1. 2012 Law Overseas Programs Prato/Malaysia Information Session
Find out how you can study overseas in 2012 at the Prato Centre, Italy or
Sunway Campus, Malaysia without adding any time to your degree.
Listen to students share their experiences from 2011.
Hear about the application process, units offered, funding and more.
Venue: |
Building 11 (Menzies), Theatre H6,
Monash University, Clayton campus |
Date: |
Tuesday 18 October, 2011 |
Time: |
1.00 pm – 2.00 pm |
Venue: |
Seminar room 5, Law Chambers,
Marsh Building, 555 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne |
Date: |
Wednesday 26 October |
Time: |
1.00 pm – 2.00 pm |
These sessions will not be recorded but all information presented will be
available on the updated website from the 18 October.
2. Survey on Attitudes Towards Wrongful Convictions
This information is to invite you to participate in a research project, which examines people’s attitudes about wrongful convictions. This information will help us to determine whether people in the community and those working within the justice system are comfortable with the estimated rates of wrongful convictions. This research is totally funded by Deakin University. The project is being undertaken as part of a Graduate Diploma in Psychology by Jennifer Blyth, Elin Dettmer, Caitlin Redmond, Hana Robinson, and Brittany Taylor.
You have been invited to participate because you are part of a Faculty of Law at an Australian university.
If you agree to take part in the project, you will be asked to complete an online questionnaire about your attitudes toward wrongful convictions. By completing the questionnaire and submitting your answers online, you indicate that you understand the information and that you give your consent to participate in the research project.
You will be asked to read a brief scenario before answering questions about your attitudes (for example, how comfortable you feel with the estimated rate of wrongful convictions, whether it is better to let guilty people go free than convict innocent people). There are also some general questions about you, to help us interpret the information that you provide. The questionnaire is completely anonymous: you will not be asked to provide your name. The questionnaire should only take about 5 minutes to complete.
There are no anticipated risks if you decide to participate in this research.
All completed questionnaires will be kept for at least 6 years, and then destroyed. Withdrawal from the project will not be possible once you have submitted your questionnaire, as the questionnaire is completely anonymous.
The results of the project will be used to write students’ Graduate Diploma research reports; they may also be presented at scientific conferences and published in international journals. No participant will be identified in any presentation of the results, as all questionnaires are completely anonymous.
Participants are invited to contact the researchers should they wish to obtain a summary of the results.
A human ethics panel at Deakin University has approved the ethical aspects of this research project. If you have any complaints about any aspect of the research, the way it is being conducted or any questions about your rights as a participant then you may contact Secretary HEAG-H, Dean’s Office, Faculty of Health, 221 Burwood Hwy, Burwood, VIC 3125, Telephone: (03) 9251 7174, Email hmnbs-research@deakin.edu.au.
Please quote project number HEAG-H 47/11
If you require any further information or if you have any concerns regarding this project, you can contact the research supervisor:
Dr. Stefanie Sharman
School of Psychology, Deakin University, Burwood, Victoria 3125.
Telephone: (03) 9244 6485, Email: stefanie.sharman@deakin.edu.au.
The questionnaire can be completed at: : http://www.deakin.edu.au/psychology/research/wrongful_convictions/
Thank you for your time.