General Notices
Monday, July 14th, 20141. Call for Volunteers – Courts User Satisfaction Survey
The Family Court and Federal Circuit Court are inviting law students at any year level to volunteer as interviewers in the Courts User Satisfaction Survey to be conducted in August 2014.
The closing date for registrations is Thursday 15 July.
For further information please see the flyer
2. Family Law Assistance Program Volunteering
The Family Law Assistance Program at Monash-Oakleigh Legal Service is now accepting applications from students to be on the waiting list.
Interested students should enquire and apply with the volunteer coordinator starting from Tuesday 1 July, 2014.
FLAP recruits volunteers several times a year, at no set times on a needs basis. Students will be contacted when opportunities arise and will remain on the waiting list until Tuesday 31 December, 2014.
Students will need to re-apply to be on the waiting list in 2015.
The volunteer coordinator can be contacted at
3. Volunteering at Monash-Oakleigh Legal Service
Are you a first to third year Law student or JD student in your first six trimesters of your degree and looking for the opportunity to gain some invaluable practical legal experience?
Applications for the Wednesday Night Advice Only Session at Monash Oakleigh Legal Service will open at 8am Monday 21 July, 2014 and close 5pm Monday 28 July, 2014. Please note that late applications will not be accepted.
You are applying to be part of the Wednesday night volunteer team, which provides advice to clients experiencing a wide range of legal problems.
Students are rostered to volunteer on Wednesday nights on a fortnightly basis from 6:00pm until approximately 8:30pm. Commencement date is in September 2014.
In each session you will:
- Interview clients along with another law student
- Develop practical legal skills as well as research skills
- Have the opportunity to learn and work under the supervision of qualified lawyers and barristers
For more information, please see the website