Archive for July, 2012

Postgraduate Notices

Monday, July 23rd, 2012

1. Allocate+ for Trimester 3 2012 Units

JD Trimester 3 2012 units will be open on Allocate+ for self-allocation at 12pm on 23 July 2012 (except for LAW7470* & LAW7264*).

Students are required to complete the self-allocation online by 5pm on 13 August 2012. Due to the set size of each class, once a stream is full there are no more places available unless some student comes out. Students who fail to complete the self-allocation will be auto-allocated into any available stream by Friday 17 August 2012. Allocate+ will then open again for students to make adjustments between 20-24 August 2012.

Students who require to change stream after the adjustment period, must apply in writing to the Faculty by submitting the Changing streams application form, along with the supporting document by Friday 31 August 2012. Late applications or incomplete applications will not be accepted.

*Please note that Allocate+ will be open for LAW7470 & LAW7264 on Monday 13 August 2012, students are required to complete the self-allocation by Friday 24 August.

2. FAQ for JD Students

The Faculty of Law (Postgraduate) has launched the FAQs for JD students taking elective units and it is available here. The FAQs provide useful information to assist you in preparing for your electives. We encourage all Postgraduate students to visit the FAQs to gain a better understanding of what to expect in your elective units.

3. JD Trimester 3 Examination Timetable

JD Trimester 3 examination timetable is now available online here.

4. Moodle

The Faculty of Law (Postgraduate) has moved to Moodle for units commencing in Term 3 2012. Please note that Blackboard will not be used for these units and functionalities previously used in Blackboard will be used via Moodle. Moodle can be accessed through your portal (click on Moodle2 in the left hand side panel) and support and training can be found here.

For further assistance, please contact Monash eSolution Service Desk Online or ring the IT Helpdesk on 9903 2777.

5. Postgraduate Student Services

Minor work on some Meeting Rooms on Level 2 MULC . Students intending to use Meeting Rooms 2, 3 or 4 on Friday 27th July should be aware that there will be some glazing work carried out that may disrupt use.

Undergraduate Notices

Monday, July 23rd, 2012

1. Charlie Perkins Scholarship Trust

Following the success of the November 2011 trip to the UK, the Charlie Perkins Scholarship Trust and the Aurora Project are delighted to announce the opening of the application period for another exciting opportunity to participate in an overseas visit to Cambridge and Oxford universities in the UK in October this year. The visit may also include Harvard and New York University in the US.

For more information please see here.

2. Lamp Scholarship

The Lamp organization is offering a scholarship giving one law student to experience a tour of indigenous Australia, led by a traditional Aboriginal Elder. For more information please see here.

.: End of Student Gazette 23.7.2012 :.


Monday, July 16th, 2012

1. Employment and Career Development Activities

2012 dates for career fairs and forums, seminars and workshops, and availability of the education consultant.

The current program running for the month of July is ‘Targeting your Clerkship or Traineeship Applications’.

For further information please see here.

2. Faculty Managed Internship: Skrine – Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Applications are now open and close Friday 17 August 2012. The internship is a minimum of 4 weeks from mid November to mid February.
Application and eligibility details can be found here. Student Mobility Funding may be provided, please see eligibility criteria.

Queries: or 9905 3311

3. Faculty Managed Internship: Herzog, Fox & Neeman, Israel

Applications are now open and close Friday 14 September 2012. The internship is a minimum of 4 weeks from mid January to mid February. Application and eligibility details can be found here. Student Mobility Funding may be provided, please see eligibility criteria.

Queries: or 9905 3311

4. Right Now

Right Now is a volunteer, not-for-profit media organisation led by young people focused on human rights issues in Australia. Our vision is an Australia where human rights are a part of everyday conversation.

Right Now is currently seeking interns who share our vision to join our team for positions such as legal researcher/staff writer, editor, among others. For more information and position descriptions please see here.

5. NSW Law Reform Commission Internship

The NSW Law Reform Commission operates a summer internship program for law students in their final year of study, or entering their final year of study in 2013. While this opportunity is unpaid, it does provide access to a range of professional development opportunities including working with our Commissioners. For more information please see here.


Monday, July 16th, 2012

1. 6th Annual Castan Centre Human Rights Moot

The Castan Centre for Human Rights Law is hosting the sixth annual human rights moot competition, which is open to law (JD/LLB) students at all Victorian universities. The competition will address issues associated with the Victorian human rights legislation and will give students the opportunity to hone their skills in this important area of law. The event is proudly sponsored by Clayton Utz, who is providing generous prizes:

  • $3000 to the winning team
  • $1000 to the runners-up

Competitors must be in the equivalent of at least third year of a combined law degree, or in any stage of a JD degree, but must not have completed their degree. It is preferable that competitors have completed some studies in human rights law.

For more information please see here.

The Castan Centre wishes to thank the moot competition sponsors Clayton Utz.

2. The Injustice of Detention and Delay

Amnesty International’s International Executive Committee Member Nicole Bieske invites you to an evening in conversation with Professor the Hon. George Hampel AM QC and Julian Burnside AO QC discussing refugees human rights, and immigration detention, followed by a Q&A session.

Date: Tuesday 17 July 2012
Time: 5.15-7.15pm
Location: Monash University Law Chambers, Auditorium, Ground Floor, Marsh Centre, 555 Lonsdale St, Melbourne VIC 3000

General Notices

Monday, July 16th, 2012

1. Moodle Replacing Blackboard, Semester 2 2012

Some students may have used Moodle in other faculties, but to many of you it will be new. Please take some time to familiarise yourselves with your new Monash Law Virtual Learning Environment for Semester 2 by visiting here. There is a 2 minute presentation on this page that will save you time if you invest now.

Postgraduate Notices

Monday, July 16th, 2012

1. Allocate+ for Trimester 3 2012 Units

JD Trimester 3 2012 units will be open on Allocate+ for self-allocation at 12pm on 23 July 2012 (except for LAW7470* & LAW7264*).

Students are required to complete the self-allocation online by 5pm on 13 August 2012. Due to the set size of each class, once a stream is full there are no more places available unless some student comes out. Students who fail to complete the self-allocation will be auto-allocated into any available stream by Friday 17 August 2012. Allocate+ will then open again for students to make adjustments between 20-24 August 2012.

Students who require to change stream after the adjustment period, must apply in writing to the Faculty by submitting the Changing streams application form, along with the supporting document by Friday 31 August 2012. Late applications or incomplete applications will not be accepted.

*Please note that Allocate+ will be open for LAW7470 & LAW7264 on Monday 13 August 2012, students are required to complete the self-allocation by Friday 24 August.

2. Current Issues in Electronic Commerce Law

The aim of this unit is to identify important legal issues that arise in facilitation and regulation of electronic commercial transactions, most notably private commercial law issues related to contracts and payment systems and their impact upon the daily life of practitioners.

For more information including enrollment please see here.

Undergraduate Notices

Monday, July 16th, 2012

1. Charlie Perkins Scholarship Trust

Following the success of the November 2011 trip to the UK, the Charlie Perkins Scholarship Trust and the Aurora Project are delighted to announce the opening of the application period for another exciting opportunity to participate in an overseas visit to Cambridge and Oxford universities in the UK in October this year. The visit may also include Harvard and New York University in the US.

For more information please see here.

.: End of Student Gazette 16.7.2012 :.


Monday, July 9th, 2012

1. Employment and Career Development Activities

2012 dates for career fairs and forums, seminars and workshops, and availability of the education consultant.

The current program running for the month of July is ‘Targeting your Clerkship or Traineeship Applications’.

For further information please see here.

2. Faculty Managed Internship: Skrine – Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Applications are now open and close Friday 17 August 2012. The internship is a minimum of 4 weeks from mid November to mid February.
Application and eligibility details can be found here. Student Mobility Funding may be provided, please see eligibility criteria.

Queries: or 9905 3311

3. Faculty Managed Internship: Herzog, Fox & Neeman, Israel

Applications are now open and close Friday 14 September 2012. The internship is a minimum of 4 weeks from mid January to mid February. Application and eligibility details can be found here. Student Mobility Funding may be provided, please see eligibility criteria.

Queries: or 9905 3311


Monday, July 9th, 2012

1. Castan Centre Annual Human Rights Convention 2012

Castan Centre for Human Rights annual conference, Human Rights 2012. Registration for Monash University Law staff is at the NGO rate of $110. Please email Janice at if interested.

Friday 20 July 2012
Venue: Spring Street Conference Centre, 1 Spring Street, Melbourne
Full Details: Here (list of speakers here).

$220 Full registration
$110 NGOs/Concession ($90 Multiple NGO registrations only)
Students – $55 (Student tickets now sold out. To join the Student waiting list, please email

2. Careers Festival

Date: Thursday 2 August
Time: 11 am – 1.30 pm
Location: Clayton campus

Come to the Careers Festival for your chance to meet employers on campus. At the festival you can:

  • find out about upcoming course-related work opportunities
  • identify jobs that match your degree
  • network and make helpful contacts
  • learn about recruitment processes
  • have your resume and cover letter checked

Entry with your Monash ID card. For more information and to book in to this event go here.

3. Children’s Rights in a Changing World

Time: 6pm – 8pm
Date: Thursday 12th July
Basement Lecture Theatre, The Spot Building, 198 Berkeley St, Parkville (University of Melbourne)

This is a free public event.

  • 22, 000. That’s the number of young Australians who are homeless as you read this
  • 28. That’s the rate at which Indigenous youth are more likely to be imprisoned than non-Indigenous youth
  • 44 million. That’s a modest estimate of the number of children in India trapped in child labour.

Hear stories of the real children behind the numbers. Take action to enforce children’s rights!


The Hon. Alastair Nicholson AO RFD QC, former Chief Justice of the Family Court of Australia

Associate Professor John Tobin, child rights expert, Faculty of Law, University of Melbourne

Jan Owen AM, Chief Executive Office, Foundation for Young Australians

Chris Varney, former Australian Youth Representative to the UN

Speakers will discuss child rights concerns and give a call to action in light of Australia’s recent review under the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.

This event is being organized by the Australia’s Role in the World Partnership, a global education initiative of the Australian Institute of International Affairs, University of Melbourne and UN Youth Australia, with support from Vision Generation (World Vision).

Law Library Notices (Postgraduate)

Monday, July 9th, 2012

1. Advanced Writing Seminars at the Chambers

Date: Tuesday 10 and Friday 13 July
Time: 10 – 11 am for both.
Topic: Effectively integrating sources.

By using the five different types of legal sources in various ways, from citing through to summarising, you can effectively emphsise your points and respond to counter arguments.

Book on, from the drop-down menus choose Law Library, Clayton; City campus; and add keyword ‘Law’