Archive for September, 2013

Undergraduate Notices

Monday, September 23rd, 2013

1. Changes to Undergraduate Assignment Collection Procedures

Effective from Semester 2, 2013

Academic staff will return students’ marked assignments during class, or via Moodle (if the assignment was submitted online) or via the Administrative Services Unit (ASU) – level 2 Building 12.

For assignments’ collection via ASU, please go to the ASU counter between 9:30 am – 1 pm on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. You will need to show your student ID in order to collect your assignment. If you are unable to collect your assignment in person, you can nominate a proxy who will need to bring an Authorisation for Proxy Assignment Collection Form.

When are assignments available for collection from ASU?

You can find out when your assignment is ready for collection by going to the Faculty website where you can see the date for when assignments for particular units (including streams) can be collected from ASU. This information will be updated regularly. This is the preferred method of communication to students who are collecting assignments from ASU.

Assignments can ONLY be collected from the ASU counter on the scheduled times. For all other student enquiries, please contact Student Services, located at level 1, room 121, for assistance.

For more information about assignments collection, please visit here.

.:End Student Gazette 23/9/13:.


Wednesday, September 18th, 2013

1. Honours Information Session

Many of the Faculty’s top students in their penultimate or last year of law elect to enrol in the Honours Research Unit (Honours Thesis LAW5207).

The Honours Research Unit is a 12 credit point unit intended for students with an interest and aptitude to produce a significant piece of original work in an area of the law that fascinates them. The Unit involves students writing an 8-10,000 word thesis under the supervision of an academic member of staff, on a topic chosen by the student, and approved by the Honours Convenor.

Students also attend 3 symposiums throughout the year, designed to support them through the research process. At the end of the year students present their thesis findings to their peers and invited guests at a 2 day Honours Conference.

To be eligible for the Honours Research Unit, students must have an average of 72% or better across their law units, and have no more than 72 credit points remaining to complete the requirements of their law degree.

Date: Tues 8th Oct
Time: 1pm
Location: L2, Bld 12

Further information on the Honours programme can also be found on the Honours website, at

2. Surrogacy and Adoption: Pitfalls and Promises

Chief Judge John Pascoe

Will discuss the rapid advance of international commercial surrogacy (ICS). ICS raises complex legal, ethical and moral questions. Apart from the question of parentage, one of the greatest problems with ICS is how to protect the rights of vulnerable surrogate mothers?

Professor Nahum Mushin
Will discuss the national apology for people affected by forced adoptions and the implementation of the concrete measures flowing from it. The question of the future of adoption will be considered.

Professor Denise Cuthbert
Will look at tensions in the understandings of intercountry adoption as a service for adults seeking children for family formation as distinct from a service for children in need of family-based care and asks how we as a community can reconcile these tensions.

Dr Adiva Sifris
Monash University, Faculty of Law

Date: Wednesday 2 October 2014
Time: 6 – 7.30pm
Venue: Monash University Law Chambers, 555 Lonsdale St, Melbourne
Cost: Free
RSVP: Friday 27 September 2013/ or 03 9905 2630

Further information and flyer

3. Book Launch

The Honourable Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Victoria, Marilyn Warren AC will launch:

Best Practice in Construction Disputes: Avoidance, Management and Resolution

By Dr Paula Gerber and Brennan Ong

The Honourable Justice Vickery will be the MC for this event

Date: Wednesday, 2 October 2013
Time: 6 – 7.30pm
Venue: Supreme Court of Victoria Library 210 William Street, Melbourne
RSVP: Thursday, 26 September (essential for catering purposes)/ Email: or (03) 9905 2630

Further information

4. Save the Date – Gala Dinner

In 2014 Monash Law School will celebrate 50 years. Please save the date for our Gala Dinner which will be held on Saturday 28th June, 2014 at the Grand Hyatt in Melbourne. Further event information will be circulated in the coming months.

5. Save the Date- Lucinda Lecture

The Honourable Justice Virginia Bell AC, Justice of The High Court of Australia will present the 19th Lucinda Lecture.

Title: TBC
Date:Thursday 24th October, 2013
Time: 1pm -2pm
Location: Clayton Campus, Building 08 / Rotunda 1

Further details to come.

6. African Voice Launch

Should the West intervene to stop mass atrocities? When are humanitarian interventions legitimate?

African Voice invites you to consider these issues through a debate featuring Monash Law Faculty’s World Champion debaters about the Responsibility to Protect (R2P) doctrine.

The pioneer of the R2P, Professor the Hon Gareth Evans AC QC, will introduce and adjudicate the debate, which will be followed by a Q & A session. Professor Evans is a former Australian Foreign Minister and is President Emeritus of the International Crisis Group.

African Voice is a non profit organisation, sponsored by the Monash Law Faculty, that sends the world’s best debaters to run free debating workshops aimed at empowering African students. It is seeking funding for initiatives in Nigeria, Rwanda, Uganda and Kenya.

Date: Monday October 7
Time: 6 pm – 8 pm
Venue: Monash Law Chambers (555 Lonsdale St, Melbourne)
Cost: Free (suggested donation $5)
RSVP: Book tickets at by October 3


7. Public Interest Law Careers Guide Event

Come along to the Progressive Law Network’s Career Kick-start and get real-life advice from final year students and graduates on what you need to do, when you need to do it and where you can look for opportunities:

• Discover the Castan Centre/PLN Public Interest Law Careers Guide

• Find out about Judicial Associate work

• Get the lowdown on Practical Legal Training

• Learn about the benefits of Barrister Shadowing

• Go bush, young lawyer – Remote/Rural/Regional lawyering

• Access useful resources to kick-start your own research

Date and time: 18 September 4.30 – 6pm

Venue: L2 Lecture theatre, Law Building (Blg 12), Monash Clayton Campus


Free sushi and snacks!

Full details:

General Notices

Wednesday, September 18th, 2013

1. 2014 Law Prato/Malaysia Information Sessions

  • Find out how you can study overseas in 2014 at the Prato Centre, Italy or Sunway Campus, Malaysia without adding any time to your degree.
  • Listen to students share their experiences from 2013.
  • Hear about the application process, units offered, funding and more.

Date: Monday 21 October 2013
Time: 1.00 pm – 2.00 pm
Venue: Building 12, Ground Floor, Lecture theatre L1, Monash University, Clayton campus

Date: Thursday 31 October 2013
Time: 1.00 pm – 2.00 pm
Venue: Seminar room 6, Second floor, Law Chambers, Marsh Building, 555 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne

These sessions will not be recorded but all information presented will be available on the updated website from the 21 October.

2. IRSV Student Competition 2013

Industrial Relations Society of Victoria Student Competition 2013

Please consider submitting a piece of work that you have completed this year.

For further information and application please see attached flyer.

4. SETU surveys

The Student Evaluations of Teaching & Units (SETU) surveys will open soon for
• FY-01 – LLM Unit LAW7465 and the Honours Research Unit – the survey opens 9 Sept & closes 3 Oct.
• T3-58 – LLM Units – the survey opens 9 Sept & closes 6 Oct.

The University will email you each week at your Monash email address  to remind you to complete the SETU survey and they will do this until the survey closes or you complete it. SETU is an online survey of students each Semester that provides our staff with helpful information which they then can use to make informed decisions about continually improving the quality of their Units. Please note that Units in different  teaching periods will get surveyed online at different times. We do value your feedback about our Units and we would really like to hear about what you think we are doing well and what still needs improving in each of our Units.  We would really appreciate it please if you could complete a SETU survey for each Unit in which you are enrolled. Thank you very much for your assistance with this important quality process.

5. Joining the Monash University Law Review

The Monash University Law Review is a leading, peer-reviewed academic law journal run by law students. It is highly regarded by law schools, academics and members of the legal profession.

An Editorial Committee of approximately 30 high achieving law students complete the initial edit of all articles accepted for publication. This edit involves verifying the accuracy of footnotes and checking the text for grammatical and stylistic errors. This role is essential to the production of the Review.

A highlight of the year is the Annual Dinner. This is an event attended by the sponsoring law firms, contributors and a keynote speaker. Speakers in the past have included High Court judges and high profile barristers.

Each year the Review recruits new committee members. If you are interested in finding out more about the application process, please send an email to

Postgraduate Notices

Wednesday, September 18th, 2013

1. Chant Legacy Scholarship

The Chant Legacy Scholarship’s purpose is to provide funds to students seeking to undertake postgraduate study in the area of governance.

Successful applicants of the postgraduate governance scholarship are entitled to an amount up to $2,000 per subject and up to $4,000 per semester (where more than one subject is studied within the semester) and up to a maximum of $8,000 a year (up to a total of $12,000 for the whole course of study). The scholarship funding covers study fees only.

To be eligible, you must show that you have been accepted into a postgraduate course, but not have commenced, and must be relevant to your governance career aspirations.

Applications close in October 2013.

For more information, please contact:

Undergraduate Notices

Wednesday, September 18th, 2013

1. Changes to Undergraduate Assignment Collection Procedures

Effective from Semester 2, 2013

Academic staff will return students’ marked assignments during class, or via Moodle (if the assignment was submitted online) or via the Administrative Services Unit (ASU) – level 2 Building 12.

For assignments’ collection via ASU, please go to the ASU counter between 9:30 am – 1 pm on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. You will need to show your student ID in order to collect your assignment. If you are unable to collect your assignment in person, you can nominate a proxy who will need to bring an Authorisation for Proxy Assignment Collection Form.

When are assignments available for collection from ASU?

You can find out when your assignment is ready for collection by going to the Faculty website where you can see the date for when assignments for particular units (including streams) can be collected from ASU. This information will be updated regularly. This is the preferred method of communication to students who are collecting assignments from ASU.

Assignments can ONLY be collected from the ASU counter on the scheduled times. For all other student enquiries, please contact Student Services, located at level 1, room 121, for assistance.

For more information about assignments collection, please visit here.

.:End Student Gazette 18/9/13:.


Thursday, September 12th, 2013

1. Internships

Herzog Fox & Neeman, Israel

Applications are now open and close Friday 13 September 2013

Minimum of 4 weeks from mid January to mid February

Further information including Application process & Eligibility details

Student Mobility Funding may be provided, please see eligibility criteria.

Queries: or 9905 3311


Thursday, September 12th, 2013

1. Costello Lecture: “Alienation – Alien Nation”

Speaker: Monash alumnus, Mr Julian Burnside AO QC (BEc 1972, LLB 1973)

Introduced by Rev Tim Costello AO (BJuris 1976, LLB 1978, Dip Ed 1979), CEO, World Vision Australia.

We are mostly a lucky country, but some among us are aliens. Aliens because we are isolated by bad luck, or by our background, or by our means of arriving here, or alienated because we cling to values not shared by the majority. Aliens in our society receive a special kind of mistreatment, in the hope that they will disappear

Mr Julian Burnside AO QC joined the Bar in 1976 and took silk in 1989. While specialising in commercial litigation, Mr Burnside has acted pro bono in many human rights cases, in particular concerning the treatment of refugees.

Date: Wednesday 18 September, 2013
Time: 6pm – 7.15pm
Venue: Monash Law School Chambers, 555 Lonsdale St, Melbourne
RSVP: or (03) 9905 2630
Cost: Free

Further information:

2. Industrial Relations Society of Victoria Invitation

Each year the Industrial Relations Society of Victoria conducts a function which is specifically for students in the areas of industrial relations, employee relations, and labour law. This year the event is to be held on Wednesday 18th September  .

The intent is to have students meet and mingle with students from other institutions and to hear a little about the activities of the society. The event also has short speeches given by experienced practitioners in the area, and there is an opportunity to discuss career options and plans. Primarily, however, it is a social event for students to learn something of the activities of the IRSV.

Details are as follows:

Date: 18 September 2013
Time: 6-8pm
Location: Fair Work Commission, 11 Exhibition Street, Melbourne CBD

More Information

3. Professor Dinah Shelton, Commissioner of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights

Castan Centre for Human Rights Law, proudly presents: ‘Do we need a human rights body for the Asia-Pacific? Lessons from around the globe’, a Holding Redlich Distinguished Visiting Fellow.

Date: Thursday 12 September 2013
Time: 6pm to 7:15pm
Venue: Monash University Law Chambers, 555 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne
RSVP: or telephone 03 9905 3327

Full details

Public lecture -All welcome

There is no Asia Pacific regional human rights system to which Australia can join. What do regional systems of human rights protection have to offer and why should everyone have one? As regional systems proliferate and the UN continues its process of reform, the strengths and weaknesses of global and regional human rights guarantees will be examined.

Dinah Shelton is a Commissioner of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights and Professor of Law at George Washington University Law School.

General Notices

Thursday, September 12th, 2013

1. 2014 Law Prato/Malaysia Information Sessions

  • Find out how you can study overseas in 2014 at the Prato Centre, Italy or Sunway Campus, Malaysia without adding any time to your degree.
  • Listen to students share their experiences from 2013.
  • Hear about the application process, units offered, funding and more.

Date: Monday 21 October 2013
Time: 1.00 pm – 2.00 pm
Venue: Building 12, Ground Floor, Lecture theatre L1, Monash University, Clayton campus

Date: Thursday 31 October 2013
Time: 1.00 pm – 2.00 pm
Venue: Seminar room 6, Second floor, Law Chambers, Marsh Building, 555 Lonsdale Street, Melbourne

These sessions will not be recorded but all information presented will be available on the updated website from the 21 October.

2. IRSV Student Competition 2013

Industrial Relations Society of Victoria Student Competition 2013

Please consider submitting a piece of work that you have completed this year.

For further information and application please see attached flyer.

3. Law Student Services Office Closure

Law Student Services will be closed from 10.30am to 11.30am on Thursday 12/09/2013 due to the RU OK? day morning tea which is to be held in the Law Faculty Basement. Everyone are welcome to come along.

4. SETU surveys

The Student Evaluations of Teaching & Units (SETU) surveys will open soon for
• FY-01 – LLM Unit LAW7465 and the Honours Research Unit – the survey opens 9 Sept & closes 3 Oct.
• T3-58 – LLM Units – the survey opens 9 Sept & closes 6 Oct.

The University will email you each week at your Monash email address  to remind you to complete the SETU survey and they will do this until the survey closes or you complete it. SETU is an online survey of students each Semester that provides our staff with helpful information which they then can use to make informed decisions about continually improving the quality of their Units. Please note that Units in different  teaching periods will get surveyed online at different times. We do value your feedback about our Units and we would really like to hear about what you think we are doing well and what still needs improving in each of our Units.  We would really appreciate it please if you could complete a SETU survey for each Unit in which you are enrolled. Thank you very much for your assistance with this important quality process.

Postgraduate Notices

Thursday, September 12th, 2013

1. Chant Legacy Scholarship

The Chant Legacy Scholarship’s purpose is to provide funds to students seeking to undertake postgraduate study in the area of governance.

Successful applicants of the postgraduate governance scholarship are entitled to an amount up to $2,000 per subject and up to $4,000 per semester (where more than one subject is studied within the semester) and up to a maximum of $8,000 a year (up to a total of $12,000 for the whole course of study). The scholarship funding covers study fees only.

To be eligible, you must show that you have been accepted into a postgraduate course, but not have commenced, and must be relevant to your governance career aspirations.

Applications close in October 2013.

For more information, please contact:

2. JD Trimester 3 Examination Timetable

JD Trimester 3 examination timetable is now available from the Faculty Postgraduate Timetable page.

3. Trimester 3 2013 JD Unit Discontinuation Dates

The last day to discontinue a Trimester 3 JD core units without penalty is Monday 23 September 2013.

Please note that elective units have different discontinuation dates.

Detailed information about unit discontinuation dates and relevant outcomes is available on the PG website.

Undergraduate Notices

Thursday, September 12th, 2013

1. Changes to Undergraduate Assignment Collection Procedures

Effective from Semester 2, 2013

Academic staff will return students’ marked assignments during class, or via Moodle (if the assignment was submitted online) or via the Administrative Services Unit (ASU) – level 2 Building 12.

For assignments’ collection via ASU, please go to the ASU counter between 9:30 am – 1 pm on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. You will need to show your student ID in order to collect your assignment. If you are unable to collect your assignment in person, you can nominate a proxy who will need to bring an Authorisation for Proxy Assignment Collection Form.

When are assignments available for collection from ASU?

You can find out when your assignment is ready for collection by going to the Faculty website where you can see the date for when assignments for particular units (including streams) can be collected from ASU. This information will be updated regularly. This is the preferred method of communication to students who are collecting assignments from ASU.

Assignments can ONLY be collected from the ASU counter on the scheduled times. For all other student enquiries, please contact Student Services, located at level 1, room 121, for assistance.

For more information about assignments collection, please visit here.

.:End Student Gazette 12/9/13:.