b) the second research grant relates to Human Rights in Closed Environments.

NB: If this particular educational activity is relevant to your immediate or long term needs in relation to your professional development and practice of the law, then you should claim one ‘unit’ for each hour of attendance.

2. Strengthening Community Forum

LRCD Student Project Presentation

SMLS is a community organization providing free, confidential legal advice to all members of the community. Since the emergence of community legal centres in the 1970s, the philosophical basis of SMLS has been the provision of accessible legal assistance and information, community legal education and law reform to disadvantaged members of the community.

Student Project Presenters:

  • Katie Mc Gorian
  • Camille Davies
  • Matt Kaplan
  • Talia Levy
  • Nicolette Muratti
  • Mavis Law
  • Clare Hughes
Venue: The Hall5 Osborne Street, Springvale
(See further information for a map)
Date: Wednesday 5 October, 2011
Time: 2:00pm to 4:00pm
RSVP: Tuesday 4 OctoberEmail or phone 9545 7400
Full Details: LRCD Project

General Notices

Monday, October 3rd, 2011

1. 2012 Law Overseas Programs Prato/Malaysia Information Session

Find out how you can study overseas in 2012 at the Prato Centre, Italy or
Sunway Campus, Malaysia without adding any time to your degree.

Listen to students share their experiences from 2011.

Hear about the application process, units offered, funding and more.

Venue: Building 11 (Menzies), Theatre H6,
Monash University, Clayton campus
Date: Tuesday 18 October, 2011
Time: 1.00 pm – 2.00 pm
Venue: Seminar room 5, Law Chambers,
Marsh Building, 555 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne
Date: Wednesday 26 October
Time: 1.00 pm – 2.00 pm

These sessions will not be recorded but all information presented will be
available on the updated website from the 18 October.

2. New Unit – 2012 Research Practicum

The Faculty will offer a new Research Practicum Unit – an 18 day internship in one of 10 public sector agencies including Victoria Legal Aid, Victorian Auditor General’s Office, State Trustees, Public Interest Law Clearing House and the Red Cross. Dates of the placement are flexible, depending on the agency.

The assessment is completion of a research project under the guidance of a field supervisor and participation in an assessed seminar program to support students’ projects.

ELIGIBILITY:  Later year students (ie those with  48 points (or less) remaining to complete their LLB degree as at 1st March 2012) with a Credit average

Application form and further information available at:

Further information <>

3. S2 SETU Survey for UG Units

The SETU online surveys for  the S2 UG Units  opened on 30th Sept and will close on Oct 28th so if you are  undertaking an UG Unit can you please note that:

· You will  get an email from the University’s Quality area once the SETU surveys are ready for you to complete. Please can you NOT delete this email or filter it out. You can access the SETU surveys via  your portal  and they don’t take very long to complete.

· We would really appreciate it if you could please complete a SETU survey for every Unit in which you are enrolled   –  as we do really want to hear your views about your Units and we do use your feedback to continually improve the quality of our Units.

· The online SETU survey has 2 parts – one is for you to rate the actual Unit and the other part is for you to rate the teaching within that Unit. You may also make some comments about the Unit if you wish but please note that there is currently no section in the SETU survey for you to make any comments about the teaching.

· In the Unit comments section we would like you to give us some constructive criticism and suggestions about how to improve the Unit. Please can you make sure that you do not write any comments which

o are of an offensive nature

o may breach the University’s Equal Opportunity Policy which is at

o refer specifically to individual teachers in a negative way.  If these types of comments are made then the feedback from the SETU survey may not be able to be shared with the teaching team which then makes it harder for us to improve the Unit.

· Comments which refer to the overall teaching in the Unit without naming any individuals are fine.  Positive or complimentary comments are also fine.

Thank you very much for your assistance with this matter. We really do care about what you say and do strive to continually improve our Units based on your feedback to us.

4. University of Cambridge New Law Programme

Introducing the Masters degree in Corporate Law (MCL), launching in the 2012 – 2013 academic year. It is the first Law degree to be established at Cambridge since the 19th century. It combines practical insights with Academic and theoretical rigor and is ideal for those entering corporate practice or planning an academic career.

For further information please see