Archive for July, 2016

Undergraduate Notices

Tuesday, July 26th, 2016

1. Study in Germany January/February 2017

The Information Centre of the German Academic Exchange Service are pleased to once again announce the availability of Hochschulwinterkurs scholarships for a 6 week period in January/February 2017.

The Hochschulwinterkurs scholarship is mainly geared towards second-year students with German skills of at least level B1 according to the European framework of references for languages.

The deadline for applications is Monday 15 August 2016.

Applications are open now and must be submitted via the DAAD online portal.

Full information is available is on the DAAD website.

2. University of Pennsylvania Undergraduate Law Journal – call for submissions

The Penn Undergraduate Law Journal is looking for papers ranging from 20 to 100+ double-spaced pages in length.

The journal is especially receptive to research papers, senior theses, and independent studies or final papers written for classes.

Papers need not be on American law – they can be on the laws or legal system of any country. PULJ considers submissions on a rolling basis for each issue, so if your piece is not finished by the deadline, please still submit it upon completion.

Students in any field of study are encouraged to submit their work, so long as their piece relates to the law or the legal system. Possible disciplinary perspectives include, but are not limited to: History, Criminology, Economics, Sociology, Anthropology, English, Biology, Neuroscience, Philosophy, Linguistics, Psychology, and Political Science.

Please submit your work here.

Please note submissions close 11:59pm on Friday 9 September 2016.

Selected pieces will be published in the seventh issue of the Penn Undergraduate Law Journal.

If you have questions or concerns please see here.

Postgraduate Notices

Tuesday, July 26th, 2016

1. International Labour Law

Are you interested in learning about:

  • International labour law?
  • Impact of globalisation on labour law?
  • Labour standards and transnational operations?
  • Influence of the ILO?

These issues and more, are studied in the Master of Laws (LLM) unit, International Labour Law (LAW5398). For more information see here.

2. University of Oxford, London Pathway Opportunity

Would you like to graduate with a qualification from Monash University and University of Oxford London?

The Faculty of Law offers a pathway opportunity to study a Bachelor of Civil Law or Masters in Law and Finance at the University of Oxford London (Oxford) for outstanding Monash students enrolled in the Master of Laws (Juris Doctor) (JD).

If successful, you will begin your studies at Oxford in October 2017. At that time you must have no more than four (4) elective units left to complete in your Monash qualification.

For further details including eligibility and application process please see the Monash JD pathway to Oxford study opportunity website.

Applications close Friday 30 September 2016.


Tuesday, July 26th, 2016

1. Menzies Memorial Scholarships

The Sir Robert Menzies Memorial Foundation offers two post-graduate scholarships in law: the Sir Robert Menzies Memorial Scholarship in Law and the Sir Ninian Stephen Menzies Scholarship in International Law. Each is tenable at a prestigious overseas university.

The foundation is looking for lawyers who wish to do postgraduate studies at an overseas university with the aim of developing their leadership, knowledge and skills for the benefit of others.

At the time of application, candidates must hold a law degree with an academic record in law that is equivalent to a First Class Honours Degree (H1), normally from an Australian university.

Both scholarships are valued at up to AUD$75,000 per year for one or two years.

Applications are now open and close on Wednesday 31 August 2016.

For the full prospectus and to apply, see here.

2. Student Futures – online tool to help prepare for your career

Careers Connect have launched a website for student careers, called Student Futures.

Student Futures is an online tool to help you prepare for your career.

It helps students find opportunities, track progress toward career-oriented goals, hones in on basic job preparation (CV, interviews, etc) and contains units on employability skills.

Give it a go today.


Tuesday, July 26th, 2016

1. The VAT / GST Seminar – Input Tax Deductibility and Neutrality

Presented by the Federal Court of Australia and Melbourne Law School:

Date: Wednesday 3 August 2016

Time: 5:00 – 6:30pm

Venue: Federal Court, Court 8A, Level 8 William Street, Melbourne

Cost: Free

Register: Click here to register by Monday, 1 August 2016.

Light refreshments to follow from 6.30pm for Melbourne talk.

This event will be video streamed live to courts in Sydney, Perth, Canberra, Brisbane, Adelaide, Darwin, Hobart. Details of these venues are available on our webpage.

See attached Flyer

2. Entrepreneurship and Commercialisation Lecture Series

Registrations are now open for the Monash Entrepreneurship and Commercialisation lecture series.

Interested undergraduate and postgraduate students and staff are all welcome to attend the lectures.

Further information on topics, speakers and registration can be found here.

3. Willem C Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot

Formal applications for students interested in the Willem C Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot for 2016-17 are now open.

The moot will be held in Hong Kong and Vienna in late March to mid April 2017.

Participation for both LLB and JD students can count for your degree as a 6 point subject.

Please find application form and more information about the moot here.

Please note applications are due by Friday 5 August 2016 at 6.00pm.

If you have any queries, please email Lisa Spagnolo (

General Notices

Tuesday, July 26th, 2016

1. PITCH ORIGINATOR! A Monash start up competition

This start up competition will allow the Monash community to pursue their entrepreneurial dreams and aim to launch their awesome idea to commercial success. Students & staff from across the University are eligible to apply. Five winning teams will each receive $20,000, plus entry into the ACCELERATOR program to help refine and polish their idea so it is ready to pitch to investors for seed investment by the end of the program.

Applications open Thursday 28 July 2016.

Find out more information here and view attached flyer (including program timeline) here.

*The second semester of how to build a start up series has started, register and find out more about the MOTIVATOR series here.

2. Shine a Light on Mental Health

An inspiring night of musical performances and powerful stories shining a light on mental health in our diverse community. Hosted by the hilarious Diana Nguyen (of NAKED and Phi and Me fame), the event will feature reflections from former Australian of the Year Professor Patrick McGorry AO, writer and author (High Sobriety: My Year Without Booze) Jill Stark, mental health advocate and President of the Monash University International Student Service Karekhaa Nayar, with performances from the Mel O’ Neill Quintet, Joel McKerrow, Natasha Weatherhill, the Monash University Sri Lankan Cultural Club and others.

Date: Monday 8 August 2016

Time: 6:30pm – 8:00pm

Venue: Caulfield Campus, H116, 900 Dandenong Road, Caufield East, VIC

Book here.

3. Connecting with Law Short Film Competition

The Connecting with Law Short Film Competition is launching again for 2016.

Open to all Australian law students, the Connecting with Law Short Film Competition is an opportunity for students to get creative, get their name known in law and be in the running to win great prizes.

This year, students are invited to create a 2-5 minute film about what inspires them to study law, that will educate, entertain and engage their fellow law students and help them connect with law.

Please find more information here.

Please note entries close Friday 29 July 2016.

4. theDELINEATOR: facilitated ideation sessions for startups

Lots of people don’t consider themselves entrepreneurs. But it sometimes just takes an ideation session and they have come up with a number of interesting startup concepts in just a few hours.

This is an empowering, exciting and fun event that is great for team building and professional development.

We plan to run sessions in small groups of 10-30 people.

The venue is still TBC but we will advise you of the exact location when it is organised.

Date: Friday 12 August 2016

Time: 9:00am – 12:00pm

Venue: TBA

Light refreshments provided

Register here.

5. Do you need help with your clerkship applications?

If you are after tailored and personal advice relating to CVs, cover letters, applications and interviewing techniques contact to organise a one-on-one session.

The sessions are run by final year law students who have clerked at top and mid-tier law firms and received offers from a number of firms.

6. Faculty Managed Internship: EcoPeace, Middle East, Israel

Please find further information here about this three-month internship, taking place from November 2016 to February 2017.

Applications are now open and close Friday 29 July 2016.

Student Mobility Funding may be provided, please see eligibility criteria here.


7. Faculty Managed Internship: Herzog Fox & Neeman, Israel

Applications are now open and close Friday 16 September 2016 for the Herzog Fox & Neeman internship in Israel.

The internship will go for a minimum of 4 weeks from mid-January to mid-February 2017.

Further information including Application process & Eligibility details can be found here.

Student Mobility Funding may be provided, please see eligibility criteria.


8. Free tax returns for students

Need help lodging your tax return?

Make an appointment with an Australian Tax Office trained volunteer.

Appointments are free and available on Caulfield and Clayton Campus.

For more information and to book your appointment visit

9. Inaugural Michael Taussig QC Family Law Essay Awards

The Family Law Section of the Law Council of Australia is pleased to invite law students to participate in the inaugural Michael Taussig QC Family Law Essay Awards.

The Awards commemorate the life and contribution of Michael Taussig QC, one of the Family Law Section’s most outstanding members.

The Family Law Section is the largest of the Law Council’s specialist sections. Since its inception in 1985, the Section has developed a reputation as a source of innovative, constructive and informed leadership in all areas of family law reform and policy development. With a national membership of more than 2,500 family lawyers and related professionals, the organisation is committing to furthering the development of practice in family law for the benefit of the Australian community.

Two Awards will be offered in 2016, one for junior lawyers and the second for law students.

The student Award is open to law students from all Australian Universities, with a prize value of $1,500.

Please find information about eligibility and criteria here.

Please note essays must be submitted by Friday 26 August 2016.

10. International Students Work Rights Legal Service

A new International Students Work Rights Legal Service is now operating in Victoria.

JobWatch Inc, in collaboration with the Study Melbourne Student Centre and Inner Melbourne Community Legal, is operating this new legal service at the Study Melbourne Student Centre every Thursday.

Study Melbourne Student Centre (SMSC) is a free and confidential ‘one stop shop’ where international students in Victoria can access a range of free support, information and welfare services.

As part of the service, a JobWatch lawyer will be based at the Study Melbourne Student Centre each Thursday from 9.00am until 5.00pm to give international students free and confidential legal advice about work-related matters. JobWatch is also available to assist international students with work-related matters during the rest of the week.

Inner Melbourne Community Legal (IMCL) is available to assist international students with general law consultations (not including immigration advice). A lawyer from IMCL will be at the Study Melbourne Student Centre every Thursday afternoon.

The Study Melbourne Student Centre is located at 599 Little Bourke St, Melbourne (close to Southern Cross Station).

For queries please contact the Study Melbourne Student Centre by email ( or phone 1800 056 449 (free call from landlines).

11. 2017 Nygh Internship

Are you a Postgrad student or Law graduate?

Here’s your chance to undertake an internship with Hague Conference on Private International Law in the Netherlands.

Applications for the 2017 Nygh Internship are open until Friday 30 September 2016.

Find more information here.

12. Rhodes Scholarships 2017 – applications now open

Applications for the Rhodes Scholarships for 2017 are now open and will close at 5.00 pm on Thursday 1 September 2016.

The Rhodes Scholarship is one of the oldest and most distinguished scholarships in the world.

Previous winners from Australia include prime ministers Malcolm Turnbull, Tony Abbott and Bob Hawke, Justices Hayne and Heydon of the High Court of Australia, and Justice Elizabeth Hollingworth of the Victorian Supreme Court, pioneer in evidence-based medicine Anna Donald, Director General of CIVICUS Dhananjayan Sivaguru Sriskandarajah, Nobel Prize winners Sir John Eccles and Lord Howard Florey, and infrastructure expert Sir Rod Eddington.

Successful candidates will receive assistance with their travelling expenses to the UK, as well as a monthly allowance to contribute towards their living expenses whilst in Oxford. In addition, all University tuition fees are paid on the scholar’s behalf by the Rhodes Trust.

Rhodes Scholarships are available to those who have completed by 15 June 2017, at least four years’ of university study, such as an outstanding Honours degree, a combined degree or graduate degree, and enjoy success at a range of activities such as sports, involvement in community activities, and have a desire to lead and make a difference in the world. Note that age limits do apply and, for the 2017 round, candidates must not be born before 1 October 1991.

Please find further information about how to apply for a Rhodes Scholarship and more background information.

If you have any further enquiries please email

13. UNCITRAL-RCAP internship

Internships at UNCITRAL Regional Centre for Asia and the Pacific are now open for application at the United Nations Careers Portal (Job Opening Number: 62835 / Duty Station: Incheon City, Republic of Korea).

The internship positions are for a minimum duration of two months and a maximum duration of six months with various starting dates within the period of 1 October 2016 – 31 March 2017.

Please note applications close Thursday 28 July 2016.

Applicants for the internship must, at the time of application, meet one of the following requirements:

(a) Be enrolled in a graduate school programme (second university degree or equivalent, or higher);

(b) Be enrolled in the final academic year of a first university degree programme (minimum Bachelor’s level or equivalent);

(c) Have graduated with a university degree (as defined in (a) and (b) above) and, if selected, must commence the internship within a one-year period of graduation.

To apply and to find find further details see here.

14. University of Vienna, Austria – January 2017 short term program

Would you like to study in Austria for an intensive one month short-term program?

  • No tuition fees paid to the University of Vienna
  • Monash Abroad travel grant available plus Travel Insurance
  • Only two student places available
  • Three short units in Austria for 6 credit points

Eligibility: 65% Law average plus Law Faculty credit point requirements.

To apply: Please submit the Monash Abroad ISP application form together with a copy of your bank statement to by Friday 19 August 2016.

For further information see here.

Law Students’ Society (LSS) Notices

Tuesday, July 26th, 2016

LSS General Notices

1. Law Council of Australia Scholarships: Business Law

Each year the Business Law Section offers three scholarships of $5000 to the writer of the best papers in fields of Competition, Corporations and Taxation Law. The scholarships are targeted to ‘early career’ legal professionals with less than four years of professional experience in the legal field of their paper. In the past winners have come from across academia, business and government sectors.

These scholarships are well suited to any Honours or research student who has previously written on a topic in one of the available fields.

Entries close 5pm Sunday 31 July. For more information, please visit here.

2. Start next semester on track and beat procrastination with Leap into Leadership online

We know it’s hard to manage your time while at university. Balancing study, work, volunteering and other responsibilities can be stressful. Before the start of a busy new semester, now is the perfect time to get organised and develop your skills. That’s why Monash has created Time Management and Prioritisation, a free online module for all students. You’ll learn how to stay focused and avoid procrastination, create an effective to-do list and delegate to your team. It only takes about one to two hours to complete the module, and you’ll receive a personalised certificate and resource pack when you finish.

Time Management and Prioritisation is just one module offered in Leap into Leadership Online: a suite of interactive modules you can complete any time, at any stage of your studies. With modules on communication, teamwork, goal-setting and more, there’s plenty of topics to suit you.

Be ready to start next semester on the right track – enrol in “Time Management and Prioritisation” now.

3. English Connect: Monash University free lessons developing your English

Drop in sessions:

Assistance with academic English in free, one to one “drop in” 20 minute sessions, no booking requires. They operate week 3-13 every semester, Monday – Friday 11am – 3pm daily in Career Connect, starting Monday 8 August.

Sessions include grammar checks, explanations and sample editing, providing grammar resources and directions for self-development. Bring in your academic work with you and talk it through. This is facilitated by Monash students.

English speaking sessions:

Structured but flexible fun sessions that operate weekly for one hour for 9 weeks (August – October). This is a great way to make friends, laugh and learn. The content will address common conversation situations, how to make friends and talk to local students, Australian slang and accents as well as having a party at the end of semester! Registration for class is open with the timetable being released in late June.

Visit or email for more information.

4. Uni & Chill: how to have a life at university

All first years! As part of Monash University’s student led Mental Health Champions program, we’re excited to bring to you… Uni & Chill! This time together is aimed at helping you learn and reflect upon things that can help you on your university journey. What better way to do this, than in a warm, engaging and safe environment with other uni students!

The dates will be:
Monday 8 August 6:30pm -7:30pm
Monday 15 August 6:30pm -7:30pm
Monday 22 August 6:30pm -7:30pm
Monday 29 August 6:30pm -7:30pm

Broadly, we will be exploring procrastination, self-care, mindfulness, and ways to get the most out of and adjust to university life. Each of these areas has some potential for you to do better or feel better when it comes to your university experience. Yes, grades are important, but what’s just as important is having fun along the way, and creating space in our lives and minds to do this. Register through the Monash Booking System, bookings are essential and places are limited. Register here and join the Facebook event here: .

LSS Careers Notices

1. Career Confident has opened in McKinnon. We offer a range of affordable career services and have specialist knowledge of the legal sector and graduate employment market

Are you ready to graduate? Boutique careers consultancy practice, Career Confident has just opened in McKinnon. Helen Green, Director, has specialist knowledge of the local legal sector, professional services and the competitive graduate employment market. Career Confident is offering Monash Law students and recent graduates a 30% discount on all services for the next three months (usually 20%).

Helen is a professional member of the Career Development Association of Australia. She has worked in positions involving a high degree of employer contact in the legal sector for many years, most recently at Melbourne Law School where she was Law School’s Career Programs Consultant. Services offered include; career counselling, job search strategies, documentation review, LinkedIn/social media profiles, tertiary course advice, mentoring and interview preparation. She enjoys working with students and has helped many law students and recent graduates. To find out more, read client testimonials and download some free articles, visit our website, check out our facebook page or phone Helen 0428 888 292.

2. King & Wood Mallesons launches Become App

To coincide with the opening of this years’ clerkship applications, King & Wood Mallesons have created an app – KWM Become – which helps you navigate the process and ultimately secure the right clerkship for you. The app is free to download and provides unique insight into what life is really like at a leading commercial law firm, including actual examples of what junior lawyers do at KWM on a day to day basis.

The app also includes a quick quiz to see if KWM is right for you along with regular updates throughout the application process and hints and tips about how to secure the right clerkship. To download free of charge today, visit the App Store or Google Play.

3. Baker & McKenzie: updated website and application process

Applications for Baker & McKenzie’s Melbourne Summer Clerkship Program are open. Apply via our website. We look forward to receiving our application.

Please note that this is a recent change and any details provided in our Seasonal Clerkship Guide are now incorrect. Please use the website above for applications.

4. Allens Adopts a Rare Approach to Recruitment

Allens is proud to be the founding partner of Rare’s Contextual Recruitment System (CRS) In Australia. Allens is using this tool in its clerkship application process this year, and are keen to share information about the system with students.

Rare enables us to view a candidate in context by offering a more complete picture of an individual’s background, including socio-economic and family background, education experience and performance and culture. The CRS is used by all the magic circle firms in the UK. The research shows that students from disadvantage backgrounds are 50% more likely to be hired using this tool.

If you have any questions about the CRS please contact our Graduate Resourcing team at or click here.


1. JD Office Hours

The JD LSS office hours are as follows:

Monday: 12.00pm – 5.00pm

Wednesday: 12.00pm – 5.00pm

Thursday: 11.00am – 3.00pm

During these times memberships and event tickets can be purchased. However if these times do not suit you please contact

End of Gazette 26/07/2016

Undergraduate Notices

Tuesday, July 19th, 2016

1. Study in Germany January/February 2017

The Information Centre of the German Academic Exchange Service are pleased to once again announce the availability of Hochschulwinterkurs scholarships for a 6 week period in January/February 2017.

The Hochschulwinterkurs scholarship is mainly geared towards second-year students with German skills of at least level B1 according to the European framework of references for languages.

The deadline for applications is Monday 15 August 2016.

Applications are open now and must be submitted via the DAAD online portal.

Full information is available is on the DAAD website.

2. University of Pennsylvania Undergraduate Law Journal – call for submissions

The Penn Undergraduate Law Journal is looking for papers ranging from 20 to 100+ double-spaced pages in length.

The journal is especially receptive to research papers, senior theses, and independent studies or final papers written for classes.

Papers need not be on American law – they can be on the laws or legal system of any country. PULJ considers submissions on a rolling basis for each issue, so if your piece is not finished by the deadline, please still submit it upon completion.

Students in any field of study are encouraged to submit their work, so long as their piece relates to the law or the legal system. Possible disciplinary perspectives include, but are not limited to: History, Criminology, Economics, Sociology, Anthropology, English, Biology, Neuroscience, Philosophy, Linguistics, Psychology, and Political Science.

Please submit your work here.

Please note submissions close 11:59pm on Friday 9 September 2016.

Selected pieces will be published in the seventh issue of the Penn Undergraduate Law Journal.

If you have questions or concerns please see here.

Postgraduate Notices

Tuesday, July 19th, 2016

1. International Labour Law

Are you interested in learning about:

  • International labour law?
  • Impact of globalisation on labour law?
  • Labour standards and transnational operations?
  • Influence of the ILO?

These issues and more, are studied in the Master of Laws (LLM) unit, International Labour Law (LAW5398). For more information see here.

2. University of Oxford, London Pathway Opportunity

Would you like to graduate with a qualification from Monash University and University of Oxford London?

The Faculty of Law offers a pathway opportunity to study a Bachelor of Civil Law or Masters in Law and Finance at the University of Oxford London (Oxford) for outstanding Monash students enrolled in the Master of Laws (Juris Doctor) (JD).

If successful, you will begin your studies at Oxford in October 2017. At that time you must have no more than four (4) elective units left to complete in your Monash qualification.

For further details including eligibility and application process please see the Monash JD pathway to Oxford study opportunity website.

Applications close Friday 30 September 2016.


Tuesday, July 19th, 2016

1. Career Confident has opened in McKinnon. We offer a range of affordable career services and have specialist knowledge of the legal sector and graduate employment market

Are you ready to graduate? Boutique careers consultancy practice, Career Confident has just opened in McKinnon. Helen Green, Director, has specialist knowledge of the local legal sector, professional services and the competitive graduate employment market. Career Confident is offering Monash Law students and recent graduates a 30% discount on all services for the next three months (usually 20%).

Helen is a professional member of the Career Development Association of Australia. She has worked in positions involving a high degree of employer contact in the legal sector for many years, most recently at Melbourne Law School where she was Law School’s Career Programs Consultant. Services offered include; career counselling, job search strategies, documentation review, LinkedIn/social media profiles, tertiary course advice, mentoring and interview preparation. She enjoys working with students and has helped many law students and recent graduates. To find out more, read client testimonials and download some free articles, visit our website, check out our facebook page or phone Helen 0428 888 292.

2. King & Wood Mallesons launches Become App

To coincide with the opening of this years’ clerkship applications, King & Wood Mallesons have created an app – KWM Become – which helps you navigate the process and ultimately secure the right clerkship for you. The app is free to download and provides unique insight into what life is really like at a leading commercial law firm, including actual examples of what junior lawyers do at KWM on a day to day basis.

The app also includes a quick quiz to see if KWM is right for you along with regular updates throughout the application process and hints and tips about how to secure the right clerkship. To download free of charge today, visit the App Store or Google Play.

3. Baker & McKenzie: updated website and application process

Applications for Baker & McKenzie’s Melbourne Summer Clerkship Program are open. Apply via our website. We look forward to receiving our application.

Please note that this is a recent change and any details provided in our Seasonal Clerkship Guide are now incorrect. Please use the website above for applications.

4. Allens Adopts a Rare Approach to Recruitment

Allens is proud to be the founding partner of Rare’s Contextual Recruitment System (CRS) In Australia. Allens is using this tool in its clerkship application process this year, and are keen to share information about the system with students.

Rare enables us to view a candidate in context by offering a more complete picture of an individual’s background, including socio-economic and family background, education experience and performance and culture. The CRS is used by all the magic circle firms in the UK. The research shows that students from disadvantage backgrounds are 50% more likely to be hired using this tool.

If you have any questions about the CRS please contact our Graduate Resourcing team at or click here.

5. JD

Office Hours

The JD LSS office hours are as follows:

Monday: 12-5pm

Wednesday: 12-5pm

Thursday: 11-3pm

During these times memberships and event tickets can be purchased. However if these times do not suit you please contact

6. Menzies Memorial Scholarships

The Sir Robert Menzies Memorial Foundation offers two post-graduate scholarships in law: the Sir Robert Menzies Memorial Scholarship in Law and the Sir Ninian Stephen Menzies Scholarship in International Law. Each is tenable at a prestigious overseas university.

The foundation is looking for lawyers who wish to do postgraduate studies at an overseas university with the aim of developing their leadership, knowledge and skills for the benefit of others.

At the time of application, candidates must hold a law degree with an academic record in law that is equivalent to a First Class Honours Degree (H1), normally from an Australian university.

Both scholarships are valued at up to AUD$75,000 per year for one or two years.

Applications are now open and close on Wednesday 31 August 2016.

For the full prospectus and to apply, see here.

7. Student Futures – online tool to help prepare for your career

Careers Connect have launched a website for student careers, called Student Futures.

Student Futures is an online tool to help you prepare for your career.

It helps students find opportunities, track progress toward career-oriented goals, hones in on basic job preparation (CV, interviews, etc) and contains units on employability skills.

Give it a go today.


Tuesday, July 19th, 2016

1. The VAT / GST Seminar – Input Tax Deductibility and Neutrality

Presented by the Federal Court of Australia and Melbourne Law School:

Date: Wednesday 3 August 2016

Time: 5:00 – 6:30pm

Venue: Federal Court, Court 8A, Level 8 William Street, Melbourne

Cost: Free

Register: Click here to register by Monday, 1 August 2016.

Light refreshments to follow from 6.30pm for Melbourne talk.

This event will be video streamed live to courts in Sydney, Perth, Canberra, Brisbane, Adelaide, Darwin, Hobart. Details of these venues are available on our webpage.

See attached Flyer

2. ANIMAL 2016

The Australia New Zealand Intervarsity Moot on Animal Law (ANIMAL) is hosted by The Animal Law Institute and sponsored by Voiceless the animal protection institute.

ANIMAL is one of the largest student moots in Australia and New Zealand and it is the only animal law moot for Australian and New Zealand law students.

The competition is open to any student currently enrolled in a law degree in Australia or New Zealand. Teams can consist of either 2 or 3 individuals.

ANIMAL 2016 will be hosted by Flinders University, Adelaide (Grand Final winners of ANIMAL 2015) over the weekend of 17 – 18 September 2016.

Please note registration closes Monday 25 July 2016.

Please find more information including key dates here.

3. Castan Centre Annual Human Rights Conference 2016

Join over 300 attendees from the law, civil society, academia and business at Australia’s only annual human rights conference. Student rate tickets are limited.

Speaker line up includes:

  • Mr Stan Grant, Indigenous Affairs Editor of the Guardian Australia, on the way forward for Indigenous reconciliation
  • Ms Kate Jenkins, Federal Sex Discrimination Commissioner, Australian Human Rights Commission, on achieving gender equality where we live, learn, work and play
  • Mr Tory Russell, co-founder and director of Hands Up United, Ferguson Missouri, on being Young, Black and Politicised
  • Professor Anne Aly, Professor at Edith Cowan University and Founding Chair of People Against Violent Extremism, on Radicalisation, Terrorism and Human Rights
  • Julian McMahon, lawyer for Van Tuong Nguyen and members of the Bali Nine, on the executions of Myuran Sukumaran and Andrew Chan and what has followed in the region

Date: Friday 22 July 2016

Time: 9.00am – 5.00pm

Venue: The Edge, Federation Square, Corner Swanston and Flinders Street, Melbourne

Check out the Castan Centre website for the full line-up of speakers.

4. Entrepreneurship and Commercialisation Lecture Series

Registrations are now open for the Monash Entrepreneurship and Commercialisation lecture series.

Interested undergraduate and postgraduate students and staff are all welcome to attend the lectures.

Further information on topics, speakers and registration can be found here.

5. Willem C Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot

Formal applications for students interested in the Willem C Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot for 2016-17 are now open.

The moot will be held in Hong Kong and Vienna in late March to mid April 2017.

Participation for both LLB and JD students can count for your degree as a 6 point subject.

Please find application form and more information about the moot here.

Please note applications are due by Friday 5 August 2016 at 6.00pm.

If you have any queries, please email Lisa Spagnolo (