Archive for March, 2015


Friday, March 27th, 2015

1. Interested in human rights? Apply now for the Castan Centre in-house internship program

The Castan Centre in-house internship program provides community-minded Monash Law students the opportunity to assist the centre in developing and implementing its suite of human rights programs. In particular, interns may:

  • Assist Castan Centre Directors with research on human rights projects.
  • Write articles for Castan Centre newsletters.
  • Create blogs on human rights news stories
  • Assist with preparation of funding proposals.
  • Undertake other writing and research tasks.
  • Help to organise events such as public lectures and the annual human rights conference.
  • Undertake a modest amount of administrative work.

Applications are open from Monday 30 March – Monday 27 April for the 2015 winter and Semester Two internships

  • Full-Time Internships, four days/week Monday – Thursday, Monday 6th July- Thursday 23rd July 2015
  • Part-time Internships, one day/week (strongly preferred Tuesday), Tuesday 4th August – Tuesday 20th October (excluding Tuesday 29th September for the mid-semester break)

Fore more information visit the Castan Centre website:


Friday, March 27th, 2015

1. The 3rd International Conference of Undergraduate Research (ICUR), Sept 29-30, Monash Clayton Campus

Call for papers

ICUR is an opportunity for undergraduates to showcase their research in a formal, yet supportive academic environment.

The theme of the conference – being necessarily broad to accommodate all disciplines and areas from across the university – is: “Current research issues in your discipline or area”.

Closing deadline for abstract submission is Friday 22 May.

For more information download the ICUR 2015 Call for Papers

Scholarship available

All students presenting at ICUR will also be given the opportunity to submit their papers to Reinvention, the Monash-Warwick Alliance international journal for undergraduate studies, for publication

Two competitive scholarships for Monash students are also available. These include an all-expenses paid trip to Warwick (UK) to present their papers.

2. Combined VADR/VARJ CPD Event on “Responding more effectively to workplace grievance and other symptoms of stress”

Date: Thursday, 16 April
Time: 5.00pm for a 6:00pm start
Location: Coopers Inn (2nd floor), cnr Exhibition and Little Lonsdale Street
Cost: Free to current VADR or VARJ members, $20 for non-members. Finger food is provided. Drinks are available at the bar.
CPD Points:

You are cordially invited to a combined VADR VARJ (Victorian Association for Restorative Justice) CPD .

A panel of workplace experts, Murray Bickerdike, Dr Anna Chapman and Zandy Fell, facilitated by Dr David Moore will discuss the topic “Responding more effectively to workplace grievance and other symptoms of stress”.

Currently psychological injury claims constitute 10% of the total number, although they consume around one third of the compensation budget, mainly due to long recovery times. Many in the field believe that the methods used to handle such claims  actually exacerbate stress and delay return to work. Our expert panel discusses ways in which they consider workplace grievances and stress can be handled more effectively in the short-term and reduced over time with more effective decision-making and dispute resolution.

Please note the starting time is earlier than usual. This panel presentation will start at 6:00pm and conclude at 7:30pm.

If you’d like to attend, please email or Please feel free to pass on details of the event to anyone you think may be interested

General Notices

Friday, March 27th, 2015

1. Law team wins international mediation award

A team from the Faculty of Law has won the award for Best Mediation Plan at the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) Mediation Competition, held in Paris last month.

The team, consisting of Belinda Anderson (undergraduate student) and Alyson Gale (JD student), and coaches Anne Sutherland-Kelly and Naomi Burstyner from the Faculty of Law, claimed the prestigious award ahead of a field of 500 participants from 67 universities and more than 40 countries.

Read more:

2. Applications now open for the Law Council of Australia, Business Law Section (BLS) scholarships

The Business Law Section (BLS) of the Law Council of Australia is excited to announce that applications for our annual scholarship programs are now open.

These scholarships are aimed at early career lawyers including researchers, graduate students and faculty.

Each scholarship consists of a $5000 prize and the opportunity to present the winning paper to a gathering of eminent senior lawyers from the relevant field.

The three scholarships are the:

3. The S1 SETU survey dates

Please note the following dates for the SETU surveys for Semester 1, 2015 – please don’t forget to complete the online SETU surveys before the closing date    The University will send reminders to you to complete the SETU surveys until you complete the surveys for ALL the Units in which you are enrolled. Thank you so much for completing these surveys – we really do appreciate the time you take to do this and use your feedback to help us continually improve the Units we offer.

  • T1-58 LLM Units- SETU survey opens 13 March and shuts down on 20 March
  • T1-58 JD Units- SETU survey opens 20  March and shuts down on 10 April
  • S1 UG Units – SETU survey opens 22 May and shuts down on 5 June
  • S1 LLM Units- SETU  survey opens 27 March and shuts down on17   April
  • UG Clinical Units – SETU survey opens 20 March and shuts down on 10  April
  • T2-57 LLM Units – SETU survey opens 24 April and shuts down on 8 May
  • Prato Units – Group 1 Units taught 7 April to 29 May  -SETU survey opens 4 May  and shuts down on 29 May
  • Prato Units –  Group 2  Units  taught 1 June  to 26 June – SETU survey opens 12 June and shuts down on 26 June

4. Australia’s Most Prestigious Essay Competition: Governor-General’s Prize

The Governor-General’s Prize is an annual essay competition open to Australian citizens and permanent residents who are enrolled in an undergraduate degree at an Australian university.

For over ten years, this prestigious competition has provided students with the opportunity to be recognised for their academic skill, talent, and research.

Each year, the judging panel for the Governor-General’s Prize has been chaired by a Justice of the High Court of Australia.  The Hon. Justice Patrick Keane has agreed to chair the judging panel for 2015.

In 2015, the questions for the Governor-General’s Prize relate to the 800th anniversary of Magna Carta.  The questions either refer explicitly to the enduring relevance of Magna Carta, or take the anniversary as an opportunity to investigate Australia’s broader constitutional heritage (of which Magna Carta is a defining moment), or the protection of freedom in Australia (which can be traced back to Magna Carta).

The deadline for submission: 30 June 2015.

For more

End Gazette 30/3/15


Thursday, March 19th, 2015

1. Faculty managed internship opportunity – ZICOlaw Internship, Malaysia

ZICOlaw are Malaysia’s largest law firm with offices located in Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia and Thailand.  Their expertise and commitment to goals has led them to be a multiple recipient of the “Malaysian Law Firm of the Year” award from the International Financial Law Review.

Further information including application process and eligibility details visit:

Applications are now open and close Friday 13 March, 2015

Duration: Minimum of 4 weeks from mid-June to mid-July 2015

Student Mobility Funding may be provided, please see the eligibility criteria.

For more information:

2. Global opportunities: Allens and Linklaters

Allens and Linklaters are offering clerkship opportunities in Australia, Hong Kong  and London for Australian law students in the penultimate year of their law degrees.

Find out more, attend the information session:

Date: Wednesday, 25 March – 1pm – 2pm or Thursday, 26 March
Time: 6pm – 7pm
Venue:   Allens, Level 37, 101 Collins Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000

For more information and to register:

For any queries, please contact Lisa Millar, National Graduate Resourcing Consultant, at Allens at

Download the  invitation flyer


Thursday, March 19th, 2015

1. Combined VADR/VARJ CPD Event on “Responding more effectively to workplace grievance and other symptoms of stress”

Date: Thursday, 16 April
Time: 5.00pm for a 6:00pm start
Location: Coopers Inn (2nd floor), cnr Exhibition and Little Lonsdale Street
Cost: Free to current VADR or VARJ members, $20 for non-members. Finger food is provided. Drinks are available at the bar.
CPD Points:

You are cordially invited to a combined VADR VARJ (Victorian Association for Restorative Justice) CPD .

A panel of workplace experts, Murray Bickerdike, Dr Anna Chapman and Zandy Fell, facilitated by Dr David Moore will discuss the topic “Responding more effectively to workplace grievance and other symptoms of stress”.

Currently psychological injury claims constitute 10% of the total number, although they consume around one third of the compensation budget, mainly due to long recovery times. Many in the field believe that the methods used to handle such claims  actually exacerbate stress and delay return to work. Our expert panel discusses ways in which they consider workplace grievances and stress can be handled more effectively in the short-term and reduced over time with more effective decision-making and dispute resolution.

Please note the starting time is earlier than usual. This panel presentation will start at 6:00pm and conclude at 7:30pm.

If you’d like to attend, please email or Please feel free to pass on details of the event to anyone you think may be interested

General Notices

Thursday, March 19th, 2015

1. Applications now open for the Law Council of Australia, Business Law Section (BLS) scholarships

The Business Law Section (BLS) of the Law Council of Australia is excited to announce that applications for our annual scholarship programs are now open.

These scholarships are aimed at early career lawyers including researchers, graduate students and faculty.

Each scholarship consists of a $5000 prize and the opportunity to present the winning paper to a gathering of eminent senior lawyers from the relevant field.

The three scholarships are the:

2. The S1 SETU survey dates

Please note the following dates for the SETU surveys for Semester 1, 2015 – please don’t forget to complete the online SETU surveys before the closing date    The University will send reminders to you to complete the SETU surveys until you complete the surveys for ALL the Units in which you are enrolled. Thank you so much for completing these surveys – we really do appreciate the time you take to do this and use your feedback to help us continually improve the Units we offer.

  • T1-58 LLM Units- SETU survey opens 13 March and shuts down on 20 March
  • T1-58 JD Units- SETU survey opens 20  March and shuts down on 10 April
  • S1 UG Units – SETU survey opens 22 May and shuts down on 5 June
  • S1 LLM Units- SETU  survey opens 27 March and shuts down on17   April
  • UG Clinical Units – SETU survey opens 20 March and shuts down on 10  April
  • T2-57 LLM Units – SETU survey opens 24 April and shuts down on 8 May
  • Prato Units – Group 1 Units taught 7 April to 29 May  -SETU survey opens 4 May  and shuts down on 29 May
  • Prato Units –  Group 2  Units  taught 1 June  to 26 June – SETU survey opens 12 June and shuts down on 26 June

3. Australia’s Most Prestigious Essay Competition: Governor-General’s Prize

The Governor-General’s Prize is an annual essay competition open to Australian citizens and permanent residents who are enrolled in an undergraduate degree at an Australian university.

For over ten years, this prestigious competition has provided students with the opportunity to be recognised for their academic skill, talent, and research.

Each year, the judging panel for the Governor-General’s Prize has been chaired by a Justice of the High Court of Australia.  The Hon. Justice Patrick Keane has agreed to chair the judging panel for 2015.

In 2015, the questions for the Governor-General’s Prize relate to the 800th anniversary of Magna Carta.  The questions either refer explicitly to the enduring relevance of Magna Carta, or take the anniversary as an opportunity to investigate Australia’s broader constitutional heritage (of which Magna Carta is a defining moment), or the protection of freedom in Australia (which can be traced back to Magna Carta).

The deadline for submission: 30 June 2015.

For more

4. Monash-King’s College, London Degree Pathway

Outstanding Monash Law Faculty Bachelor of Laws (LLB) and Juris Doctor (JD) students have a pathway opportunity to study the LLM Program at the Dickson Poon School of Law, King’s College London, United Kingdom (King’s).

Students must have a maximum of four units to complete of their LLB or JD degrees (electives) prior to commencement of the King’s LLM. Upon successful completion of the LLM, the units studied at Kings College will be credited towards your Monash law degree (maximum four units).  The degrees of LLB or JD (Monash) and LL M King’s will then be obtained.

Further details including eligibility and how to apply –

Students must apply to Monash first and then to King’s College by 31 March 2015

If you are considering applying for this pathway option, please email under subject heading Monash-King’s pathway expression of interest:

Generous scholarships also available through King’s College

King’s College offer three exciting scholarship opportunities available for the LLM programme,

  • The Yeoh Tiong Lay LLM Scholarships
  • The Bosco Tso and Emily NG Scholarship Programme
  • the Nigerian Law Scholars Fund.

For further information about these scholarships and other available funding for the LLM, please visit

A new Monash Law Faculty Scholarship for overseas postgraduate pathway study will be announced soon – please check the Student Gazette over the next couple of weeks.

5. 2015 Monash University Alumni Outreach Campaign – seeking Law student involvement

The Dean, Professor Bryan Horrigan, is keen to encourage Law students to get involved in the University’s Alumni Outreach Campaign this year.

Please see the relevant Career Gateway link below:

Note: you will need to log in with your student ID to see the advertisement and apply:

6. Hump Day 2015

Make sure you head down to check out Hump Day, on Wednesdays running weeks 1 – 12.

12pm – 2pm on the Lemon Scented Lawn, Behind the Campus Centre, Clayton Campus

  • MSA Activities host a BBQ
  • listen to the sounds of talented Monash musicians
  • bands, DJs, solo artists.

See you there? Over the Hump of the week!

Undergraduate Notices

Thursday, March 19th, 2015

1. AINSE Winter School 2015

AINSE is offering a prestigious scholarship to all senior undergraduate students from AINSE member universities.

They are looking for senior undergraduate students to apply for a scholarship to attend the AINSE Winter School running in July 2015, Sydney.

Students interested in the use of nuclear techniques, across a range of disciplines, such as archaeology, biology, chemistry, engineering, geology, materials science, medicine, nanotechnology, and physics are encouraged to apply.

For more information and to apply

Interested students must contact Prof Ian Smith’s office (AINSE councillor at Monash) via to fill in a nomination form.

Applications close: 20th April 2015.

Download Winter School flyer 2015

End Gazette 23/3/15


Friday, March 13th, 2015

1. Faculty managed internship opportunity – ZICOlaw Internship, Malaysia

ZICOlaw are Malaysia’s largest law firm with offices located in Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia and Thailand.  Their expertise and commitment to goals has led them to be a multiple recipient of the “Malaysian Law Firm of the Year” award from the International Financial Law Review.

Further information including application process and eligibility details visit:

Applications are now open and close Friday 13 March, 2015

Duration: Minimum of 4 weeks from mid-June to mid-July 2015

Student Mobility Funding may be provided, please see the eligibility criteria.

For more information:

2. Global opportunities: Allens and Linklaters

Allens and Linklaters are offering clerkship opportunities in Australia, Hong Kong  and London for Australian law students in the penultimate year of their law degrees.

Find out more, attend the information session:

Date: Wednesday, 25 March – 1pm – 2pm or Thursday, 26 March
Time: 6pm – 7pm
Venue:   Allens, Level 37, 101 Collins Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000

For more information and to register:

For any queries, please contact Lisa Millar, National Graduate Resourcing Consultant, at Allens at

Download the  invitation flyer


Friday, March 13th, 2015

1. Combined VADR/VARJ CPD Event on “Responding more effectively to workplace grievance and other symptoms of stress”

Date: Thursday, 16 April
Time: 5.00pm for a 6:00pm start
Location: Coopers Inn (2nd floor), cnr Exhibition and Little Lonsdale Street
Cost: Free to current VADR or VARJ members, $20 for non-members. Finger food is provided. Drinks are available at the bar.
CPD Points:

You are cordially invited to a combined VADR VARJ (Victorian Association for Restorative Justice) CPD .

A panel of workplace experts, Murray Bickerdike, Dr Anna Chapman and Zandy Fell, facilitated by Dr David Moore will discuss the topic “Responding more effectively to workplace grievance and other symptoms of stress”.

Currently psychological injury claims constitute 10% of the total number, although they consume around one third of the compensation budget, mainly due to long recovery times. Many in the field believe that the methods used to handle such claims  actually exacerbate stress and delay return to work. Our expert panel discusses ways in which they consider workplace grievances and stress can be handled more effectively in the short-term and reduced over time with more effective decision-making and dispute resolution.

Please note the starting time is earlier than usual. This panel presentation will start at 6:00pm and conclude at 7:30pm.

If you’d like to attend, please email or Please feel free to pass on details of the event to anyone you think may be interested

2. Free Screening of “Beyond Right & Wrong: Stories of Justice and Forgiveness”

Date: Saturday 21 March
Time: 4.30pm (doors open at 4pm)
Location: Cinema NOVA,380 Lygon Street, Carlton VIC 3053
Admission is free

Please join award-winning filmmaker, Lekha Singh, alongside IRA Bombing victim, Jo Berry for the Melbourne free screening of Singh’s award winning documentary.

This transformative documentary shares the uplifting stories of survivors of three major conflicts as they balance forgiveness with the need for justice.

Please stay for a Q&A with filmmaker Lekha Singh and Jo Berry.

Donations to this screening will go to Global Reconciliation.

Bookings essential on 9387 2058 or

About Global Reconciliation

Global Reconciliation is an Australian-led initiative promoting dialogues and practical engagements across cultural, political, racial and other differences.  They facilitate research and reconciliation practice, partnerships and learning, both locally and globally.

General Notices

Friday, March 13th, 2015

1. S1 SETU survey dates

Please note the following dates for the SETU surveys for Semester 1, 2015 – please don’t forget to complete the online SETU surveys before the closing date    The University will send reminders to you to complete the SETU surveys until you complete the surveys for ALL the Units in which you are enrolled. Thank you so much for completing these surveys – we really do appreciate the time you take to do this and use your feedback to help us continually improve the Units we offer.

  • T1-58 LLM Units- SETU survey opens 13 March and shuts down on 20 March
  • T1-58 JD Units- SETU survey opens 20  March and shuts down on 10 April
  • S1 UG Units – SETU survey opens 22 May and shuts down on 5 June
  • S1 LLM Units- SETU  survey opens 27 March and shuts down on17   April
  • UG Clinical Units – SETU survey opens 20 March and shuts down on 10  April
  • T2-57 LLM Units – SETU survey opens 24 April and shuts down on 8 May
  • Prato Units – Group 1 Units taught 7 April to 29 May  -SETU survey opens 4 May  and shuts down on 29 May
  • Prato Units –  Group 2  Units  taught 1 June  to 26 June – SETU survey opens 12 June and shuts down on 26 June

2. Australia’s Most Prestigious Essay Competition: Governor-General’s Prize

The Governor-General’s Prize is an annual essay competition open to Australian citizens and permanent residents who are enrolled in an undergraduate degree at an Australian university.

For over ten years, this prestigious competition has provided students with the opportunity to be recognised for their academic skill, talent, and research.

Each year, the judging panel for the Governor-General’s Prize has been chaired by a Justice of the High Court of Australia.  The Hon. Justice Patrick Keane has agreed to chair the judging panel for 2015.

In 2015, the questions for the Governor-General’s Prize relate to the 800th anniversary of Magna Carta.  The questions either refer explicitly to the enduring relevance of Magna Carta, or take the anniversary as an opportunity to investigate Australia’s broader constitutional heritage (of which Magna Carta is a defining moment), or the protection of freedom in Australia (which can be traced back to Magna Carta).

The deadline for submission: 30 June 2015.

For more information:

3. 2015 Law Malaysia Program – Applications now open!

Monash University Malaysia, located near Kuala Lumpur

  • 29 June – 21 August
  • Full semester of law studies
  • Generous travel grants and bursaries available
  • Small classes, with students from partner universities, including Germany, Malaysia, Canada and Paris
  • Taught by academic staff from Monash and overseas universities

Further information


Application process including application form:

4. Monash-King’s College, London Degree Pathway

Outstanding Monash Law Faculty Bachelor of Laws (LLB) and Juris Doctor (JD) students have a pathway opportunity to study the LLM Program at the Dickson Poon School of Law, King’s College London, United Kingdom (King’s).

Students must have a maximum of four units to complete of their LLB or JD degrees (electives) prior to commencement of the King’s LLM. Upon successful completion of the LLM, the units studied at Kings College will be credited towards your Monash law degree (maximum four units).  The degrees of LLB or JD (Monash) and LL M King’s will then be obtained.

Further details including eligibility and how to apply –

Students must apply to Monash first and then to King’s College by 31 March 2015

If you are considering applying for this pathway option, please email under subject heading Monash-King’s pathway expression of interest:

Generous scholarships also available through King’s College

King’s College offer three exciting scholarship opportunities available for the LLM programme,

  • The Yeoh Tiong Lay LLM Scholarships
  • The Bosco Tso and Emily NG Scholarship Programme
  • the Nigerian Law Scholars Fund.

For further information about these scholarships and other available funding for the LLM, please visit

A new Monash Law Faculty Scholarship for overseas postgraduate pathway study will be announced soon – please check the Student Gazette over the next couple of weeks.

5. 2015 Monash University Alumni Outreach Campaign – seeking Law student involvement

The Dean, Professor Bryan Horrigan, is keen to encourage Law students to get involved in the University’s Alumni Outreach Campaign this year.

Please see the relevant Career Gateway link below:

Note: you will need to log in with your student ID to see the advertisement and apply:

6. Hump Day 2015

Make sure you head down to check out Hump Day, on Wednesdays running weeks 1 – 12.

12pm – 2pm on the Lemon Scented Lawn, Behind the Campus Centre, Clayton Campus

  • MSA Activities host a BBQ
  • listen to the sounds of talented Monash musicians
  • bands, DJs, solo artists.

See you there? Over the Hump of the week!

End Gazette 16/3/15