Archive for March, 2019


Friday, March 15th, 2019

1. Just Leadership Program – applications close today

Applications for the 2019 Just Leadership Program close Friday 15 March.

Celebrating its tenth anniversary in 2019, the Just Leadership Program provides participants with a fantastic opportunity to affiliate, learn from and listen to high profile speakers who are closely associated with social justice and equity issues in the law.

Selected students will be invited to participate in seminars focusing on a range of social justice issues, as well as to undertake a group project on one of the seminar topics. This project may take the form of a policy article, parliamentary submission, or other work done in affiliation with a human rights organisation or community legal centre.

Students interested in applying must be able to attend all of the following seminars:

  • Tuesday 2 April: Introductory Seminar: Leadership in Social Justice (6.00-9.00pm)
  • Tuesday 16 April: Juvenile Justice (6.30-8.30pm)
  • Tuesday 30 April: Asylum Seekers’ and Refugee Rights (6.30-8.30pm)
  • Wednesday 8 May: Mental Health and Rights of People with Disabilities (6.30-8.30pm)
  • Tuesday 14 May: Poverty and Homelessness (6.30-8.30pm)
  • Tuesday 21 May: Rights of Indigenous Peoples (6.30-8.30pm)
  • Wednesday 31 July: Animal Justice (6.30-8.30pm)
  • Tuesday 20 August: Environmental Justice (6.30-8.30pm)
  • Tuesday 27 August: Women’s Rights (6.30-8.30)
  • Tuesday 3 September: LGBTQIA+ Rights (6.30-8.30pm)
  • Tuesday 17 September: JLP Graduation and Public Lecture (Clayton Campus)

Please direct any questions or concerns to Julian and Felicia at or visit


Applications close Friday 15 March at 5.00pm AEDT.

2. Law Ambassador Program – applications close today

Applications for the highly acclaimed Monash Law Ambassador Program 2019 Friday 15 March.

The program gives students of all years (LLB/LLM/JD) an opportunity to enhance your university experience by creating and implementing projects that benefit the faculty, the university or the wider community. It is a great means to develop employability skills, increase confidence and create lasting friendships.

Please note that applications close on 15 March 2019 (11:59pm AEDT) and shortlisted candidates will be required to attend the mandatory Program Launch Seminar on 29 March 2019 from 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM at Clayton campus.

For more information about the program, and to apply, please visit the Law AmbassadorProgram webpage.

3. International Legal Careers (ILC)

International Legal Careers (ILC) is a student-led non-profit service started by a group of Monash Law Ambassadors. Established in 2018, ILC expressly aims to provide law students, legal academics & practitioners with a resource that details the experience of practicing law in foreign countries. Please visit for more information.

ILC is seeking a dedicated team of hard-working students who can assist in advancing the project & maintaining this resource to the highest possible standard. This would not only refine your personal knowledge of international legal opportunities, but a role with ILC would be a very reputable portfolio to include on your resumé.

Positions for Editor-in-chief, Editor and Researcher are available.


Please note applications close Saturday 30 March at 5:00pm AEDT.

4. European Commission EDD 2019 Young Leaders Programme

The European Commission is inviting young people from around the world to play an active role in this year’s EDD. We are looking for 15 extraordinary young people aged 21-26 who can represent the powerful impact that youth are having in the development field.

The Young Leaders Programme will consist of a 10-day visit to Brussels, where Young Leaders will meet EU experts and stakeholders and play a leading role in the EDD Programme, which will include speaking in various session alongside global leaders. Is inequality an issue that impacts you deeply and which you are working to bring to light and to reduce? Do you want to share your vision of the future with other influential development actors? The time has come to make your voice heard.

Apply for the Young Leaders Programme and grab the chance to be invited to Brussels to share your ideas! Applications will close on Sunday 24 March 2019 (1:00 PM CET) More information at:

Career Development

Friday, March 15th, 2019

1. Hong Kong Law Careers Fair 2019

The inaugural Hong Kong Law Careers Fair hosted at Monash Law Chambers will give you an opportunity to meet representatives from top-tier firms in Hong Kong and learn more about clerkship, vacation roles and graduate roles on offer. It is also a great chance to meet some of the leading universities and learn about their law undergraduate and postgraduate programs as well as the Postgraduate Certificate in Law (PCLL programme).

Law Firms exhibiting:

  • Allen & Overy
  • Clifford Chance
  • Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer
  • Herbert Smith Freehills
  • King & Wood Mallesons
  • Latham & Watkins
  • Morgan Lewis
  • Sidley Austin
  • Skadden

Law Schools exhibiting:

  • Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • City University of Hong Kong
  • University of Hong Kong

Details here.

2. Aurora Internship Program

Apply now for The Aurora Internship Program.

For 15 years, the Program has provided Indigenous and non-Indigenous law students and graduates internship opportunities as pathways to jobs in Indigenous organisations and other organisations working in the Indigenous sector


Please note applications close Friday 29 March.


3. Tip Staff and Researcher positions at NSW Court of Appeal

Please find position descriptions for the following roles:

  • Researcher to the Court of Appeal, Supreme Court of New South Wales (see more)
  • Tipstaff to the President of the Court of Appeal, Supreme Court of New South Wales (see more)

Applications for the positions will close on Wednesday 20 March 2019.


4. Casual work at Monash Law Chambers

The MPA (Monash Postgraduate Association) is seeking currently enrolled postgraduates to assist in developing, advertising
and hosting events and seminars at Monash Law Chambers.
Postgraduates must be enrolled and in regular attendance at the Law Chambers.
Work is casual and would be between 2 – 4 hours per week.
For more information contact the Campus Development Officer, Rhian Adlam, email

5. King & Wood Mallesons International Centre – information session in Melbourne

King & Wood Mallesons Hong Kong office in conjunction with KWM International Centre will be launching a new graduate program “PROPEL” in September 2019.
We will be hosting an information session on the new program on Thursday 21 March 2019 at the KWM Melbourne office in Bourke Street from 5.30 – 7.30pm.
Learn more about the:


Friday, March 15th, 2019

1. Global Undergraduate Awards

The Global Undergraduate Awards 2019 Programme is now accepting submissions.

The Global Undergraduate Awards is the world’s largest academic awards programme which recognises top undergraduate work, shares this work with a global audience, and connects students across cultures and disciplines.

Students submit their work for free online and it is judged by a panel of international judges, consisting of leading academic experts and industry leaders.

Why should you submit to the Global Undergraduate Awards?

  1. Earn international recognition for academic coursework that you have already completed.
  2. Win a FREE trip to Dublin to attend the UA Global Summit.
  3. Get your work published in The Undergraduate Library.
  4. Network with top undergraduates and academics from around the world.
  5. Receive access to the exclusive UA Alumni Portal.